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So the last part of this chapter has a little bit of a spicy dialogue and a little longer than normal

Hendery's POV

It was the afternoon and I didn't know what to do Xiaojun was packing to leave today

Then it hit me

The perfect idea

Xiaojun's POV

I can't find him any where and I need to start packing soon

I went back to my room and packed my suitcase

My mom walked in

"Hey make sure not to forget-"

She stopped and looked at me

"Hey what's wrong you look like your going to cry anytime soon"

"I can't find him any where I just thought he would spend the last day I'm here with me but his gone I don't know when either of us is going to have time to visit again and I'm sure we can make long distance work but I just wanted to spend the last day I can with him"

"I understand but wait maybe he has something in store for you"

*time skip*

It's 5pm we are going to leave 7pm and Hendery is still no where to be found

*3rd person's POV*

"Okay thank you this is perfect I have to go now bye"

Hendery just finished up getting his surprise ready and started driving home

Meanwhile Xiaojun was sat there wondering where the fuck his boyfriend was when his phone started buzzing with pictures of his boyfriend

Hanging out with a woman

Who he doesn't know

In a place he doesn't know

Just great

Even more great Hendery walked in and went to hug his boyfriend

"Hey love guess what I did I hope-"

He got pushed away and cut off

"Dont "love" me"

"Oh right we came up with the nicknames well my prince-"

"Shut up just shut up don't call me your prince"

Hendery stopped smiling

"What happened are you okay can I do something to he-"

"You can leave me alone in fact I'm happy I'm leaving now because apparently you couldn't even wait till I was gone to go meet other people what ever I'm leaving meet who ever you want I should've never started dating or had feelings for or let you be my first time I take it back I don't love you screw you I hate you I never wanna see you again"

Xiaojun got up and left the room

Well Hendery sat there in his room sat on the bed he used have in his arms the only person he'd ever truly loved crying

All of it was over now

21 years of friendship

3 months two days and six hours of being a couple

All gone

For what

He really didn't know

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