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When Chloe wakes up, Louis is standing beside her - You scared me! - He says holding her hand. - Where am I? - She asks still dizzy. Louis caresses her face - In the nursing of the airport, you fainted but you're fine - He says and Chloe remembers she does faint when she gets nervous. - And the girls? - She asks softly - They are outside, worrying but fine - He smiles and kisses her forehead - I will go outside so another one can come but don't worry, you'll be out of here in less than an hour - Lou smiles and Chloe nods as he leaves.

Harry is holding Ana tight. - Remember our first kiss? - Harry asks and Ana smiles - OMG- She stares surprised - You fell down the bike and cut your kneel! - She says and Harry smiles - That day you were so worried, I always liked that about you- He says smiling - You care even when you pretend to be tough, you care- And Ana nods - I remember I sneaked into the room and you were sleeping- She grins - I was going to kiss your forehead but you totally took me by surprise! - And Harry chuckles - I knew it was my chance and I went for it! - Harry stares - I didn't know if you were going to kiss me back or punch me! - And Ana fakes a glare - I was longing for that kiss, jerk! - She says and Harry places a hand on her face - And now? Are you longing for a kiss as much as I am? - He says and Ana sighs. 

Pili is still shocked by Niall kiss, she was saved by the bell since Chloe's fainting made everyone turn the attention but Niall is glancing from time to time. Clara makes a gesture calling Pili and they both step aside - Why do you have that stupid freaked out face? - Clara asks and Pili covers her face with both hands - Niall kissed me! - She cries and Clara laughs - It was about time, girl! Why are you whining then? - Pili bites her lip - Because I froze and haven't said a word to him since then! - And Clara pats her back - Why are you so scared of him? - She asks directly and as Pili answers - Because I think I love him - Niall is listening behind the wall and smiles relief. 

Maia enters the room and Chloe looks at her - I'm sorry- She says and Maia runs to hug her - I don't care! Don't scare me like that anymore! - Maia smiles and Chloe hugs her back - Did it work at least? - She asks and Maia nods - You always know how to push me but you have the irritating gift of being right! - And they both laugh. - Louis was pale as ice! What have you done to that guy? - Maia jokes not letting Chloe go - I think I can work my magic on my own love life too! - Maia smiles as Liam enters - Are you ok, Chloe? - He asks and slowly holds Maia's hand - Yes, sorry for that scene, Liam- Chloe says smiling - I tend to react when my best friend is being silly - And Maia chuckles - I can't argue with that - And Liam smiles - We are glad you are ok, that's what is important - And for the first time, they are bonding with each other and not confronting. 
Clara walks to Zayn that hugs her - I was thinking... - He says and Clara kisses him - About? - Zayn looks at her - Since you are flying with me... - And Clara pales - What? - Zayn asks worried - Nothing, I just... Chloe, never mind - And she can't tell him they have no tickets - Ok - Zayn says and Clara stops him - Wait! I have an idea, we still have like 2 hours- Clara places her hand on Zayn's chest - I think we should... - And she whispers something to his ear that makes him smile widely - That sounds like fun, I'm in! - And she kisses him again. 

Pili sits down in his skate feeling stupid when Niall stands beside her - She's ok, you know? - Niall says sweetly and Pili nods. - Are you? - He asks and Pili shakes her head - No - She slowly stands up and face him - I'm sorry I backed down like that, Niall - She says ashamed and ads - I think I got used to run from all of this and now... - And Niall places a hand on her waist pulling her close - Now what? - He asks curious - I can't run anymore... not from you- Pili says and Niall smiles - Perfect, can I kiss you again now? - And when Pili is about to reply, Niall kisses her making her grin into that sweet kiss.
Harry just wants to kiss her. They have been waiting so long, Ana feels Harry's lips close and she wants him too. - Guys! - Liam calls them and they gather around. - Look who's back! - He says and Louis steps in with Chloe smiling and the girl hug her tight - Welcome back! - Ana smiles and Harry nods, he knows Ana's friends mean the world to her and she means the world to him. -Sorry I interrupted everything - Chloe says and they all smile - You are fine so it's ok - Zayn says and Clara hugs him. -Care to tell them? - Zayn says and the rest stare - What? - And Clara smiles - Well since we have 2 more hours, we thought we should give the first game of us mixed! Not against each other but playing side by side - She smiles and Niall nods - That would be fun! - He says and Liam grins holding Maia - Maybe this time we won't actually lose as always! - He says and they laugh. -Let's do this! - Harry says and they all clap as the girls stare at each other wondering how they will react when they realize, a lie has been told again and this time is actually going to blow up in their faces. 

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