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he was the dream that kept coming back and left me never wanting to wake up.  

 yesterday  I came back home early after visiting sehun Oppa. don't get me wrong I'm not a person to get protective or possessive over something or someone but with tae idk it's different. he's attracting me towards himself even with small things like a smile or normal words of love, care. 

I have always been a person who grew up in an orphanage. don't get me wrong I got so much love from many people mostly everyone around me loved me but why? because I was always a playful and happy-go-lucky girl to them. 

I never got someone who loved me meaninglessly or because I was a blessing to them. nor did I because of this but this new feeling which I'm getting is something else. 

yesterday after having lunch with sehun Oppa I came home early as I was not interested in going back to work anymore. sehun Oppa always used to be clear and free with me but the way he has been keeping telling me things about tae is making me doubt him as well as tea

"since  how many years do you know him sooyaa?" 

"I don't want you to get hurt." 

"he's not innocent as he looks." 

"be careful if you feel anything tell me I'll take you away."

 one thing I couldn't figure out was what was with him trying so hard to keep me away from tae. yeah, he was protective about me during my university days but not to the point where he would interfere in my private matters. 

coming home back early was surely nice but it left my mind wandering in all directions. after completing some work from work which I brought home I had nothing to do so I decided to watch tv but again the movie made my mind go towards him.  

I have been missing him too much at this point and there's no point in denying that 

I like him now.  I have fallen for Kim taehyung, my husband who I thought I would never fall for.  

it was just too much for me that unintentionally went to tae's bedroom and slept the night there. yeah, we made a promise that we would not enter each other's bedroom but sorry tae my heart won't listen to me. my mind and body just betray me every time it comes to you. 

 I woke up more early than ever and decided to work out a little. I went to the gym in our home and decided to use the treadmill. I loved listening to songs to I played my favorite song since my uni days. 

it's funny how everything may change and look different once you're in love. love? 

do I love taehyung? 

yes, I do like him but have I fallen in love?  

I have been listening to this long years but it never gave me goosebumps, never made me feel things, never made me feel the lyrics but I was more into this song today than any other day. it was making me feel like he was here, somewhere. not too close, not too far but like coming my way. 

the way which we used to feel one day before school trip restless, excited, scared and everything. but the question is why am I feeling this all of a sudden? is something coming towards me? 

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