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Okay let me fill you in! My business has been running for about for 3 years and people love it! It's all inclusive! And you can even get personal fittings and there not expensive! Because you should have to pay a high price for something that will fit you! The name and photo of me and jazzy brand was Oak... and then for the photo it was an oak tree .... and the business is fully environment friendly!!

I was in a middle of fitting when my assistant knocked on the door ..
" Mrs L/N may I come in?" She asks
" of course!" I say continuing to fit my client ...
"Some one is here for you" she says looking at her clipboard
"If it's a fan tell them it's not a good time and send them a a autograph and a card! and that we can meet at lunch if they want to!"
I say while fanning my hand
"No it's not a fan ..they said it's urgent" she said while still looking at her clipboard...
"What is so urgent you have to stop immediately in a middle of a fitting! tell them to leave please!" I say stopping the fitting and turning around to my assistant...
"Too late ..." she stepped aside... and I see them ... it was daveed ....
" what are you doing here?" I say with a stern look ... even the person I was fitting was giving him a stern look ....
" well I just wanted to get back in contact with you to-" I cut him off though
" Leave! If you really wanted to talk you could have made a meeting ! Now I'm in a middle of a fitting please leave!" I say while shoeing him ... he walks out and my assistant leads him out ...
"I'm so sorry again I'll give discount ... it's just that now I have a booming business..,,people come back into my life wanting things" I say continuing to fit them ...
"Tell me about it" she says laughing ... By the way The person I was fitting was also famous ... I'll let you decide who ...

After the fitting my assistant comes back ...

" okay I know you told him to leave but his back... I'm sorry..." she says ...
" hey look at me ! It's not your fault! Send him up please ! And you can take a break !" I say ... she walks over and hugs me ... then a few minutes later daveed comes in ...
" hey look Aga-" I cut him off again .. I don't have time to waste ..
" get to the point daveed ...." I say with a stern look ... never loosing eye contact ... I can tell that he is scared ...
" okay I know it's been 5 years but I just couldn't go on and not tell you ..." he takes a break to see if I need to speak ... I stay quiet ..,
" okay you know how I broke up with you unexpectedly...." he says ...
" don't remind me about to ..." I say rolling my eyes ...
" well the reason was ...." he seems like he doesn't even want to say ...
" spit it out ..." I say ... looking into his eyes ...
" god your really intimidating.... okay my parents worked for her parents ... and they couldn't really afford to loose their job ... okay let me just tell it from the beginning...After a football game Jessica was walking up to me ...
" hey daveed ..." she said twirling her hair
" what do you want ?" I responded
" god so feisty ..." she says laughing ...
" get to the point already!" I say taking off my protective gear ...
" fine! I want you to be my boyfriend!" She says ....
" pfft ... oh your not joking! Why would I do that! I have a girlfriend and I love her!" I say ... did she really think I was gonna get with her? Haha funny ...
" okay let me rephrase that ... your my boyfriend now !" She says laughing ..
" again why would I do that!" I say ...
" well your parents work my my parents and if you don't be my boyfriend and you break up with Y/N ... well let's just say your parents won't have a job anymore ...." she says ... grinning ....
" what! How could you do that! Your so evil!!" I say ...
" is that a yes or a no because I can call my dad right now-"
" YES! I'll break up with Y/N ....." I say ...
"  great! I'll see you later babe!" She says
That's basically what happen ..." he says ... his eyes filled with tears ... I never realized how much it hurt daveed .... I only saw it from my side ...
" oh I'm so sorry .... but why didn't you tell me sooner? Why didn't you see me when I was in the hospital!" I say ... I started to get worked up so I started to tap my leg and dig my nails into my hand ....
"I was there at the hospital.... but nobody wanted me to go see you because they didn't want you to get mad or relapse... and I understood ... but i was their everyday ... making sure you were okay .... Y/N I never stopped loving you ..." he says ....
" well I stopped loving you ..." I say ... but it hurt .... because I did still love him ... a lot... but I just barried those feelings because I wanted to let go .... but I never got the right closure ...,
" hey Y/N you okay?" He says ... I guess I was gazing off for too long ...
" yea I'm fine ..." I say ...
" I'm just hopping that we can stay in touch ... you know as friends ... life before .... also I haven't heard from oak in a while ... do you know why ...." he asked .,,, he didn't know ..,, that oak died.... I start to choke on my words ...
" W-well ... um .... he died ...." right when I said that he stood up ...
" WHAT!" He yells and I flinch ..., he knows that it was never that and when people yelled .. I usually only tensed up .....
" oh I'm sorry ..." he says sitting back down ...
" how did it happen?" He asks ... but it hurt to say ....
" well um ..., don't you remember how I lost my memory... well I was finally ready to see everybody else ... the first person I saw was oak ... and I didn't remember him ... and that crushed him ... but then jazzy started to talk and then I remembered him ... but it was too late ... he had already shot himself .... I'm sorry ... it's all my fault ..." i say with guilt ..... he grabs my hands
" hey KitKat! It is never your fault! Got it?" He says ...
" yea ...." but it felt good to finally talk to daveed .... I missed him ... a lot ... I check the time ..
" oh shit! My next fitting is in five minutes and I'm not even ready! Here's my number we can catch up later!" I say handing him a note with my phone number on it .. he rushes out and I quickly get ready! Did I really forgive him .... no .... but I wanted to ... I felt bad ... but at the same time .... he put me through is much ... and all he has to say is sorry? I've been in the hospital twice! Because of him! So I was not gonna let him get off that easy .... if he wanted things to go back to normal ... he would have to work for it ...

High school Sweethearts ( Daveed Diggs x Y/N)  Where stories live. Discover now