Secrets! Secrets!

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(You wake up the next morning and throw on some jeans and a random top, and some jewelry from you box. You also throw on Draco's sweatshirt and the the necklace he gave you last night.\/)

You put on some mascara and some chapstick ,and walk out the door

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You put on some mascara and some chapstick ,and walk out the door. Draco is sitting on the couch in the common room he smiles at you. You walk over to a closet and open the door. You walk into the closet and shut the door. Moments later Draco walks in and kisses you immediately. "God I missed you" He says moving to you neck. "I missed you too but no marks Draco remember" You say trying to push him off you. "Fine...Hey my sweatshirt!'s a little big on you haha" He says rolling up the sleeves so your hands poke out. "Thanks" you say letting out a small laugh. "Why do we have to do this? Why can't we are selfs and let them see." he said sadly like he hates that we can't do that. "Draco I know you hate it but we have to. People are expecting us to be done now that I know." You tell him worried he's going to be mad. "Fine but I don't know how I can go a whole day without you." He says jokingly. You kiss him on the cheek and then you walk out of the closet. Draco waits a little before walking out after you. You go to potions and sit with Hermione she looks at you concerned like your doing something wrong. "Why aren't you and Draco not sitting together" Hermione asks. "Um.. w-we uh broke up" You tell her obviously lying, you feel bad about it but it's what has to be done. "Why are you lying to me?" Hermione asks. You snap your head around to her. "W-What do you mean?" You ask, Then you look down to see her wand pointing at you. "Hey no fair you can't use the Legilimency spell on me!" you say to Hermione as she puts her wand away. "Sorry I just know how you are-" She says looking at her hands. "A cunning Slitherin" you say rolling your eyes. "...Yea" She says looking down. "But why are you trying to lie about this stuff?" She asks. "Draco is a...death eater and i-I'm thinking about.....joining him" you say as you look her in her eyes. You know she can see the worry in your eyes "Your your going to join him?" she says stuttering through her words. You both sit through the class in silence Draco keeps looking back at you all you do is smile at him.
(After class you go to the great hall for lunch. You grab some food and sit down. Draco sits down next to you and you give him a look to make him get up and move. After you done eating you leave the hall looking back at Draco signaling him to follow. You both go into and empty room)
"Hermione knows about the plan" you tell Draco as you pace around the room. "How?" he asks a with little worried on his face. "She used the Legilimency spell on me and saw the memory of us talking." you say looking Draco in his sky blue eyes. You love his eyes like the way the glisten in the light as he walks through the halls. "What did she say?" he says breaking your train of thought. "She's worried about me" you say as you look at your hands. "She doesn't need to i'll be there to protect you." He says as he holds your hands. "Aw how knight in shining black." you say jokingly, you laugh and kiss him on the cheek. You turn to leave when you feel his cold hand lightly grab you hand. He spins you around a kisses you. You feel his hand move down to the back of your thigh. He picks you up and you rap your legs around him. He leans you up against the wall and starts kissing your neck. You let off a soft moan he laughs at you and says "So I his a nerve"
you laugh and say "Y-yuh you uh did". He carries you to a table and sits you on it. He pulls your sweatshirt off as you start to unbutton his shirt. You put your hand in his hair as he puts his on you neck. You lay down and he hits a certain spot making you moan and pull his hair. He smiles a holds your neck a little harder. You guys go for about an hour. After you get dressed and Draco looks you in eyes and says "I can't stay away from you anymore...I look at you and all I want to do is kiss you and hold you but I can't". "I know it's hard but maybe we can lie and say something else so you can do those things" you say grabbing his hands. "Wait really" he says surprised. "Yea I missed this...I missed you" you reply sincerely. You both leave the room holding hands class is about to let out so you start walking to your next one. The halls start filling with tons of witches and wizards. You and Draco run into Ron and Hermione on your way to DADA. "Bloody hell y/n! What happened to your neck?" Ron yells. "What what are you talking about?" you say pulling out the compact Blaze gave you. "It looks like a leach got stuck on you neck" Ron says studying the bruise. " burnt my neck curling my hair this morning" you say lying your ass off. "oh okay" Ron says. He obviously knows i'm lying but I just keep walking embarrassed. You elbow Draco in the side "You left a mark" you whisper and shake your head. "Sorry I got a little...carried away" he whispers back smiling at you. He kisses you on the forehead and you both go to class.
(You go through the whole day smiling and happy. At the end of the day you and Draco go to sleep in his arms and happy. Your happy to be back the way you were before even if it was only half a day. You feel great for once.)

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