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It's about 5:30, so I head over to Luke's house to grab their instruments. It's not really Luke's house. It's his friends, Bobby's house. He let Luke and the guys use it for practice since it's Bobby's second house. His dad owns a law firm so they are like rich, rich. I don't knock at all on the door. I just go straight to their studio and open the big, barn-like doors. All their instruments were neatly put in a corner for me to carry to the van.

"Here, let me help you." Luke said, coming out of nowhere. I was startled at first but then I was memorized by Luke. It's like he's a lamp and I'm a moth. I smile as he uses his big muscles to carry the amps. I carry the guitars. "I hope you don't mind that Bobby plays with us tonight." He says, placing the amps in the van then sliding them to the back.

"I don't mind at all. Maybe he can be a new member of the band." Bobby goes to a different school then us so I haven't really talked that much to him. We walk back to the studio to grab more equipment. I went to grab a piece of Alex's drums, the same one Luke was grabbing for. His hand touched mine and I blushed. He pulled away giving an awkward laugh, blushing as well. So the guys were right, he does like me.

"My bad." We said at the same time, only making us go redder. At this point I pray someone comes and saves us from this embarrassing moment. But to no avail, no one came. We chuckled and played it off, grabbing a different piece this time. The rest of the time putting equipment in the van we stayed silent. Some part of me kinda wished we could confess our feels for each other already and maybe kiss. But that was in my dreams.

"I'll see you at the show." He winked as we did our secret handshake before he walked back into the house. I wonder what that was about. I just hop into the van and head to the bar Luke told me about this morning. As soon as I get there I park the van in the front. As soon as I walked out, I saw a line of girls in slutty dresses and in front of them was a big bodyguard. This was no bar at all. It was a nightclub. Luke got us a gig at a nightclub. I didn't even know that was possible. We are underage and it's a freaking nightclub. That means tonight, Luke, Reggie, Alex and Bobby would be looking at hot girls while performing. This is really gonna suck.

I walked up to the bodyguard, all the girls in the line groaned because I was cutting the line. The man looked at me with such an angry growl that I was half tempted to wait till the guys got here. "Back of the line lady." I swallowed hard. He really scared me.

"I'm here with Sunset Curve. We are performing tonight." I whimpered, clearly scared by him. He looked at the other bodyguard standing a little bit in the club holding a clipboard. He looked at it then nodded to the guy in front of me.

"Alright your good." He held open the little string he had in front of me to get in the club, but there was no way i'm carrying all that equipment by myself. I look to the bodyguard in front of me. 

"Can I get some help carrying all the equipment in?" I looked at the guy while pointing to the van behind me. He nodded then mentioned to the guy inside who came outside to help. We quickly got some equipment in our hands and headed inside. Inside the club was like walking into a movie. It's everything you'd imagine to be in a nightclub. A bar in the corner, a stage in the back that has a view of the whole place, a huge dance floor, private rooms, and even a second floor with another bar and dance floor. This place was spectacular. How did Luke even get us a gig here?

We set up some of the equipment on the stage before grabbing some more. After about ten minutes of going back and forth, all the equipment was on stage and set up ready for the guys show. And on cue they walk into the club, instantly spotting me on the stage and walking over.

"Isn't this place awesome!" Luke said, looking around with his arms out.

"Yeah but those bodyguards are awfully scary." Reggie said, shivering at the sight of one. He's right, they are scary.

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