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Ana is walking around trying to find someone from the airport to get more details - I can't freaking believe it! - She pouts as Harry walks besides her, hiding a smile - I already hate airports enough and now I'm stuck in one! - She says and Harry surprises since he feels the same way. -Ana, it's just a couple of hours, besides at least we are not alone - He says and Ana turns to face him. - Yeah, you're probably right... but still! - And Harry chuckles - Do you want to find the others or ..."? - Ana stares confused and Harry hides something behind - Or what? We broke up remember? Don't act like you're proposing, Harold! - Ana pouts serious and sounds worst than she thought. Harry shows a package of her favorite cookies - I guess you are not hungry then... - Harry says hurt and Ana burns red from how she reacted.

Pili and Niall are laughing since they have no drama. In fact they are happy they get to spend more time together. - You learn fast, blonde! - Pili chuckles and Niall brags - What can I say? - And he makes a funny face - One of my many hidden talents! - And Pili grins widely sitting down - I think I need to rest a little, I wonder how much Ana is yelling right now? - She says as Niall joins her - What do you mean? - He asks looking at her - She hates airports like hell! That's why she takes night flights - Pili says and Niall laughs - Harry hates them too! He gets really pissed though Louis keeps him entertained- He smiles and Pili is surprised - Really? Well, they have things in common still! - And Niall wonders if they have things in common too.

Chloe and Louis are walking and chatting. - So, you did get to be a designer after all! - Louis says and sounds almost proud - Yeah, it is way better than I thought! - Chloe says and smiles at him - I remember you once draw me in a dress! - Louis says and Chloe finds it amazing - You remember that? - She asks slowing down and Louis glances with his hands on his pockets - I still have it! - He says and Chloe feels thankful they decided to stay there. She holds his hand and smiles - Tell me about you! Still not friendly with numbers? - And Louis squeezes her hand chuckling - I can count your fingers now at least! - And they keep walking remembering old days.

Zayn is staring at Clara - So truth or dare? - He says smiling and Clara fixes her ponytail - Truth! - She says smiling - But I won't play six hours of this, ok? - And they both chuckle. Zayn inhales and thinks - Ok, here I go.... are you ready? - And Clara nods - Yeah, shoot! - She says and Zayn looks right in her eyes - Did you ever have a crush on me? - He just asks and Clara sort of blushes - You don't waste time, ah? - She says surprised - I guess some people don’t change! - And Zayn shrugs - Are you going to answer or avoid me? - He is playing too and this makes Clara nervous - Fine! Yeah, I did but it wasn't a crush so just get over it! - She pouts but actually knows she is telling the truth. Clara was in love with him but back then, Zayn had a girlfriend or sort of. She shakes her head at the memory and frowns without noticing - What was that? - Zayn asks since he noticed - Nothing, your turn! - Clara says quickly and Zayn nods - I'll go with truth because I don't want to end up running naked in the middle of an airport! - And Clara burst laughing - That day was awesome! - She says and Zayn is melting just looking her smiling. - It was a winter day, Clara! I freeze my butt! - He laughs and ads - Ask me - And he grabs her hand suddenly as Clara remains still at this.

Liam finally grabs Maia - Jeez! You can run, girl! - He says and notices that Maia has tears in her eyes - What do you want, Liam? You fooled me in high school, wasn't that enough? You're trying to top my level of humiliation? - Maia says sobbing and Liam is speechless at this - Maia, I never fooled you! OMG! - And he hugs her tight - How on earth do you think that? - He rubs Maia's back and she is now a mess – Liam, you left me waiting for you at the prom- She says deeply hurt and Liam frowns - I never did that... I looked everywhere for you and you were gone! - He says and Maia stares confused - I don't understand, she said you were gone with her - Maia says and Liam grabs her face gently - Who said? With who? - She replies - Laura, she said you left with Miranda, that cheerleader you used to fool around with! - Liam shakes his head but cannot hide a smile - They tricked you, Maia - Liam says and ads - Miranda was all over me but I was in love with you - And with this naked truth, Liam kisses her deeply and Maia surrenders to his touch. 

Ana and Harry had been eating cookies, talking easily - Sorry for snapping - Ana says and Harry nods - It's ok... I know we ended up messing things but Ana, I never meant to hurt you- He says and she finds some peace at his words - I didn't handle things very good either, Harry- Ana sighs - Pili said she dreamed about you and I didn't believe her - She smiles eating a cookie - Maybe it was destiny after all - She shrugs and Harry grins - Then I will send destiny a greeting card! - And Ana laughs - That's one of the things I missed most about you - She says honestly - You have this sense of humor, don't ever lose it - She smiles and Harry caresses her face - Ana, if I could change what happened, I would - He says and by now he's way too close to her lips - Me too - She just says and they remain like that.

Chloe and Louis are still walking when Niall and Pili spot them. Niall pulls Pili to his arms so they are hiding - Niall - Pili whispers - This is the second time I end up with you on top - And Niall chuckles making Pili cover his mouth - Shh! You will make them see us! - Pili laughs too and Niall nods - I have an idea! - Niall says softly and they grab the skate and Niall grabs a teddy bear from his bag that makes Pili contain a laugh - Really? - She asks and Niall ads red - It's for my sister! - And he sits the bear in the skate as Pili punches his arm - You don't have sisters! - And they both laugh as they send the teddy bear on the skate.
Louis is looking at Chloe when suddenly the skate hits his ankle hard - Crap! - He pouts and grabs his leg. Chloe holds the teddy bear and says loud - We know you're there! Show yourselves or I will rip his head off! - And first checking Lou is ok, Chloe laughs as Niall comes out raising his hands followed by Pili - Don't hurt Mr. Twinkle, I surrender! - And by now the rest is laughing out loud. Chloe gives him the teddy and Niall smiles - The mall! - Pili squeals thinking maybe Clara is there - Let's check the place - Lou says and makes a hurtful face. Chloe holds him - Are you ok? - And Lou smiles - I will survive but Niall... I don't think so! - And Niall shrugs hiding behind Pili. 

The four walk into the mall and they spot two shadows and some kissing noises - Is that Maia? - Pili says since its dark - Oh! She has to be kidding us! - Chloe says and the boys chuckle - Payne no doubt! - Niall says and they glance at each other - Let's prank them! - Pili says and it's the first time they actually team up. Ana is looking at Harry's mouth since he is slowly leaning in - Harry... don't - She says almost begging but doesn't move - Unless destiny give us a sign, I will kiss you, Ana - Harry says and in that moment a lightning and a thunder strike hard and the whole airport is left in full darkness. Pili hugs Niall, Lou holds Chloe, Maia and Liam stare at each other and Ana hugs Harry - I guess you have your answer - She says sad since if she could have kiss him too, she would.

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