
22 1 0

The next morning I wake up and get ready to head to the studio where the guys are getting their pictures taken. Once I was all dressed and ready I headed down stairs, only to see Tara talking to my dad. As soon as he saw me, he looked disappointed. I was confused.

"So Tara here tells me you guys are skipping school for some photo shoot?" Oh crap. My dad hates it when I miss school. He says I should set an example for Katie, even though she has skipped school like ten times already, me covering her ass each time.

"Yeah dad. We need to get their pictures taken for some posters and the demo. We are slowly rising in fame." I looked to Tara, who just sat at the table and smiled. I don't know why she told my dad about today but I want to kick her ass. 

"Rora. You know I'm fine with you being a part of the band and helping them but you know I don't like you skipping school." He sighed and walked to the sink with some dishes. 

"I know dad. But it's just today. We have to get this done so that they can make it big." He looked at me with such disappointment. I can tell that my dad hated me being a part of the guys lives.

"I want you to go to school today. No Ifs, ands or buts." Without a word he walked out the kitchen, leaving me with Tara and my mind that was ready to explode.

"Lets get out of here before you bust." Tara grabbed the keys to the van and leaded me to it. We both got in and she started to drive. I had no clue if she was going to school or not. Quite frankly I don't care. "Screw what your dad says. We need this. We all do." She says after a few moments of silence. I was still pissed but only slightly now that we aren't going to school. "Besides. I made the t-shirts last night. Couldn't let all my hard work go to waste." We both laughed as we pass right by our high school. 

Once we arrived at the studio, Tara grabbed her bag which I assume had the t-shirts in while I grabbed the boy's instruments. All the boys had to bring was different clothes to change into for different pictures. 

"Well looks like the boys aren't here yet." Tara says as we walk into the studio and check in. We walk to the number studio we were given and were greeted by the photographers.

"Hello! Nice to meet you! My name is Nico, this is my partner Gerald and we are going to be taking your photos today." Nico looks down at the instruments and smiles. "You must be the band. Come lets get ready." I look to Tara then back at the lady and chuckled. Does stuff like this happen all the time?

"Oh no. I'm their manager Aurora and this is my assistant Tara." We held out our hands to shake which they gladly take. 

"Well sorry about that. We saw the instruments and kind of guessed. So when will your band here?" I look down at my watch on my wrist and see its a little past 9. The guys were supposed to be here by now. Right on queue they came running through the door almost out of breath. 

"We..... are.... here." Luke try to breath through each word. Tara threw the t-shirts at them and told them to put them on. Very soon we got started on the pictures and before we knew it, we were done and getting ready to leave.

"Make sure you guys give me a demo when they are done. I'd love to hear it." Nico said, smiling and looking through the photos we took.

"We should have the pictures done at least tonight and you can come pick them up." Gerald wanted us to get our demo and posters done as soon as we can so he was going to put them on speed. 

"Thanks guys, I really appreciate it." The boys grab some of the stuff as we say good bye to Nico and Gerald. After putting the stuff back in the van we all quickly hopped in our vehicles and headed to the practice house to get that song ready. I'm surprised Tara wanted to stay considering Bobby. 

While the boys worked on the new song and recording the others, me and Tara head in the house to watch some TV. 

"Do you think that the boys are finally going to get famous?" I look at Tara with confusion. I believe in the boys and not just because I'm in love with Luke but because they truly are a good band. Their music is good. "I mean I get they are good but they want to play the Orpheum. Do you think they are going to get the chance?" I look down and shake my head smiling.

"Of course they will make it. They can do anything they put their mind to. I mean look at where they are now." Tara didn't say another word for awhile. We continued to watch TV till I dozed off.


I woke up, getting a call. I quickly get up and run to the phone on the wall. "Hello?" I said in a low voice. It almost didn't sound like my voice at all.

"Uh hello. This is Gerald at the photography place. Your pictures are ready to pick up at Walmart." I smiled. This was it. After he gave me the address, I woke up Tara and went out to tell the boys we were leaving. They were recording so I decided to just leave a note instead.


After getting the pictures and coming back to the practice house, Tara and I got straight to work on the demo art and posters. Well at least the prototype to get copies.

A/N ok so I wanted this chapter done fast so sorry if its kind of crappy. I just want to time skip and show the picture.   

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