- Chapter one: Introduction -

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I scratch my head and sigh, looking at what was left of the school I loved.
The area reeked of burnt wood and charred land. The school I attended, and strove to attend, was gone. I was informed by a local fireman, one who helped put out the misfortune, that when everything was safe us students could retrieve anything worth saving from our classrooms and dorms. Though I doubt there will be much to save.

"Hey! Shuichi!"

I heard a familiar voice call out for me. It was Kaito Momota, the ultimate Astronaut.
"Hnn...Hello Kaito." I glance to the tall purple-haired student as he rushed others to my direction. "Told you I'd find him, Kokichi." Kaito playfully pushed Kokichi in my direction. "Gh-...Don't push me Kaito!" Kokichi snapped at Kaito before he turned in my direction. "Looking at what's left, huh Shuichi?" He crooked his head some diverting his gaze to the school.
"Uh-huh...I'm really going to miss it here." I clinch my fists some sighing. "Oh come on man! It's just a school! School's boring anyway! And maybe we can meet some new people at Hope's Peak!...Well, no doubt we would, teachers and classmates n'such. But I mean friends! Make new friends and all!" Kaito grinned pulling Maki who has been rather quiet to his side. "Right Maki-roll!?" She elbowed his side causing him to let go nearly immediately as he flinched "Ow! What was that for!?" He grabbed his side looking at her. "Don't touch me..." she gave an intimidating glare which had us all worry for Kaito's safety. "Okay, okay! But, am I right or not!?" Kaito stood back up straight glancing at us all. Maki sighed, "Yes, I suppose you're correct, Kaito. There will be plenty of new opportunities at Hope's Peak." "See Shuichi! Even Maki agrees!" Kaito gave a somewhat reassuring thumbs up. "Maybe you're right. Let's just...Go see if we can get our things and leave." I sigh looking at all three of them. How they are all so vastly different yet all...for the most part...get along so well. After checking with the firemen on the case, we make our way inside the building...Or, whatever this is by now. Can't even call it a building, it's just rubble. "Woahh..." Kokichi was in awe, looking at was once our dormitory.
"Found my room!" I heard a loud thud of Kaito pushing threw the charred door. "...It's so...Destroyed..." I mutter to myself, disappointed in the loss, as I try and make my way through my dorm, not only was it all char and ash...for the most part...but it was so unbearably messy. "Gh! I found it! I can't believe I actually found it!" I rush over grabbing my hat which I had left in my dorm over-night. I'm surprised it made it through without a scratch, don't get me wrong, I'm ecstaticly happy it did. I have many memories with this old hat. Even if Kaede hates it. I shake the dust and ash off of it before sliding it on. I look around my dorm one last time, picking up a few things which were unharmed and make my way down stairs to meet with the others. They all had small bags of stuff, and Kokichi was dragging a...uh...Rantaro cutout...behind him. I don't question him or his weird antics at this point. We nod in unison before exiting and making our way to the academy for possible textbooks and other things that could be in our lockers and classrooms. I sigh as I check my locker, I also check in Tenko's given she couldn't make it. I'll give her things to Maki, I can already hear her yelling at me, "Degenerate male! How dare you touch a *female's* property! Show fear degenerate male I'll use my Neo-Akido to make you show some respect for women and their things! HYYA!" I flinch in the thought of that happening. I put her things in a separate bag and head to the classroom to meet up with the others. By the time I get there everyone had their respective things. "I already looked around for you, Shuichi. None of your stuff made it through the fire." Kokichi looked as if he was telling the truth, with a pitiful expression on his face. "Ah...Uhm...Thank you, Kokichi." I smile handing the bag off to Maki, she had no problem carrying it, thankfully.

We got some lunch, each of us said our goodbyes and parted ways...We have three days before we start our first day at Hope's Peak Academy. It's exciting, yet scary at the same time. I arrive home unlocking the door. Mother isn't home tonight, so I can sleep peacefully knowing that. I enter my room setting my bags on my vanity beside my closet. I hang my hat on the small hat rack by the door and lay down on my soft bed. I let out a frustrated sigh and remorse to myself about all the different happenings of the day. I yawn and slowly drift off to sleep about thirty minutes later slightly snoring. I can't wait to start fresh at Hope's Peak Academy, and see all the new opportunities that await me and my classmates.

This was actually really enjoyable to write. I love Shuichi's character honestly. But that concludes chapter one. The word amount is small, I know, but effort was put into this. The word count is 930 words.

-𝑶𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆, 𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑩𝒍𝒖𝒆-Where stories live. Discover now