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Okay time skip!!
Daveed 32
Y/N 31
Theodosia 5

First day of school

" you ready Theodosia!?" I say handing her a lunch box, daveed is getting ready too and comes out of the room all ready ....
" yes mommy! Hi daddy!" Theodosia says running up to daveed and giving him a big hug!
" aww hey princess! Ready for your first day of school?" He says picking her up and putting her on his shoulders ...
"Yes!" She says eagerly
" well let's go! We don't want to be late!" I say opening the door ! They walk and and I buckle Theodosia in .... we head to her school and we drop her off....
" bye sweetie! Have a great day at school!" I say giving her a kiss on the forehead ... daveed gives her a high five and she's off .... she is so cute and sassy ..... I go drop of daveed at the studio !
" bye floof! Have a great day!" I say giving him a kiss ... he's off and I head back home ! I clean up a little and then decide that I'm gonna go on a run before work! I get dressed and head out with some pair of headphones in .... I keep one out just in case anything happened ... I stay aware of my surroundings too ... you can't be too safe ... so far my walk is good and I start to head home ... but then this werid car drives beside me ...
" hey pretty lady... need a ride?" They start to slow down .... but I don't respond...it's better not to..
" oh come on smile! Talk to me!" They say.... I couldn't though....
" really? Wanna go the hard way!" They start to get out their car so I start to run faster ... I try to grab out my phone but then I hear feel someone pull my hair ...
" little bitch!" They rip out my head phones and I try to scream ... but they cover my mouth and drag me into a van ... they tie me up and rape me .... they bring me back to a old factory.... I try to look everywhere for something to help me get out this situation... they tie me up to a chair .... and then in the shadows I see two people walk in .... it's two men .... they were showing their face ... and they seemed to know what I was thinking ...
" it doesn't matter if we show our face ... your not gonna make it out alive ..." they laugh.... how cruel are they .... I see one holding a knife .... they start to circle me .... the one with the knife circling it around my neck ...
" so how are we gonna do this? Huh?" They say .... I was so scared but I couldn't show it ... I couldn't be weak ....
" don't wanna speak?" I couldn't though ... they put a cloth in my mouth ...
" I said speak!" Then I feel a kick in my leg .... I scream out in pain ...
" oh so now you can speak!" They say .... they start to slowly cut my clothes off ... leaving me only in my bra and underwear....
" I wonder was your little theodosia is doing?" They say showing me a video ... it was her at school ...
" don't touch her!" I say through the muffle ....
" okay then your little boyfriend better give us what we want!" They say....
" but first .... let's have some fun? Shall we!" Multiple people start to rape me... it hurt ... and I couldn't even say anything .... I didn't have a choice ... if I didn't agree they would beat me ... I end up passing out but that didn't stop them .... I wake up and everything is very blurry ... then I see a flash ...
" by the way you were asleep for 3 whole days! Everybody is worrying!" They say showing me news articles .. i think of Theodosia ... how is she ? Is she okay? I see them take another picture ...
" perfect let's send to that little boyfriend of hers ..." and they did exactly that ... they even sent a video of me getting raped and beat... I could only guess what was going on in daveeds head ....

POV daveed ...

I head home to see that Y/N is not here .... maybe she was out ... I go pick of Theodosia and help her with homework ... while she watching tv and playing with toys I text Y/N

" hey KitKat! Where are you?"
" hello?"
" KitKat?!"
" are you okay?"
" Y/N please answer me!"
" this isn't funny!"

At this point I start to worry ... I call jazzy over and she stays with Theodosia.... I go out and look around to see if she's passed out somewhere .... but then I stumble upon her phone .. when I look at it I see numbers and the word help... she was in the middle of texting me when something happened .... I call the cops and they contact the numbers to a car ... but they don't know where that car is ... they send out search parties and I return home ... I couldn't sleep ... she's been gone for 3 days! But I need to act calm for Theodosia... she's been asking where mommy ... and I always respond with this ...
" she's on a little trip but she will be back okay?!" But I only hoped that as true ... one day I get a text from a unknown number ... it's Y/N... tied up ... getting beat and raped .... I immediately call them and they answer...



I hear the phone ringing and then daveeds voice ...

" WHERE IS SHE WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER!?" Daveed said ... and I hear the pain in his voice ...

"Oh look who decided to call?" They say ...

" what are you doing to her?!" He says ... he's mad ...

" wow calm down ... your little girlfriends life here is at stack ...." then he laugh ... ...

" just tell me what you want ?!" Daveed said ... I can tell he is scared ....

" wow wow slow down! Hmm maybe ... 10k for her dead .... 100k for her Alive harmed ... 1 Million for her untouched and cared for ... your choice !" They said ... that is sicking

" I'll take the 1 million ... but if you dare put a
hand on her your gonna be dead?" Daveed said ....

" wow!threatening me? Let's remind you who's life is at risk?!" They take the cloth out my mouth and kick me ... I scream ...

" DAVEED!" I scream....

" what are you doing to her! You said you wouldn't touch her!" Daveed said ...

" then bring me my money! Meet at the old factory on Washington street today... and don't bring anyone with you...... not there your little kitten dies.... got it?"

" y-yes...." daveed said then they hang up ....

" well let's get a move on! Don't wanna be late!" They said putting the clothe in my mouth again and dragging me to the van ... we slowly drive over to the factory...

Daveed POV

I told the police ... I Mean how couldn't I? But I was still going to the factory by my self ... but when the people who have Y/N leave ... there will be the cops ready to get them ... everybody is really worried about Y/N... I get all the money and head over to the factory... I see the van... I walk into the factory and immediately people walk behind me and block the door ... they push my forward .... I walk a little more and turn the corner... there I see Y/N bruised on her knees wearing only her bra and underwear.... and a gun to her head ... I could tell she was so scared ....

" Y/N!" I say ... I wanted to go just grab her and run out ... but I knew they had guns and one wrong move I was dead ...

" do you have the money?" They ask ... their face was covered ....

" yes..." I say dropping all the money on the floor ... people quickly count it and confirm jts 1 million ....

" okay now give me Y/N!" I command ...

" wow wow slow down ! Not gonna say thank you?!" They say ... I mumble under my breath thank you...

" what was that?" They say ...

" I said thank you!"

" there we go..." they push Y/N forward and let go of her hands ... she quickly crawls to me... I grab her and head out ... the plan worked ... they got arrested.... They take Y/N to the hospital just to make sure she is okay ... she was ... she didn't have no bad injuries... she just will be mentally scared ... forever .... she does have a lot of brusies though ... I'm just concerned for Y/N....

High school Sweethearts ( Daveed Diggs x Y/N)  Where stories live. Discover now