Graduation !

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I've just finished taking all my tests and finished all my projects ....everybody is still acting werid... it's really unsettling.. maybe they are just tired because there studying a lot... yea I'll just put it off as that ... I just miss hanging out with them ... they would always cheer me up when i am down ... and I especially need that right now because my parents are home .. and there arguing... and hitting.... but I need to put that aside ! Colleges are contacting me! About my clothes and art!! They want me to come to their schools! Yess! I can't believe it ! I'm gonna get into a good college ! I'm so happy! I wonder if me and jazzy can get into the same one ... hopefully... ... I decide to call her ... but she doesn't answer ... I try to call Anthony ... he doesn't answer ... I call more people ... nobody is answering my calls ... did they forget about me? Did they not like me anymore .... did I do something .... i start to go down a hole of rethinking everything I did ... everytime I was with them .. did I say something ? I start to scratch .... I've started to bleed so I stopped .... but I resorted to something else .. cutting ... I know I know! It's not good .... but ... it felt so good ... I didn't do it too deep .... this time ... ( foreshadowing....) I wrap it up and decide just to go to bed .... there's only a week left of school .. so if I don't make up with my friends they won't last to college... I decided maybe we should take it back to the first time we went out ... a pinic ! I text the whole group chat ...

Y/N : let's go have a pinic this weekend!
Read by jazzy, Anthony , oak, Leslie , Pippa, Renee ....1 day ago ....

They never responded ... I showed up to the picnic... and no body was there ... what did I do? I'm so confused ... why is this happening..... I decide to text then one more time but not too nice this time .....

Y/N : well I showed up to this pinic by my self ... I expected you guys to come ... I thought we were close ... but I guess we have drifted ... a lot ... when I needed you guys the most you weren't there for me .... please don't try to contact me ... it might make things worse .... please don't come to my house ... again it's not going to make things better.... I guess this is goodbye...
Y/N has blocked Anthony, Jazzy, Renee, Pippa,Oak,Leslie...
Leslie : WAIT! ( get it? No .. okay ...)
Jazzy : I'm so sorry! Please wait Y/N
Anthony : I'm gonna say it ...( I don't care that you broke your elbo) she can't see these messages she blocked us! 👏👏☹️

The next week has been pretty quiet ... even in the hallways they see me but don't say anything ... then it's graduation day ... the day we all dreamed of... together ... we had a whole plan ...

Flash back !
" we need a plan for graduation! It needs to be the best day ever!" Jazzy said ... throwing her hands on the air ..
" we should go to like a restaurant after!" Daveed suggested...
" ooo how about chick fli a ??" I say ..
" girl you love chick fli a!" Renee says
" but yea that sounds good!" She says
" we could get each other gifts !" Pippa said smiling !
" YES!" I say hugging her .. we had a plan ..
" and we need to all be next to each other during the graduation!" Anthony said
Perfect a plan! I'm so excited ! That day is going to be so much fun !!

End of flashback

I wonder if they are going to stand next to each other .... without me .... i need to put that side .. move on .... I get dressed in a cute dress

 I get dressed in a cute dress

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And head out ... I head over to school and I am lead to a field with a bunch of seats ..... then I see them .... daveed and Jessica .... they were laughing ... matching... kissing .... it was horrible but I tried to get through ...across the field I see them too... the whole group ... laughing and having fun .... without .... me...... one of them turns and see me staring ... they start to whisper and I really don't know about what ... and they stop talking and laughing and just sit down ... so I sit down too .... this is horrible ... everybody is happy expect for me ..... the ceremony starts and we all throw our caps... I decided I will still go to chick fli a after the graduation.... when I get there I see my old friend group ( Hamilton cast) eating chick fli a and giving gifts .... I over hear them say something ...
" it's like she's following us ... " someone said
" don't we have gifts for her" another said
" yea but you know ..." some one else said .. it hurt ... so so so much ... I got my order and practically ran out that place .. I ran to the car and cried ... it was horrible ! I was crying while driving which honestly was not a good move on my part and then ... it happen .... I crashed ... I got flung out my seat .... I was throw into the windshield ... last thing I could remember is flashing lights and somebody asking
" are you okay?"
... I'm ruined ! Everything is ruined! I can't believe I was so dumb to drive while crying ! And now here I am in a car crash ! Without no friends ! And no daveed ... okay okay! I get it I'm not over him! Jeez... stop judging me! I'm you! Yes I know I'm breaking the forth wall! But you are being very Judgey ! Get over him! God ....

High school Sweethearts ( Daveed Diggs x Y/N)  Where stories live. Discover now