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-Why did you just say that? - Ana grabs Pili's arm as the girls gather around. - We don't have tickets! - Clara says and Maia grins - It's just a joke! I don't know… seeing them here- She says - It kind of reminds me of those years - Pili smiles since she is happy to see Niall again. - Well, what are you going to do when they realize I am the only one with an actual ticket!- Ana pouts almost yelling since she has to, indeed, fly with her ex. Chloe rubs her neck - They are here, we have to wait so- She stops as Ana is waiting for her to back her up - Sorry, Ana! I think this will be fun! - Chloe says and the rest laugh - Oh come on! Let's mess with them for tonight, you don't actually have seen them or him again, Ana - Maia says and Ana rolls her eyes. -Fine! But don't say later I didn't warn you - Ana says - Every time we fool around, we end up in fire- Ana says and maybe it's seeing Harry again but she is slowly changing her mind. 

Louis slaps Harry's neck - Stop staring at her, dude! - Harry frowns and faces the rest - What are they doing here? - He asks curious and surprised. Liam shrugs - I don't know but if it is fate, we are screwed! - He ads glancing at Maia. Zayn sits down again - I'm not playing games anymore, lads - He says cool - That time is over - But Niall, who seems to be more excited than the rest, pushes him - You have to play with us! They are clearly messing with us and we can't let them win this time! - He finishes and Zayn stares - This is not high school anymore, blonde! And besides, why are you so thrilled now? - Zayn asks and now the others are staring too -Uh... is this about skate girl? - Louis asks mocking and Liam nods - I think Niall wants a ride! - And they all laugh though Niall blushes - No, I don't! Very mature, Liam! - He pouts.
Liam stares - You are the one all jumpy about meeting the girls! - And Harry quickly ads – And you are the one drooling over Maia - And he mocks Liam's voice - Bring it on! - Harry says and Zayn chuckles. -We're here, and if we have to travel with them, we better pull it together - Liam is serious now. -Ok, we have to pick a target and remember not to fall for chick flicks! - Louis says and Niall grins - Liam, you go with Maia, of course - And he makes kissing noises, that are not welcome by the very own Liam - Lou, you handle Chloe! - And Lou nods since he never actually said Chloe and him dated for a while but never went steady. -Zayn, Clara is yours - Niall says and Zayn shows a little smile but then nods - Pili is mine, of course - And Liam jokes - You wish! She never noticed how much in love you were! - The whole gang laughs and Niall sticks his tongue out - Shut up, lover! - And now they all turn to Harry that quietly says - Oh no! No! - And turns around.

- Ok, let's do this! - Maia says and the girls are ready to a trip to their past. -I cannot believe we're goofing around again! - Ana pouts but this is clearly a way to find out what happened with Harry after all. -If I see you kissing Liam, I will tell! - Pili jokes and Maia pushes her - Shut your face! You were the one saying we had tickets just to hang with blue eyes! - She glares at Pili that frown - Hey! Stop it now! - Clara says - Since we do have to wait, I don't see why we can't have fun in the meantime! - And Chloe ads - Besides there is no shopping around so... - And this makes them laugh. 
Harry is walking away when Louis stops him - Hey! There is no bad blood here, Haz! - He says and Harry glances at Ana - I know, I just don't think Ana will be in the mood of pranking each other since... you know - Harry says more sad than upset. Louis places his hands on Harry's shoulder - Mate, do you trust me? - He says and Harry nods - You're my brother, well not actually my brother because you don't look as good as me but- And Lou shakes his head - That means you are on board- And Harry nods - Maybe this is my chance to set things straight with her, right? - Harry asks and Louis nods - Sure, the last time she slapped you so hard, you looked like you have been beaten by a truck but sure! - Lou jokes but he knows the whole thing was a misunderstanding and Ana must know this. - Let's go! I bet Liam will be kissing Maia in less than 30 minutes! - Lou says with a funny face and Harry chuckles.

The girls walk together and face the boys - Should we set some rules, losers? - Maia asks and fists hands with Pili and Liam rolls his eyes - There are no rules, Barbie! - He says and Maia smirks - You got bold, Payne! It was about time! - She is clearly messing with him. -You have no idea! - Liam replies and Zayn says - The flight leaves in 30 minutes - He points to the screen and they wish they had more time - Wait - Ana says and she looks tired - Can we just not do this, please? - She says and even though everyone is staring at her, Harry is worried - Are you alright? - He asks and Ana glances - Yes, I just think these stupid games did not end up well last time and I don't want to - And she stops because she is about to give more info away. Harry is about to back down too but then he remembers one of the reasons they fall apart was him, backing down so instead he just says - Not so fearless anymore? What happened? You got softer? - And they all open their mouths wide open to this comment. 

