Sky Blue pt 1

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Maxine: Black...Betty? You must be the cult member who has come to collect us for that sacrificial offering thing, right?

Black Betty: That'd be I. Now you can come quietly or we can do this in a more unsavory way. The choice is up to you.

Maxine: Sorry, but we're gonna go. We don't have time to be dealing with another cult member. We can barely stand as it is.

Black Betty: That makes this the perfect opportunity to finish this up as quickly as possible.

Jerome: I don't know what you're on about, but you're at the right place at the right time to get fucked up, lady.

Black Betty: Rude.

Maxine: No matter what state we're in, we aren't going with you.

Black Betty: Then I guess this means we're at a bit of an impasse on the matter. Luckily, I just thought of a great solution that will benefit us both.

*Black Betty's stomach opens up revealing what appears to be a black mass inside. She bends over backwards as the pair witness her stomach contorting. It opens up like sliding doors and spits out a steaming black glob.*

Jerome: Oh hell no. This isn't a fight, this is a scene out of horror movie.

Maxine: I thought you liked scary movies.

Jerome: YEAH, WATCHING THEM! I'm pretty sure you know whose gonna die first.

*Jerome glances over at Betty whose body begins to make popping sounds as if mechanisms were being activated within her.*

Maxine: Jerome, you think you can pick that guy up?

Jerome: Yeah. The nutrients from the bananas in California Love's gold dust is essential for muscle building. That's how I was able to knock him out cold in the first place. Why do you ask?

Maxine: I need you to take him and get out of here as fast as you can. From the looks of it, he's down for the count. Contact Gabriella and have her swing by to get you two.

Jerome: What are you going to do?

Maxine: Take a wild guess. She's clearly a stand user and a cult member to boot. We can't take any chances.

Jerome: I see. Be careful.

*Jerome goes to retrieve Leo's body when suddenly, the black glob flattens into a puddle and attacks Jerome.*

Maxine: Yeah, right.

*A strong gust of wind pushes back against the blob knocking it backwards and knocking Betty off of her feet.*

Maxine: The storm is coming, you think you got what it takes to withstand it?

Black Betty: I'm built to last, little girl, I can do this all day!

Maxine: Tch!

*An updraft is created causing Maxine's hair to flow upward. Her stand, which takes the form of a small bird, perches on her shoulder.*

Maxine: Go on.

Jerome: Right. Be careful.

Maxine: If you want him, you're going to have to get through me.

Black Betty: Those conditions are acceptable.

*Betty takes off her jacket revealing her sleeveless shirt and bare stomach. Lines form across her body giving her the appearance of a toy that could taken apart. Betty soon after disassembles into various pieces onto the ground. The black sludge from before slithers over to the dismembered pieces and extends into them pulling them closer together until she takes the appearance of a mutated arachnid. Her dead eyes roll back revealing blank white spaces that are then filled in with inky blackness. Her torso is elongated as she rises above her newly formed cephalothorax. She sprouts a second set of arms to accompany her new body.*

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