Stolen Shirts, Movies, Icecream and Cuddles

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Hendery's POV

I knew Xiaojun didn't fell comfortable anymore he hates reporters they make him nervous

"Hey if you want we can take the food to go"

"No it's okay I don't want to ruin this hangout we are in a nice restaurant and-"

"It's fine plus wouldn't it be better if we sat on some blankets and pillows outside on the beach house deck"

"Ya I guess that's nice"

*time skip and 3rd person's POV*

Hendery was currently at a small grocery shop because both boys decided they still wanted ice cream so Hendery stop to go get them some

Meanwhile Xiaojun is in the car revising over a plain he made

1. Sit close to him well eating

2. Suggest watching a movie

3. Be clingy durning said movie in order to see if he could get a reaction out of him

4. Call his mom and asking her to send over other skirts he has hidden in his closet so that they could have a mini fashion show

The last part was for fun and maybe because he wanted to show off his skirts a little after Hendery completed him on them so much

So he started by calling his mother

"Hello sweetie I saw you on the news that skirt was so cute you looked amazing"

"Thanks mom but actually what I wanted to talk to you about is if you could please look in my closet I have a suitcase of skirts I've bought but have been to scared to wear"

"Okay hold on let me go there"

After a few he heard his closet door open

"Oh god why do you have some many over sized shirts in here these don't look like something you'd buy"

"They're.... um they're Hendery's.... shirts that I may have worn and never gave back........"

"You stole his shirts?"

"I didn't steal them he knows I have some of them there is a difference"

"Key word some does he know you have over 15 of them"


"And that's not even counting the jackets or hoodies you have in here too"

"Okay Hendery is coming back so just find the suit case and send it over love you bye"

He shut the phone he knew it was rude but the embarrassment was to much for him

Hendery walked into the car

"So why are you so flustered"

"I was just on call with my mom...... she found somethings"

"What like a box of condoms or something that's completely normal you know-"

"Ah shut up its not that"

"Okay then what was it"

"She found one or two of your shirts I forgot to give back to you after I wore them and made fun of me for it"

He looked embarrassed

"Oh that's nothing to be embarrassed about I don't really care you can keep them"


He did care he thought it was fucking adorable that he was embarrassed that he had a few of his shirts and even more adorable that he even had them and the cherry on top was the fact that they were all oversized so he looked tiny in them

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