Lucas Pov
I'm sick and tired of Missy trying to manipulate me into dating her I don't want to date her I don't want to date her I don't like her she's just not for me and it just wouldn't work.
She treats Riley so bad and just because I like Riley doesn't mean you can hurt her it would just hurt me. When I was twelve I didn't know what love was but I'm turning fifteen and I believe now that I really like Riley not that little crush crap I'm like really serious.
Riley is all I every think about all I ever dream about. Is this love? I have no idea, but if it is I like the feeling. Never have I ever felt this way about a girl.
I sick in the lunch room next to farkle quietly listening to the girls chat it up about some new store opening. I guess the name of it is wet seal they said its to far away to drive there to get stuff once a week so the company created one closer to our city.
"Yeah so I'm going to get some new jeans there probably I really don't know" Riley has changed a bit she likes fashion more and also shopping I guess since she's older she's into it, but Maya is the same that crazy girl as always. Farkle is same old same old also he's a geeky kid but I like him anyway.
"Hey guys do you want to come to my apartment later to watch movies and other things?" Riley asks with a smile that would take your breath away.
"Yeah sure" we all say in unison.