Burn out .....

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Time skip!!!! We're one year into performing Hamilton!!
Ages !
Daveed : 25
Y/N : 24
Rafa: 25
Jazzy : 24
Anthony : 25
Oak : dead ... ha but would be 24
Lin: 25
Pippa: 24
Renee : 24

Me and jazzy have been taking a break on our Business but of course it's still running we just hired some people to help with the fittings and shipping .... it's really doing good! The people are loving it and it's starting to boost really good! So me and her have to handle Hamilton and our Business... it's a lot of work but we get through it ....  I haven't been feeling my best lately .... currently I play Angelica .... me and Renee switch and I also switch with jazzy for Peggy and Maria ..... I love the characters a lot and so does the audience .... but they are very hard roles to play .... so it's very tiresome.....  especially their vocal range .... and daveeds notices and tries to care for as much as he can when I'm not in stage ... he makes sure I eat and drink water ....

Flashback!!! To a Hamilton show?

" Y/N! There you are I have been waiting for you! I made you just a little snack and some water!" Daveed said handing me the food....
" daveed in fine .... I'm just a little dizzy but I'm fine !" I say pushing away the food ....
" Y/N.... you know you have to eat !" Daveed said sitting the food down infront of me...
" his right Y/N you need to eat!" Anthony said shoving a granola bar down his throat ....
" pfft .... what the heck are you doing Anthony?" I say trying to switch the topic ...
" don't try and switch the topic! You need to eat !" Jazzy said coming off of stage .... I guess she heard the whole conversation....
" but why! I gotta go back on anyways!" I say ... truth is there is still one more song before my appearance....
" Y/N! I need to go but you better eat!" Daveed said putting on his coat to go back on stage ...
" bye daveeed!" I say waving my hand knowing that I'm out of eating ....
" Anthony make sure she eats!" Daveed said ... really ....
" yes sir!" Anthony said saluting.... daveed went on stage and I eventually just gave in because Anthony was making songs about food ...
" Y/N—— you gotta eat!!!!! Like noooooooow!" He sang .... god his a dork ....

End of that

I mean it's sweet and all but after a while it gets annoying.... they just baby me because of my history..... and I mean I would do that same if I knew something like me .... but it's just so annoying.... I just want To be treated like
I'm normal .... and not some sick person ..... but one day .... it was horrible..... I couldn't preserve..... I couldn't hold it in .... I was done .....

Flashback .... to one of Hamilton shows

I was playing Angelica and Renee was just chilling in the audience.....  we were at the song  take a break ... more specifically at when I start to walk down the stair you know the part " my dearest Alexander you must they through to Jefferson!" .... and I felt something build in my stomach .... and luckily daveed would not be on stage for the next song .... I started to get dizzy but I needed to finish the song .... so I finish the song along with everybody else  and head off stage ... once im out of view of the people .... I give up .... I let everything get to me .... I start to get really dizzy and pippa runs up behind me ...
" daveed! Help!" She said helping me walk .... but then I couldn't... I collapsed.... I fainted ....

A/N POV for the rest ...

Daveed quickly stops what he is doing and runs over to Y/N.... you can see the fear in his eyes .... he quickly picks her up and takes her out of the story tale costumes and into to her under garments .... he takes her to her dressing room where he had everything to help Y/N if something like this happened.... he put a cold towel on her hand and lays her down ... he puts pillows under her legs to let the blood flow to her brain .... he quickly checked her pulse trying to remain calm .... she's still breathing.... he just stays calm and waits for her to wait up .... he doesn't have much time he's gonna have to go back on soon ....
" I'm so dumb .... I shouldn't have let her play any longer .... this is all my fault .... I knew she shouldn't be doing all of this but I let her ...." he said ... he was blaming him self .... he couldn't believe he let this happen .... someone knocks on his door ...
" come in...." he said ... voice still shaking with fear ....
" Lin asked where is Y/N .... he wants her to go back on stage .... as soon as she can .... but he didn't say the last part I added it ..." the director said .... they were also upset too .... how could  Lin do that?!
" what?! You told him that she passed out right?" Daveed said burning up with anger ....
" yes ... but he said she needs to finish this play ... he said we just can randomly switch Angelicas....." the director said .... daveed was ready to yell at Lin ..... the was ridiculous.... how could Lin say that!
" I'll see if Y/N wakes up and asks her ..." daveed said sitting back down ... but he already knew the Y/N would go back on stage .... while daveed was getting ready to go back on Y/N woke up ..
" hey sleepy head!" He said putting her hair behind her ear ....
" what happen?" Y/N said confused and dazed...
" you fainted and now Lin wants you to go back on...." daveed said .... he didn't want her to go back on but he knew that wasn't his decision ....
" where's my clothes! What song are we on! I need to go!" Y/N said getting up quick but sitting back down because of everything going black ....
" Y/N your really gonna go ! You just fainted!" You can tell Daveed was mad ....
" I have to-" but she gets cut off...
" no you don't! Renee is ready for to switch in! Why can you just let her switch and have yourself rest!" Daveed said fiddling with his buttons ....
" and disappoint the whole audience! No!" Y/N said quickly putting on her story tell outfit ....
" really Y/N! You are so dumb! You could end up in the hospital! And your still going out! When are you going to learn?! When you dead?!" The moment he finished saying that he knew he was wrong to say that .... he started to freak out ... he did not just say that! And the look in Y/N eyes .... how hurt she was ...
" Y/N look-" but Y/N cuts him off ...
" no daveed .... I'm dumb right? So just stop ... anyways you gotta go on stage ...." she said walking out .... daveed wanted to go after her and apologize and do what ever he had to ... to make Y/N feel better and forgive him ..... but he couldn't.... he was needed on stage ..... that was one day Daveed would never forget .... the guilt .... the feeling .... how hurt Y/N looked... for the rest of his life he would wake up in a cold sweat .... dreaming of that same moment .....

High school Sweethearts ( Daveed Diggs x Y/N)  Where stories live. Discover now