Day III- More than Friends

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Rin's P.O.V.

Usual morning start. But, I just couldn't get Len out of my mind. It had been at least a month and a half since that day. Since then, Len is so sweet to me, he takes care of me, defends me when I need it, he's at my side when I need him, etc. I just could sense something different was going to happen today. Suddenly, dad snapped me out of my deep thinking.
"RIN! Come on, eat quickly so we can leave! You don't wanna be late for school dont you?"
"Um, no dad."
"Well pick up the pase!"
I got back to eating my breakfast. As soon as I finished I got my backpack and we left. I arrived at school, and said hi to the first person I saw: Megurine Luka.
"Morning Luka"
She hugged me tight, as she always does. I actually like when I'm hugged by my friends.
"I dont know, but I think today's going to be a good day!"
"I had that feeling too!"
The bell rang. I said bye, waved quicly at Mayu and went to class. I sat behind Miku, and we started talking.

-Time pass: Recess-

I got down to the court room with Miku. I wasn't hungry, so Miku went to eat alone. I stayed with Mayu and other friends. Len appeared behind me.
"Hi, Rin-chan!"
I turned around.
"Hi, Len-kun!"
One of my friends, Kira said to Len.
"Hey I gotta ask you something."
And as Kira always told me and Len stuff, I was going to acompany them, but Kira stopped me.
"Sorry Rin-senpai, but I wanna ask Him something "
I found this weird, but I kept talking with Mayu.

Len's P.O.V.

I got dragged out by Kira. I found a little weird the fact that she said to Rin to stay out of this, usually she tells her anything, because they consider themselves sisters, but, oh well.
"What is it that you wanted to tell me, Kira?"
"I've been noticing this since weeks ago, and I just wanted to ask. Please, be honest: Do you like Rin-senpai?"
I blushed as red as a tomato. I knew I liked her, but nobody asked. Only my best guy friend knew.
"Um... Y-yes...."
She smiled, and her smile was with the deepest of happiness in the whole world.
"Y-yeah.... I was actually thinking of telling her today..."
Then, Luka approached us. Kira doesn't know her very well, but she knew I considered her a senpai.
"You should tell her."
"Tell me what?"
Luka asked. I pulled her away to tell her what I just told Kira.
She started fangirling and jumping and screaming. She called Gumi and Merli, and I explained, again.
The trio started fangirling and jumping, and Gakupo suddenly showed up and asked.
"Luka, can you explain why are you guys jumping and screaming and all?"
Luka explained it to him. Gakupo smiled as they all gave me little tutorials in how should I tell it to her. I decided to tell her when we get out of school.

-Time Pass. Time to get out of school-

Rin's P.O.V.

I remember I saw Luka, Gumi, Merli and Gakupo all smiling and the girls were fangirling all around Len. I saw them, but I couldn't hear anything because I was pretty far away with Mayu then. I got my backpack and pulled out my phone to tell dad I was going out in a little while. Then, Macne Nana, she sat behind me, and said.
"Aww. Rin, lucky you!~"
I've known and been friends with Nana since we are little, but this was sudden and weird.
"What are you talking about?"
Before she could answer, Yohio came and said the same Nana said.
"Dammit, What is it?!"
They pulled Miku to tell her, and they went away. I got downstairs, and when I was about to leave the school, I heard Luka yelling at me.
She pulled me at Len's side, and she left to another place. One of the odd things was that, in the third floor there were Miku, Yuki and Kira watching us. In the second floor, there were Nana, Yohio and Nana Whisper, other childhood friend. In the floor we were in, there were Luka, Gumi, Merli, Gakupo and Mayu. They all watched and I heard Len.
"R-Rin, I need t-to tell you something..."
Len was blushing like crazy, and continued.
"I.... I..... I love y-you...."
Tears streamed down my face. I couldn't believe what he had just said to me.
"Len, I, I love you too..."
Len started crying too. He hugged me as all the friends that watched us came to us and yelled, and said good things and all that.
"Yes, Len?"
He smiled, still with tears streaming down his face.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
I smiled, and filled of joy and happiness said.

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