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As soon as I got home I ran inside and called my best friend, Tara. She's out of town with her family right now but usually she goes to the same school as me and the guys. She's in all my morning classes so thankfully i'm not alone all day. Most of the time she gets mad that we leave school in study hall cause she actually has a class for that period. Sometimes she goes with us.

"What's up girl?" She says as she answers the call. She was layed back in bed at whatever hotel they were staying at.

"Guess who just asked me to be their girlfriend on stage at a show?!?!" I screamed. Tara squealed with excitement. She as well was waiting for the day Luke finally asked me out. It was about time.

"No freaking way!!" I squealed as well. My dad came upstairs after he heard screaming, scared that I was hurt. Once he saw I was on the phone he sighed and shook his head as he walked away.

"I know right. The guys have been hinting at it all day and I didn't even know." I got out my clothes and track bag for tomorrow.

"It's about time. You guys are so going to be the power couple of our year." I could see her face now in my mind. Intimidated and totally amused. I can't wait till she comes back on Sunday. We talked about the last couple days for a good hour or two before I finally had to go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day.


I wake up feeling pretty excited. It was finally Friday and I'm going on a date with Luke. This day couldn't get any better. I hurried up and got dressed, rushing down stairs with my backpack and track bag. I grabbed a banana from the kitchen, where my dad was making breakfast for my little sister, Katie. She was about 12, in the 6th grade. She had long black hair and brown eyes. Her front two teeth were slightly longer when she smiled.

"There she is. What's got you in a very good mood this morning?" My dad said, giving me a smile as he flipped a pancake in the pan. He was always my go to person for drama when Tara isn't around or when she's busy. Usually girls talk to their moms for all the drama and gossip but my mom left when Katie was only 2. Divorced my dad and straight up disappeared afterwards.

"Luke finally asked me out!" I jumped up and down with such excitement that I dropped my bags. I laughed it off as I picked them up. My dad stopped making the pancakes and looked at me. He smiled real big and came over to hug me. I can tell he was trying to hide his excitement. 

"So that was all the commotion I heard last night when I was on the phone." He turned back around to get the pancake that was about to burn before looking back at me and leaning on the counter. "So tell me the details. How'd he ask you? Was it romantic and big or did he just ask you at the lunch table." He chuckled, giving me a slight smirk. The butterflies in my stomach grew as I thought of last night.

"Well as you know they had a show last night." He nodded. "Which by the way was at a nightclub that Luke forgot to mention yesterday." His eyes went wide but he let me finish the story before he said anything. "Anyway, on the last song he dedicated it to me and they played Luke and I's favorite song. At the end of it he asked me to be his girlfriend in front of the whole crowd." My dad was amazed. Luke did go big on it. After all, we both liked each other for a while but were too nervous and scared to say anything.

"Wow. He did go big. I'm impressed." He turned back around and put more bater in the pan. "But a nightclub. You know I don't like bars and nightclubs because of all those creepy men." He seemed a little disappointed but that was expected from my dad once he found out it was a nightclub. I get that we were under age but it was just a show.

"I know dad." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and checked the time. I was running late! "Oh crap. I'm going to be late. I'll see you later dad." I started to rush out the door with both my bags and a banana in my hands. "Oh and I'm going out with Luke after practice!" I shout before slamming the door and running to the van. I shove my bags in the passenger seat and drive off to the boys house to pick them up. When I got there they looked a little agitated and worried that I was late.

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