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It's been two days since the girls were kicked out of the airport. They are hanging at Clara and Chloe’s house - I still can't believe you stayed with us, Ana- Maia says surprised - Yeah, you had a ticket and you had Harry at your feet!- Pili says and she sounds frustrated. Ana sighs - You are my friends, girls... - Ana says and Clara smiles - We have been together through a lot and I know I made the right choice - She says and Pili hugs her tight - I think you are the best but still, I feel like you deserve more - And Chloe stares - I agree with Pili, you finally got the love of your life back and it's not fair you had to make a choice on that, Ana- The others nod, Ana smiles - They left anyways so... - She shrugs and stands up because she has to leave - I guess there was no much of a choice to make actually - Ana ads -I have to work, I'll see you tonight, alright? - And Pili claps - Karaoke night! - And the girls chuckle as Ana leaves. 

-How can they be so irritating? - Liam asks and the guys are still processing the whole episode. Louis stares - Maybe they meant well, at first I mean... - And Harry rolls his eyes - Lou always so naive - He says - They fooled us as they did always, just deal with it- But Niall and Zayn glance at each other - I do think everything changed that night, lad- Zayn says and Niall nods - Maybe they tried to fool us at first but you saw their faces when they got caught, Harry! - Niall says and now Liam is staring in wonder - They do looked ashamed and sad - Liam says and thinks of how great was being with Maia for real. -It was a one night game - Harry says feeling gutted - Anyways it's done, so keep whining or move on - He says and walks out. Lou watches him - This is important, guys- He says - Niall, your uncle is still on for tonight? - And Niall nods - He is very much pleased to help us- And Zayn asks - I hope this goes ok or we are doomed - And even though Louis is cheery, they stare at each other nervous.

The girls are at the bar that is pretty much crowded - This place is full! - Clara pouts and Chloe laughs - It seems someone misses certain cute guy! - And Clara rolls her eyes - Yeah, because you never stare at your phone as if it's going to ring suddenly! - Clara says and in that moment the phone does ring but so do Pili's, Clara's and Maia's. The girls stare at each other before they see who just texted - This is too Pretty Little Liars! - Pili jokes and Maia frowns - Well, it is A after all! - She says and Pili hides behind Chloe - It's ANA! Pili you are just unbelievable! - Maia chuckles - She is here apparently but where? - And they look around but there are people everywhere. 

Ana is making her way when she bumps into someone that almost makes her fall - Sorry, I didn't ... - Harry stares at Ana and she is pale but sweating - Harry? - She manages to ask - What are you doing here? - Her heart is pumping out of her chest - I am next on the list so I was heading stage, you? - Harry smiles and Ana stares confused - But you took the flight, you're supposed to be... - And Harry stops her - I am right where I am suppose to, Ana - He says and this time, nothing stops him from kissing her deeply. 

The girls just got a table and the voice who presents begins - No wonder we have a full house tonight! I want to introduce to the next brave men Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn! - And the crowd go crazy clapping and as Ana reaches the girls, they stare complete surprised at them - Are they? Wait, they can't be! - Pili says and Ana smiles - They are, girls- And the girls listen as the boys grabs their mics - The next song is for some fearless tricky women we know and have been tricked back by the best ones- Liam jokes and Louis winks at Chloe that grins. - We changed our tickets, hope you don't mind we kept the secret! - Niall smiles and Pili bites her lip smiling - Let's welcome a Rolling Stone! Ronnie Wood! - And the crowd is now standing up as he gets on stage - My best friend is this man's uncle- He says Holding Niall - They asked me to help them impress some girls and I have been always up for that! - Ronnie says and everyone cheers and laughs - Let's rock this place, lads! - And they sing together "Start me up".

When the song ends, the girls are melting. The boys walk to them. - So, how does it feel to be pranked?- Liam asks holding Maia by her waist and she smiles - Better than words! - And she kisses him wrapping her arms around his neck. -I'm sorry I couldn't call you, I wanted to but the boys...- Louis is explaining when Chloe stops him - Lou! - She says and he stares - I have never been so happy to be fooled like this! - She chuckles and Louis kisses her tight. -I admit this tops every prank we ever did to you ever - Clara smiles and Zayn winks - After you were taken like that, we just couldn't leave...- He says - I want to be with you, Clara - And Clara grins widely - That's good to hear because I want to be with you too - And they smile into a deep kiss. -Did you like the song? I remember you like the Rolling Stones so...- Niall is talking too fast and Pili is staring speechless -It's perfect! - Pili says and asks - Can I kiss you now? - And Niall blushes into the kiss as Ronnie thumbs up, smiling. 

Harry and Ana push people until they hug tight in the middle of the crowd - I love you, Ana - Harry says and Ana replies - I love you, Harry - And with a kiss they seal what was meant to be. -Now forgive me for this last trick! - Harry says and from stage, the voice says - Now we have the loveliest women to sing to us... Welcome Ana, Maia, Pili, Chloe and Clara! - And the girls freeze as the boys shrug. The crowd cheers for them and once they get on stage Maia says - We have a song for our boys and no matter how you trick us, we will love you until we get our payback! - And they sing "Lost Boy" from 5 SOS as they all laugh since once in a while, is a good plan to change your ticket and take a chance!

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