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- I don't know why… - Niall says softly - But I hate airports! - He pouts carrying his bag and Harry, who is being pushed by Louis in a tiny trolley bag smacks Niall's bag making him stumble - You are afraid of flights, not airports, goose! - Harry laughs and Louis joins him. Niall picks up his bag and frowns as Liam helps him - You two keep riding those things! - Liam yells as they start going faster - You're going to end... - And before he finishes the sentence, Harry, Louis and the bags are spread on the floor. 
- In the floor! - Zayn laughs and Niall stands beside the pile of bags in which Harry and Lou are messed up in- You totally deserved that! - He mocks them and grabs his ticket - Are you sure this is our flight? - Niall asks Liam as Harry and Louis are trying to get up, laughing from the fall and blaming each other - You are a lousy driver, Lou! - Harry chuckles and Lou punches him - Next time you push the car, lazy! - And they laugh because they just roll like that. Liam shakes his head and Zayn walks over him - Alright, now we wait! - He says sitting and getting comfy with his feet in Louis back since he is kneeling grabbing some clothes from the floor - Zayn! - Louis pouts and the others laugh - Sorry, dude! I thought you were a tiny table! - Zayn smiles and Harry sits beside him. They are making their annual trip and they can't hide they are all excited. Especially since in the last months, Liam and Niall broke up with their girlfriends and the rest are being there for them. 

-Ana, why did you choose a late flight? – Clara asks fixing her hair and Chloe laughs – Because I like airports when it’s quiet and not infected with blurry shadows of people rushing through! – Ana replies checking his flight number. –This place is really empty- Pili says riding her skateboard and Maia looks around – Keep rolling on that thing and you will end up- And Pili falls to the floor as she hits Ana’s baggage. The rest laugh and Clara helps her up – Floor! – She says and Chloe chuckles – You never fall, what happened to you! – She asks and Pili look around – Remember high school? – And the rest nod. They have been best friends since then. – Remember Ana used to date this charming prince and then they split out of nowhere? – And Ana frowns – Pili, why are you bringing this up? – She asks pissed off since there was never a closure between them. –And remember how I have hunches about random stuff that come true? – Pili ads with mystery and Chloe stares interested since she always believed in her- Yeah… why? – And the girls look at Pili – I dreamed about him last night! – She says slightly and gets back on her skate – That’s it?! – Ana pouts and Clara giggles – They used to call us “The fearless ones” – And she smiles. 

Maia holds Clara – That’s because we were and we rocked like now! – And they high-five. Ana looks at the flight numbers and ads- Well; we have grown since then so… - Chloe winks at Maia – Hey Pili! Didn't you have a crush on the cute blonde one? – And Maia rubs her chin- Ni…? – And Pili stops instantly – Niall? – She blushes and the rest chuckles – Oh! It seems it’s turning tables now, ah? – Ana jokes and Pili rolls eyes – It was a stupid crush! Besides Maia used to kiss all the time with Liam, the quarterback and she did kiss and not tell! – Pili say and Maia burns red. – You’re going down! – Maia yells and Pili laugh speeding up. The others smile – Those were the days, girls! – Chloe says as they all remember how fun it was fighting with them and from time to time, they always ended up kissing with one of them at a party. 

Harry is resting his head on Louis legs – I love quiet airports, not filled with bugs! – And Liam chuckles – We know, Styles… you’re a hermit vampire! – And Niall is lying in a line of sits looking at the roof – Guys; do you remember that group of girls we used to fight with in high school? – The rest turn to him suddenly – Yeah… they were mainly cool but frustrating! – Zayn says and remembers he had a thing for one of them. –Why are you bringing this up now, lad? – Louis says and Niall replies – I don’t know, I wonder what would have happened if Harry… - And Liam hits Niall’s face with his jacket. Harry stands up – I didn't do anything! She misread everything and thanks by the way for making me remember! – He says annoyed and Zayn shakes his head – They moved, we moved… it was fun but we have grown up, dude! – He says and Harry looks down. Mainly because he never forgot Ana, his first love and Louis pats his back – Want another ride? – He jokes since they are best friends – You liked the clever one! – Harry points at Louis that blushes – And funny! – Louis says – And her name was, is Chloe! – He says and turns to look away. – They were unreachable, we were always picking fights with them and they always won! - Liam says shrugging and Niall looks at him – Yeah, but you did win over the brunette you used to kissed sneaking every time!- And thought the rest laugh, Niall is being hit by Liam’s jacket one more time. 

The girls are standing at a turning spot – That way! – Both Clara and Chloe say but point to different directions – Clara! You’re holding the map around! – Ana pouts but chuckles as Clara realizes it is true. – I am not good with these things! – She says and frowns as Pili grabs the map out of her hands rolling with her skate – So don’t use it then! – Pili laugh and Ana glances at Chloe – That way? – She asks and the girls spot people sitting waiting for the same flight – Yes, sorry, I guess humans do get flights too, Ana! – Chloe jokes sarcastically and Maia points – Let’s get there, I promise we don’t have to talk to those terrible humans! – She says as the others mock too. – Will you bring me something nice from there? – Pili asks and Ana shakes her head – No! – And Pili, that is now holding her skate, pouts – Why? - And as the others hold each other gossiping, Ana replies – Because you have been naughty, not nice! – And Clara chuckles – That is true! You totally messed with that guy and he didn't have a chance! - By this moment, Pili stops and remembers why nobody has a chance in her love life: her heart is taken. –I will roll then! See you, losers! – She says and speeds off in her skate. Chloe stares – She is still in the “what if” stage, girls – And they know what she is talking about. Chloe herself always waited for her prince but eventually she started losing hope. 

Zayn spots people walking their way – Look! We have company! – He says smiling at Harry that frowns taking his hat off – People! – He pouts and Louis stands up beside him – Girls! – He smiles and Liam joins them – Maybe this will be a fun flight after all!- He ads smirking and Niall takes a step in front of them – They look familiar – He says turning to the boys and suddenly the blurry shapes take form and Louis just says – No way! Are they? – And their faces turn pale as they recognize the fearless girls. Niall that is not looking says – Who? Who? – Zayn screams –Watch out! – And in a blink of an eye, Niall is in the floor with a skate and a girl on top of him. 
-Harry? - Ana asks surprised as confused and the girls step in front of the guys – Ana? What are you doing here? – Harry asks staring at Ana, who is red by now and Liam stumbles on his own words – Ma- Maia? – And she smiles. Niall lifts Pili up and they look at each other – Well, this is a whether a lucky or fatal casualty! – Clara grins holding Chloe that glances at Zayn – You’re taking this flight? – He asks and before Ana can reply, Pili says quickly – Yes! All of us! – And the girls turn to look at her since it’s not true. Maia nods –We are so move your asses, losers! – Ana cannot hold his look at Harry that is checking her out badly. – Fine, but try not to stand in our way then! – Liam fights back and the boys back him up – Uh! Looking for some old day’s action, Payne? – Maia smirks and Liam says slowly – Bring it on – And as Clara whispers to Pili- Witch! - They all face each other, one more time.

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