Ana has just changed her mind. Slowly she faces Harry really close - You will regret saying that! - She says and suddenly she grabs Harry's hat and starts running. -Let the games begin! - Niall shouts and the rest clap. -Wait! What do we win? - Pili asks and they look at each other - If you lose, and you will, you will take another flight! - Liam says talking to Pili but staring at Maia. -Deal! - Maia replies and the girls laugh since they are not flying anyways. -We're cheating! - Clara whispers into Chloe's ear - Duh! How do you think we always win? - And they all go separate and Louis says loud - Thirty minutes! - They all nod. 

Zayn walks beside Clara - You look nice - He says and she smiles - I'm in love! - Clara says and Zayn pales badly - Oh... you have a boyfriend, sure, why wouldn't you? - And Clara nods. She is already playing since she is single but there are no rules, though, what they don't know is there will be a consequence. - So, truth or dare, Malik? - Clara asks as they are reaching a table from a bar that is closed. Zayn stares deeply making her blush slightly - Ladies first! - He smiles and Clara smirks - Good move! - Zayn moves a chair for her and Clara nods thanking.

Chloe is walking fast and Louis is trying to keep up -Hey, slow down! - Lou says and Chloe stops so suddenly Louis bumps into her and catches her before she falls on her back - You should wear some sign when you stop like that! - Lou jokes and Chloe chuckles - You should walk faster than a turtle! - She replies but Louis is holding her close. They stare at each other for a moment until Louis asks - So, what do you have in mind? - He asks and she is almost tempted to say YOU but she just says - Since you're out of practice, a race to the end line will do - She winks and Louis sighs joking - Can we just lay here? My back is killing me and I don't have my medicine! - He jokes and Chloe laughs. She missed him more than she thought - On 3! - She says and starts running, Louis watches her yelling - Hey that's not fair! - He starts running after her and Chloe yells back - I said 3! - And Louis shakes his head laughing. 

Liam is walking with Maia and they stop when they hear steps. -We are not alone - Liam says slowly pushing her against a corner and Maia laughs - It's an airport, Payne! Of course we are not! - She says and a security guard walks by while Liam covers Maia's mouth. Once he's gone, Maia bites him - Ouch! You bite now?! - Liam says shaking his hand and Maia smirks - I bite back then too! - She says - It was just security, we are not doing anything illegal! - Maia says and Liam whispers - Wrong, smart ass! We are in a prohibited zone- And he points up to a sign -We are in the mall! - Maia says surprised and Liam pulls her tight - You wanted bold... right? - And as Maia giggles, Liam leans in slowly to her lips.

Pili is riding her skate and Niall smiles - You almost break my leg with that! - He says and Pili chuckles - I just speed it up and you were there! - She says and Niall stares - Is that a “sorry, Niall for knocking you down”? - And Pili laughs - Never! But instead, I can teach you how to ride it! - And Niall nods smiling - What game is that? - Pili extends her hand - Just get on it and we'll see! - Niall holds her hand and an instant spark run through their bodies. 

Harry catches Ana by her waist and she laughs throwing his hat away - That's an expensive hat! - He pouts and Ana feels his touch like a thunder. She pulls away - Sorry, I don't want to play anymore, Harry - She says and sits in the floor. Harry picks up his hat and sits beside her - You are not ok, Ana - He says looking at her - Your eyes give you away easily - Ana turns surprised to his words - Now you notice that kind of details? - And Harry places his hat on her head - I always did, Ana - He confesses - Sorry I never told you - His words are so thoughtful, Ana looks away smiling. 

A voice from the speaker sounds and everyone is interrupted - Flight 2309 is delayed for 6 hours due to an electric storm, please excuse us- Ana and Harry pout at the same time - Six hours! - They say looking up with perfect sync. Niall almost fall from the skater but holds Pili's hand tight - I guess you has six more hours to teach me! - He smiles. Zayn and Chloe look at each other - Six hours of truth or dare?! - They chuckle. Louis bumps against Chloe again but this time he does not let her go - Six hours... you won't run from me again- He says and as Chloe swallows hard as he softly caresses her face. Liam leans back -Six hours! What will we do in six hours? - He says and Maia kisses him no doubting. Liam steps back - Wait - He says and Maia feels so ashamed and stupid, she just pushes Liam and starts running yelling -Stay away from me! - But Liam chases her.
Will six hours together, change their minds for good?

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