The day has come

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(It's a month later today is the day you become a death eater. You turn your head and smile because next to you is a sleeping Draco.)
You slide out of bed and go get in the shower. 30 minutes later you step out of the shower and rap a towel around you. All of a sudden you feel his cold hand move your wet hair to the side ,and his warm lips lightly hit your neck. You turn to face him, you put your hands around his neck to pull him closer, dropping your towel. He smiles you smile back and laugh saying "I'm a little wet" he laughs and says picking you up "I don't really care". He carries you to the bed and lays you down on the bed. He climes on top of you and starts kissing you up and down your body. " c-class" you say arching your back on the bed. "Aw you know we can skip" Draco says still kissing you. "No we skipped yesterday and just laid in bed together" you say trying to get up and out from under Draco.
(You get up off the bed and look in the mirror there are hickeys all over you. Draco is smiling the whole time as you get ready. You put this on \/ and Draco finally gets dressed after watching you get dressed.)

"You look beautiful today" Draco says holding you from behind

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"You look beautiful today" Draco says holding you from behind. "Thank you" you say as you turn in his arms to kiss him on the cheek. He gives you a long kiss on your forehead. You grab his hand and walk out but you stop in your tracks immediately. She's back, Pansy is back. She was suspended about 2 months into the school year for repeating to prank and bully other students and now she's back. "Aw the two love birds. Going out for a morning stroll?" she said with a smirk on her face. "No pug face were going to class but thanks for asking" you say laughing. You and Draco walk out making sure to hit Pansy's shoulder with yours. She scoffs when you do it but you keep walking. "My little firecracker over here" Draco says laughing and swinging you back and forth. "Well i'm not going to be pushed around buy pug face anymore" you tell Draco. He knows the history you and Pansy have...history. About a year ago Pansy put a unforgivable curse on me. She made me do unspeakable things and she embarrassed me. "Come on or we're going to be late" Draco says braking your train of thought. "Yea..ok" you say as you start to walk faster.
(You both sit through class and after Draco tells you he has to go talk to his dad about me. He leaves and he was back by dinner. Your sitting at the table when you see Draco in the door way waving you over)
"We have a small problem" He says looking you straight in your eyes. "What?! what's wrong" you ask worried about what he's about to say next. "Um..they don' you yet. they think you a spy or something. They said you have to do something to prove your loyalty." he said with a sad look on his face. "What do I have to do? Wait I won't have to kill anyone right?" you ask. "I don't know and I hope not, but I can ask for you." he tells, he looks worried. "I'll be fine I can handle anything they throw at me." you say reassuring him. "Okay i'll sneak out later tonight and go talk to my dad again about but I don't have the best feeling about this." he says as he kisses you on the forehead.
(Draco's POV)
I have to go see my dad tonight about y/n. I still can't believe she still wants to be with me after I told her. It's almost time to go so I kiss y/n bye and sneak out to go see my dad. I get outside the castle and my dad is waiting on the bridge. "Hey dad, How are you doing?" I ask him as he walks closer. "No questions son why did you ask to meet again?" he asks. "Y/n wants to know what she has to do to be trusted" I tell father. "She has two options one will give her full trust the other he will still not fully trust her but she will be accepted. Then she can get her mark." he says to me. "What's the options she has and what do they lead to?" I ask worried about what they are. "Option one leads to full trust. She has to kill Dumbledore and get the elder wand-" I interrupt saying "NO not going to happen absolutely not next option" "Please don't interrupt boy it's very rude. Okay option two gives her some trust but she will be accepted. You and her must get married and she must vow to the dark Lord. Choose what you will son, but remember once she's in she's in forever." he says and then he poofs away. I go back inside and sneak back into y/n's bedroom. I try not to wake her. I put my arms around her and I fall asleep holding her.
(your POV again)
(The next morning you wake up and get dressed \/)

(your POV again)(The next morning you wake up and get dressed \/)

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"So what did your dad say last night?" you ask Draco. "We might have another problem" Draco says looking down at his hands. "Now what's wrong?" you say walking closer to him. "It's not what's wrong it's what you have to do." he says putting his hand on you knee as you sit on the bed. "What do they want me to do, I can do it though." you say as you put your hand on top of his. "I know you can but i'm not going to let you,....but there's a second option but I don't know if you want to." he says moving his thumb side to side on your leg. "Wait what was the first option?" you ask. "They wanted you to kill Dumbledore and get his wand." he tells you. He won't make eye contact at all. "What's so special about his want though?" you ask him. "It's the elder wand I guess, but it doesn't matter because your not going to do it. Okay?" he says, he still won't look at you for some reason. "Okay, what's the other option then?" you ask lowering your head trying to get him to look at you. "Before I tell you...Do you still love me?" "WHAT?! what do you mean?" "Do YOU still love me ?" he asks even more persistent. You put your hand on his cheek, and you lift his head so you can see his eyes and say looking into them "Draco that's not even a question...I will always love you there's no doubt about that. Out of curiosity why did you ask that. Do you not want me to?" "I love you but I want you to be sure that you feel the same" he says leaning his forehead onto yours. You kiss him and he kisses you back. You guys stare into each other's eyes for a moment then Draco says "The other option is for me and you to...get married and you have to vow to the Dark Lord" "Do you not want to do that though. You don't like the idea of us together like that or something." you say sadly. "NO not at all I would love for that to happen but it would have to happen in the next 2 months for it to work." he says looking at you with puppy dog eyes. "Then let's go to a church and do it" you tell him. "NO...They are already making you do this really early so we are going to have a real wedding" he says as he kisses your forehead. "Wait really? Like fancy dresses and things?" you ask excitedly. "Yea but we are only 16 so we need parent consent. You already know my dad is on board...anything to please my Lord...that's what my dad always says. Anyways we need to get your dad on bored which maybe easier than we thought." he tells you. "What do you mean?" you ask. "Um..okay..I saw your dad at a meeting with the...other...death eaters" he says looking back at his hands. "What no that can't be. There must be a mistake." you say stuttering through your words. "y/n there's no mistake I know what I saw. I'm sorry" he says looking back up at you you say. "It's fine i'll ask him tomorrow and i'll know if he lies because I'll use a spell to see. No more lying he's done enough already. If he says yes to you we will know for sure."

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