The card Yuma draws turns out to be Monster reborn. "Monster Reborn. It seems fate has come through for me this time." Astral says and Yuma stomps his feet. "But I'm the one who drew it! I summon Ganbara Knight in Attack mode!" "Just give up Yuma." Shark says. "You can't win." "Sorry Shark, but I never give up! Feeling the flow means fighting till the very end!"
"Feeling the flow?" Astral asks. "That's right, feeling the flow, it's kinda my motto! It's about doing what can't be done. Like right now. I'm going to find a way to win this!" "You're wrong! The only thing you're going to find, Yuma is the bitter taste of disappointment and do you know why? Because I have two monsters on the field and you have one, with zero attack points!" Yuma starts to panic. "It's fine. It's good that Ganbara Knight is on offense. It gives us a chance to turn things around perhaps."
"Perhaps?" "Yuma focus on the duel." Lulu says and Yuma nods. "Quick, bring back Gagaga Magician with Monster Reborn." "What?" "There's no time to argue, you must trust me! Please." "Yuma..." Lulu says worriedly looking to Astral and Yuma nods. "Yeah, well, I was gonna do that anyhow. From my hand, I activate the Spell Card Monster Reborn! And with it, I bring back Gagaga Magician!" "So what? His 1500 attack points are no threat to me!" Shark says and Yuma starts to growl.
"At last, the stage is set." "Overlay Level 4 Gagaga Magician and Ganbara Knight." Astral says. "Hang on a sec is this what I think?" "Look at your deck, Yuma." Yuma then pulls a glowing yellow card out of his deck. "It looks like an XYZ monster but I can't quite make out which one." "I can. It's Number 39 Utopia."
"I overlay level 4 Gagaga Magician and Ganbara Knight!" The two monsters turn into energy beams one yellow and the other purple as they shoot up into the sky and go into a galaxy styled spiral portal. "And now that I have, I can do a little XYZ summoning! So here goes!" Now Astral and Yuma start to talk together in sync. "Rise on up Number 39 Utopia!" Now they start to talk in sync again when Utopia is out on the field.
'Time to take out Shark's monster, Utopia! Attack Drill Barnacle! Go Rising Sun Slash!" It uses it's sword of light to destroy Drill Barnacle and Shark is hit back by the immense power of Utopia's attack and his lifepoints go down to 2500. "You got Number crunched!" Yuma says and Yuto laughs a bit. "How dare you." "Our job isn't finished yet. Now to introduce Utopia to Leviathan Dragon." "I never remember Yuma having that card." Tori says and Shay shakes his head. "Yeah me neither."
"Alrighty, Shark I end my turn." "Shay, Yuto, Tori please tell me you saw that! I just made an Xyz summon isn't that cool? I'm so feeling the flow right now!" "That's great and all Yuma but Shark's dragon has 3000 attack points and Utopia only has 2500 so if Shark attacks this is over." Shay says with his arms crossed. "That's bad."
Yuma says to himself. "Very bad, especially since now, it's my turn! I draw! From my hand, I activate the Spell Card Surface. And since I did, a Water monster now surfaces from my graveyard.Welcome back, Big Jaws. But he won't be back for long, I now release him and Tribute summon Jawsman!"
The monster comes out and has 2600 attack points. "Now Jawsman gains 300 attack points for every other monster on my field. I have one, Leviathan Dragon. So Jawsman powers up to 2900 attack points. Now to put them to use Leviathan Dragon attack Utopia." "If you use Utopia's Overlay Unit Utopia will put a stop to Leviathan Dragons attack."
'Now you tell me?" Yuma asks Astral. "I activate Utopia's special ability by using an Overlay Unit to negate Leviathan Dragon's attack now when Leviathan Dragon went to attack with it's stream attack Utopia blocked it with a shield.
"So you bought yourself some time, big deal, that time will run out! Your monsters not strong enough to beat mine! And you only have one Overlay Unit left! To protect yourself with... So when it's gone your lifepoints will be gone too. And it looks like this is going to happen sooner then later. 'Cause your going to have to use it up right now! To protect yourself from Jawsman! Or Utopia is fish food!" "I play the trap Bye Bye Damage! Which means my monster can say bye bye to being destroyed this turn. Course my lifepoints still take a hit from Jawsman attack but you take the same damage only doubled." Yuma says as his lifepoints hit 100. "What?" Shark says as his lifepoints go down to 1700.
"Thanks for playing that trap, Yuma because now I can play my trap, Booming Urchin! And it really does pack a punch because come my turn you'll be blasted with 1000 points of damage and I'll win this." "Oh no, Yuma." Tori says looking down and closes her eyes. "Your deck is mine! Face it, Yuma. You have lost." "Not yet. I'm not giving up. Far from it, cause I'm feeling the flow. You're gonna feel something."
Yuma says as he backflips several times till he reaches where Astral is floating and Lulu is standing by him. "And here it comes. The sting of defeat! Gooo! Utopia, attack Leviathan Dragon!" "Why is he attacking?" Tori asks Shay and Yuto. "And now I activate Utopia's special ability and use an Overlay Unit to negate the attack!" "You're a fool why would you negate an attack that you just ordered?"
"I'll show you why? Now, from my hand. I'm playing the spell Double or Nothing. Since I stopped his attack before, his strength is now doubled and he gets to attack again!" Now Utopia's attack points go up to 5000. "5000 attack points?" "Now go, Utopia! Attack Leviathan Dragon with Rising Sun Slash!" Now Utopia attacks Leviathan Dragon and Shark's life points drop to zero as he falls to the ground.
"Hey, did I win?" "You did!" Tori says as her Shay and Yuto all run over to congratulate their friend. Shark's minions ditch him and Astral takes Shark's Number card from him. While they all stayed with Yuma Lulu walked over to Shark and offered him her hand he looked up to see the sun behind her.
Her pink eyes softened as she saw Shark's eyes were opening and he also saw her barette's outline in the sun, Shark took her hand and Lulu helped him up. "I can't believe it I've lost." Lulu smiles to him. "Shark don't worry! Cause I know you'll do better next time! For sure and then I'll be able to duel you!" Shark then grins.
"I look forward to it Lulu and also your deck." Shark hands Lulu her deck and she blushes lightly as their hands touch well Shark turns dark red. Now we see Yuma look down at his key and hold it in his hands. "Mom, Dad, thank you." Now Lulu and Shark walk over to where Yuma is. "Shark. Thank you for keeping your word." Yuma says noticing that Lulu has her deck back. "You're a good duelist. I'll see ya around."
"Bye Shark." "Bye Lulu." Shark says looking back to her and he puts his thumb up to her and Lulu does it back, smiling. "Yeah Yuma won!!!" Lulu and Tori both jump up happily.

Yugioh Zexal/ Yugioh Arc V
FanfictionWhat would be the counterparts roles if they all lived in the Xyz dimension? If they all existed in Yugioh Zexal? Read to find out........ Also I am trying to do my best on this fanfiction and try to give each character fair treatment so please no h...