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Daveed stays on call with me while he drives over to my apartment....
" hey Y/N breath ... breath don't hold your breath ... 2... out 4.... out" then I hear my door open and his phone drops when he sees me ...... he realizes how much worse it is in person... I was in a ball digging my finger nails in to head... pulling at my hair ... immediately he forced me open and held me in his arms .... he took out his bun and brung my hand up to his head ... I started to play with his hair .... while my other hand it digged into his arm ...,
" shh.. calm down ... look at me ... your gonna be okay ... shh..." he says combing through my hair ...
" S-s-sing ..." I say in between breaths ....
( remember we have already done the Hamilton plays !)
" Dear Theodosia what to say to you? You have my eyes ... you have your mothers name ... when you came into this world you cried ..,. And it broke my heart ..." he continues to sing and it starts to calm me down ....
" Y/N tell me what happened?" He said.... I can tell he cared ...
" W-ell.... I w-was drinking and Leslie came over and started to Y-yell at me because I was drinking .... and I just broke down ....." I say ... I was ashamed ... how could I tell him I had a horrible drinking habit....
" it's okay ...." he says again .....
" okay I think I'm fine...." I say separating form daveed ... I try to get up but I just slowly come back down ... I felt so dizzy ...
" Y/N when was the last time you ate real food?" He said ... and I bet he already knew the answer ...
" w-ednesdsy...." mind you it was the next Monday ...
" and water?" He asked ...
" t-Tuesday ..." I say in Shame....
" Y/N you have to eat ...." he brings me to the couch and goes to my kitchen and makes some food .... god it was so good... it felt so good to finally eat real food ...
" thank you but I think you should be getting home now it's late ..." I say trying to get up but I just end up sitting back down ...... but I really didn't want him to leave ...
" Y/N ..., you really think im gonna leave after seeing you like that? I'm sorry but no !" He says .... he gets up and bridal Carry's me to my bed ...
" now get some rest I'll be in the living room ..." he says giving me a kiss on my forehead ...
He goes and cleans my apartment...  maybe a few hours in my sleep I have a night terror ... a really bad one this time ..

Into the night terror ...

I was sitting in a chair .... but I couldn't move at all ... across of me I see daveed tied up ..., bleeding ... then people  in full black suits come up to him and start to beat him .... I couldn't watch ... and everytime I tried to close my eyes somebody would force them over ... Daveed was blind foaled and was screaming for me " Y/N!" .... I couldn't handle it ... then I see make people coming and they come to me ... it's my parents and rapist( well I mean my dad hired them to have sex with me but I didn't want to) ... they start to beat me up while I was forced to watch daveed .... they had a knife against to my neck again .... I started to bleed and all they did was watch ... while I heard Daveed screaming .. " Y/N!" I start to feel pressure on my chest.... I couldn't breath ...
" Y/N wake up!" Turns out the screams weren't fake it was Daveed trying to wake me up ...

In real life ..
" Y/N! Y/N wake up!!" Daveed said .... I shoot up and start to hyperventilate...
" t-they.... y-you- beat ..... scream... B-b-blood ..." then I felt his hand on my face .. wiping away my tears ...
" hey shh it's okay ... we can talk later ..." he pulled me closer to him and I made my hand up to his hair .... which calmed me down a lot ...  he rubs my back ... and I start to feel really tired ...
" hey I think it's time for you to go back to bed..." he says laying me down and tucking me in ...
" okay ...." when he tries to get up I keep hold of his hand ...
" Y/N ... you gotta let go ... I'll be in the living room ..." he says laughing in a deep voice ...
" nooo.... stay..." I say pulling him back ..
" okay ...." he says coming and laying down next me to .... he holds my in his arms and I lay on his chest .... just like old times ... the next morning I wake up to the smell of bacon .. eggs .. PANCAKES! I run down the hall to the kitchen ..
" wow slow down missy! The food will still be here if you walked!" He says laughing and handing me a plate of food ... I Quickly gobble it up and he hands me another ... it was so good ..... I check the time ...
" JESUS CRIST! I'm late for work!" I say running back to my room !
" I called You in sick! You could not go to work ! You need to think about your health!" Daveed yells .... it was kind that he thought of my health ...
" then what are we gonna do all day?" I say walking back over to Daveed ...
" hmmm I don't know but I gotta go home to feed soccer ..." he says grabbing his stuff and heading out ... I didn't want him to leave though ..I sat on the couch and watched some Netflix .... I missed daveed already .... I really do love him... and I never stopped loving him .... I head to my room and change into a different outfit and take a shower ... then I head out .... I wasent just gonna stay home all day! I go to some stores .... don't really buy anything ....  i only look around ... in one the stores I see Leslie ...
" y/N-" he try's to say...
" Leslie just stop ... I need some space ... " I say turning around and walking out .... I can just feel how bad he felt ....

High school Sweethearts ( Daveed Diggs x Y/N)  Where stories live. Discover now