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Harry sighs since he was so close to kiss her again. Ana stands up and it's really dark. A minute later the lights go on again and when Ana turns he finds Harry drying a tear, trying to look away. -Harry? Why are you crying? - Ana asks and Harry looks down.

As everything lights up again, Louis and Chloe let go hands but Niall keeps holding Pili - Blonde! Let me go! - She smiles and Niall steps back smiling blushed - Where are they? - Chloe asks since Maia and Liam are nowhere. They all glance around - Sneaky Payne! Just as in high school! Bastard! - Louis laughs and Chloe yells - Come out, come out wherever you lovers are! - And Pili and Niall giggle.
Liam is hiding with Maia behind a counter - Do you think they saw us? - Liam asks and they can hear Chloe's voice. Maia stares - Is that a good answer, Payne? - She chuckles and Liam shakes his head - We never got caught back then! - He says and Maia laughs softly which makes Liam cover her mouth - What? - He asks and Maia stares - Everybody knew! I think even my dad! - And Liam frowns - I like your dad, he's a good man - And Maia pecks his lips - Just like you - And when Liam is about to kiss her again, they are pulled up suddenly.

-Maybe we should look for the others- Clara says still holding Zayn's hand - Oh... that is why you never appear when it rained! - He says and she stares - I have a thing about storms! What is wrong with that? - Clara pouts and Zayn pulls her close - I can actually protect you if you want - He says and Clara is red - Boyfriend! - She says and Zayn nods - What's his name? - Clara stares and reads from a book store sign - William...- She says mumbling and Zayn knows that face gives her away - And his last name? - He asks quickly and Clara replies without thinking - Shakespeare - And in that moment, Zayn steps back - You are unbelievable! You lied to me! - He pouts loud and Clara feels stupid - We were playing! It was part of what we do, Zayn! - She tries to defend herself but Zayn starts walking - I thought maybe we could stop doing that for once but I was clearly wrong! - He moves fast and Clara stands still - Well, sorry I never told you I loved you or the fact that I still do! - She says this and freezes. Zayn turns on his feet and just stares speechless.

-I'm not crying, Ana! There's something in my eye! - Harry rubs it and Ana kneels beside him - Let me see - She says but he leans back - I'm fine. I got your message from destiny, remember? - He says frustrated and Ana pouts - You are irritating! I wasn't serious, Harold! - She says shaking and grabbing her head. Harry glances - How come? - And Ana raise an eyebrow - Everything went dark, I thought it was an earthquake or whatever! - She says and ads - You just wanted to keep going... Jeez, are you that lonely? - The minute she says it, she knows this time, she blew it. Harry stands up furious - Yes, I am lonely but you want to know something really funny? - But Ana is scared of what's coming next - I never cheated on you! EVER! In fact I waited for you and you can ask the guys- He paces unleashed - I loved you first then and I love you back now! That's why I am so lonely and miserable, Ana! Because I spend my days waiting for you! - As Harry finishes, Ana cannot believe what she just heard. 

-Maia Lawrence! - Chloe yells and Louis is holding Liam - You two are kids! What is wrong with you both? - Chloe says and Liam and Maia feel like being punished - Dude, hiding from us? We're not in high school anymore! - Niall says and Pili stares from behind. Maia steps back - Why do you care? Have you told everyone you used to date Louis but you never had the guts to tell him how you really felt, Chloe? - And Louis glances at her since he has no idea. Chloe is glaring - We're playing truth or dare now? - She spits out with anger to Maia - Let's do this! Liam, did you know Maia spend hours checking your moves on Facebook and Twitter? - Chloe says and Maia cannot believe it - And did you know she actually felt great when you broke up with that girl? - Chloe yells and Liam tries to stop her - Enough! - He says and Maia is breathing hard - She loves you, Liam! - Chloe says and ads - She loved you then and now! - And now it's Louis that grabs her arm - Chloe, stop it. Please - He begs as Pili and Niall are staring scared. Maia walks beside her - You went too far this time, thanks for ruining it- She says and Chloe snaps from her trance and now feels deeply sorry. Liam follows Maia without even looking at Chloe. -Screw this! - She says and walks to the other way and Louis follows her leaving Niall with Pili.

Zayn takes steps closer to Clara - You never said anything - He says more sad than angry. Clara looks away - You were taken then, Zayn- She says sweetly - And I never thought I would see you again - And Zayn grabs her arms - I'm sorry - He says and Clara stares confused - About what? - She asks - About not doing this before - And he just kisses her deeply. When he leans back, Clara is out of breathe - That was... - She smiles - wow! - And he caresses her face - I always had my eye on you, Clara but you were clever and sneaky - He admits and Clara chuckles - I do remember that one kiss - She says and Zayn grins - Rooftop, prom night, you were absolutely gorgeous on that blue dress- She smiles - I loved the dress, the shoes, not so much! - And Zayn laughs - Well I ended up with them in my hands when you run like Cinderella! - And Clara nods - Sorry about that- She says and Zayn kisses her again.

-I shouldn't have said that, Harry- Ana says and she is sobbing - When we broke up I just felt empty and alone - She says and Harry turns to look at her - I guess I yell at you but actually I am just mirroring how I feel inside - Ana says grabbing her chest - I loved you so much and suddenly it all went down- Ana cries now - I didn't know what to do, Harry - He hugs her tight and kisses her hair - I think it's time for us to stop blaming each other, Ana - He says in a whisper and Ana nods - Ok - She says and Harry smiles - You look pretty even when you cry - And they smile to each other hugging tighter.

Maia stops and Liam holds her - She was out of line - He says but Maia dries her tears - She was right, Liam, I am a coward - She confesses and Liam holds her face in his hands - You're the bravest girl I ever met, Maia - He says serious - And however you feel about me... it doesn't even comes close to how I always felt about you - Now Maia is surprised - I loved you since the day I saw you and when we sneaked to our make out sessions, all I ever thought was how I didn't want it to end - Liam says and Maia smiles - So you don't think I'm a fake?- She asks and Liam brushes his lips against hers - I think you're the most real person in my whole life - And they kiss but now they don't have to hide from anyone.

Niall and Pili are still processing the rage between her best friends - She was mean, Pili - Niall says and Pili frowns - I never saw Chloe like that - She says and thinks for a while - What? - Niall asks since she seems to be lost in her thoughts - She did it on purpose! Bitch! - Pili laughs and Niall stares confused - She is a very good actress then! - And Pili jumps to hug him - She knew Maia would never talk so she pushed her! Everything will be alright, blonde! - Pili smiles and Niall hugs her back trying to understand - You have weird friends! - He chuckles and they can see Ana and Harry hugging from not too far - Look! I guess they found a way too - Pili says resting her head on Niall's chest. Niall smiles - You know what? I like you! - And without blinking Niall kisses Pili sweetly but intensely.

Louis and Chloe are sitting and Louis is staring at her - What was that about? - He asks and Chloe shakes her head - I know Maia, she is fine, I just helped a little - Louis stares confused - You sounded really bitchy! - And Chloe laughs - Sometimes, a friend needs to listen to the truth, Lou - And he turns her to face him - So when do I get to listen to yours? - He asks and Chloe sighs - Maia was right, I felt more than I told and I regret never telling you - She says and Louis pecks her lips - I forgive you - And when Chloe stands up, she faints suddenly in Louis arms.

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