Chapter Seven: Off With Her Head

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I had gone off in the direction I saw Ander go, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I couldn't even find the Headless Horseman. The longer I searched, the more worried I became. I kept imagining that I'd be too late and that when I finally found him, he'd be without his head. I stopped next to a tree and vomited whatever was in my stomach.

I kept wiping at my face, trying to rid it of the tears that would not stop, when I finally heard something. I quickened my pace and was rewarded with the fleeting glimpse of the red eyes of the Headless Horseman's horse. I followed behind the Headless Horseman, but Ander had been right that Headless Horseman did not want me. I would become collateral only if necessary. I was sure the Headless Horseman knew I was there, but he never gave me any indication that he was aware of my presence.

I wasn't sure if we were still in the cemetery. I didn't see any graves around, but there were stones that could have been parts of old graves, but I had never been good with navigating this place on a good day. Either way, I knew I had never been in this area before. The trees were taller with thicker trunks, but they were more spread out here. I could see Ander darting between the trees, trying to weave a difficult trail to follow, but the Headless Horseman didn't seem to have any problem at all. He was only a few paces behind, but he seemed in no rush to close the distance between them. The Headless Horseman was enjoying the cat and mouse game.

Even though my legs were aching, I pushed myself to run faster, but it seemed no matter how fast I ran, they were always out of my reach. I wasn't going to give up though. As long as Ander was still alive, I would try to save him. I gulped in air and forced my legs to move faster.

"The chase was fun," the Headless Horseman called after Ander, "but I think I'm ready for my reward." Ander suddenly pivoted and started running towards the Headless Horseman. I felt a scream build up in my throat, but Ander deftly ducked under the Headless Horseman's sword and I felt the scream dissipate. Ander was still running towards me, but quickly darted to the left, dodging another deadly swing of the Headless Horseman's sword. Ander seemed to know where he was going and I changed my course to try and catch him. "Time for me to catch a vermin," the Headless Horseman said, urging his horse to run much faster.

The Headless Horseman was clearly finished playing and had every intention of ending Ander. The horse kept picking up speed and it was clear that Ander wouldn't be able to outrun him much longer. I had Ander in my sights, I was closer now, but not close enough. I nearly twisted my ankle on a branch, so focused on catching Ander, when he suddenly disappeared. One second he was running between two trees and the next, he was gone. The Headless Horseman also seemed confused. He had run past where Ander had been, only to double back around. He stopped at the last spot he'd seen Ander, his horse impatiently pawing at the ground. The Headless Horseman slid off his horse, positioning the jack o'lantern on the saddle so he could survey the area, and his body started walking the last spot Ander had been. The body of the Headless Horseman was moving leaves with his feet, searching for something.

I arrived just as Ander popped out of a foxhole and grabbed at the Headless Horseman's feet, tripping him. He pulled himself out of the hole and was getting ready to run, but he saw me. He was sweating profusely, but his skin was pale instead of the ruddy color you'd expect of someone who'd been running for nearly a half hour and his eyes were wide. He frowned at me and pulled at his hair. "What are you doing here, Tessa?"

"I couldn't leave you," I said.

"I need you to," he said and tried running away from me, but I reached out and grabbed his hand. He tried to pull himself free, but I held tightly. "Tessa, he'll kill you too if you stay with me." He had given up trying to get away from me and instead of pulling me as we ran. "You need to live. You need to tell our families the truth."

The Headless Horseman had gotten back on his horse and was chasing us. I didn't need to glance over my shoulder to know he was closing the distance between us. I could feel the heat radiating off him. "I'm not going to let him kill you."

Ander sighed, "This is the only way."

Ander did the unthinkable.

He stopped running, pushed me as hard as he could, causing me to fall backwards. "Ander," I gasped. He stood solemnly, looking at me with unshed tears. I quickly scrambled to get up, but it was too late. The Headless Horseman had arrived. The heat was unbearable and the smell of brimstone was strong. The Headless Horseman lifted his blade and Ander closed his eyes. "No!" I pushed Ander out of the way, taking his place.

Everything was in slow motion. The blade inched closer and closer to my neck as Ander slowly fell to the ground, a look of horror on his face. The smoke from the horse's nostril curled lazily in the air and the light inside the jack o'lantern flickered. I closed my eyes as I felt the cool metal on my skin.

Then the blade shattered.

I opened my eyes and was surprised to see shards of the Headless Horseman's sword scattered around my feet. Ander jumped to his feet and pulled me into him, squeezing me too tight to be comfortable, but I didn't care.

I was alive.

"I don't believe it," the Headless Horseman said. Ander and I looked at him and found he was nearly engulfed in black smoke.

"What's happening?" I asked. Ander didn't want to let me go, but he allowed me to pull away to get a better look.

I couldn't see the Headless Horseman anymore. The heat coming from the smoke was strong and the smell of brimstone was overwhelming, but it was short-lived. There was a loud crack, like that of a whip, and then the smoke disappeared. The Headless Horseman and his nightmare horse were gone. Instead, a wide-eyed Ichabod Crane stood in his place. "You've managed to find the loophole," Ichabod said.

"What loophole? Ander said.

"If a Crane was willing to die for a Van Brunt, the deal would be voided," Ichabod said in awe. "Never did I think such a thing would happen. Thank you," he smiled. "You've freed me of the curse."

Ichabod started to become translucent as he faded. "What about Tessa's soul?" Ander asked.

"Free," Ichabod sighed happily. "All the Cranes are free from my mistake."

Ichabod Crane was standing there one second and then gone the next as he went to whatever waited him in the next chapter of his life.

It was eerily quiet now that it was just the two of us. "Is that it?" I asked.

"I guess so," Ander sighed and pulled me back into him, not squeezing me as tightly this time. He pulled me back so he could look at my face. "That was the bravest, most stupid thing anyone has every done for me. Don't you ever do anything like that again." He rested his forehead against mine as tears rolled down his face. "I love you, Tessa Crane."

"I love you too, Abraham Van Brunt." I smiled as he scowled, but it was short-lived because then I kissed him.

"Let's go home and tell our families how awesome we are," Ander smiled, that smile I loved. He laced his fingers with mine and we started heading towards the parking lot.

"We are lucky things worked out," I said. "We were pretty stupid doing this alone."

"True," Ander laughed, "but it's over now and I can focus on more important things."

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"You," he said, his cheeks turning pink.

My cheeks warmed and I squeezed his hand. "It's going to be scandalous, the two of us together. A Crane and a Van Brunt."

He shrugged. "They talk anyway."

"True," I smiled. "Might as well give them something to talk about."

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