- Chapter Two: A lucky run-in -

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I'm curled under the blankets in my bed, hugging on a spare pillow.
Nnn...So warm. I don't want to wake up...


A loud noise rang from the kitchen...


...Sleeping seems even more enjoyable now. The loud crash and clanging of pots continued. I slump into my bed trying to stay asleep, atleast until my Alarm goes off. I can hear mother's frustrated sigh. "Shuichi, get down here and clean the dishes! I'll be out for awhile so you have plenty of time." ...She's in a good mood. I'll hurry and keep it that way.
I roll out of bed rushing to get dressed. I button my shirt, slip my hat on and head down stairs. She's already gone. The sink is full of old dishes from what looks like weeks ago. "Gross-" I hold my breath for a majority of the time as I clean her dishes. By the time I finished it was nearly time to leave, I get to scout out the new school today, I'm excited. I grab my bag and head out the door.
"There's my sidekick! What's up Shuichi?" Kaito was waiting for me with Kokichi and Maki. "H-Hey Kaito, Maki, Kokichi." I smile some as I trot over to them, I can't ask for better friends than them. Before we reach the school we stop by our favorite cafè and get some snacks, what we didn't eat I kept in my bag for dinner...Less dishes, less yelling.
"L-Look! I can see it from h-here!" Kokichi pointed his hand up at the large...Tall...Overwhelming academy. "Woah! C'mon, lets hurry!" Kaito grabbed Maki's hand and mine, he started sprinting at full speed. I'm used to running at his speed, So is Maki. I grab Kokichi's hand and pull him along. "Ghe! H-Hey!" He grabs my arm and tries to catch up to us on his own. I still keep a hold on his hand for extra precaution. We stop in front of the large academy. "...Woah..." I mutter looking at others who are also astonished then back to the academy.
"Hey there! You guys but be some of the new transfer students!"
An average looking boy called out to us from the door to the academy.
"I'm Makoto Naegi! I'll be showing you guys around." He walks up to us shaking Kaito's hand...Short, brown hair, brown eyes, Makoto Naegi.
I'll remember that.
"Nice! I'm Kaito Momota, luminary of the stars! This is M— Ouch Maki-roll!" Maki elbowed Kaito before he could finish his sentence. "I am Maki Harukawa." Maki doesn't like being introduced by anyone other than herself. "K-Kokichi Oma." Kokichi smiled as he fiddled with the sleeve of his shirt. "And you are? Not to be rude, just asking!" Makoto looked at me curiously. "Ah...Sorry...I'm Shuichi Saihara." I smile, I want to make a good impression. "Nice to meet you all! Lets head inside and start showing you guys around, shall we?" We all agree in different ways before walking inside. "Gh-" I shiver as we walk inside. The school is massive!...And cold. The students all look unique and happy as they conserve together. Wait is that a bear!? I shake my head and look at Makoto. "This is...well, the entry way. Eheh." Makoto awkwardly laughs...He's pretty bad at this. First time maybe. "As you can see, everyone is really friendly here! You guys will have no trouble being accepted, or fitting in. We are all extremely accepting!" Makoto grins.
He says that...however there's a small blonde girl yelling at a purple haired girl who seems to be...crying? Hhh...I don't like where that's going.
"To the right we have the gym! Lets go check it out." We all follow Makoto into the gym where we see multiple students conversing. "Ah, Naegi. I see you have the transfers with you. Excellent timing." A tall, blonde male with glasses and a suit walked up and started talking to Makoto. "Oh, and to introduce myself, I apologize for my carelessness. I am Byakuya Togami, I am the ultimate affluent prodigy." Gh- How is that even an ultimate...?
"Ah, Nice to me—" before I could finish my sentence a...scary... individual interrupted. "Kaito!" He came up patting Kaito's back. "Mondo! I didn't know this was the academy you enrolled in!" They converse as they walk out of the gym, leaving Kokichi, Maki and I. "Eheh..." Makoto awkwardly chuckles yet again.
"Now, have you shown them the headmaster's office yet? Mrs. Enoshima would most preferably like to speak with them." Togami stood tall...He's intimidating if I'm truely honest. "No, not yet. But, you're probably right. Eheheh." Makoto smiled. Togami is correct however. I'm sure the headmaster's office should have been the first place we went. "Ugh, of course you didn't."
Togami took the lead of our little group and lead us out of the gym and up stairs. By the time we reach the top of the stairs I turn back and see a white-haired boy carrying Kokichi away bridal-style down the stairs. "Gh- Kokichi?" I blink out of pure confusion. Just Maki and I now...Nobody questioned what happened just now and we continue down the hall. Togami knocks on the all I can presume headmaster's door.
"Come innn." A voice in rang from inside the room, almost sounds familiar. Togami opens the door and we all walk in to see a blonde haired...Teenager? Sitting in a chair with her feet propped onto the desk ad she leans back. "What's up suggabuns?" Her speech changed from a calm tone to a childish one.
"Mrs. Enoshima, these are the new transfer students." Wait-...Wait...SHE'S OUR NEW HEADMASTER!? She's our age! What the hell!?
"Ohh. I see. So you've come for a map of the campus?" Her voice...changed yet again. From the childish tone to a more mature, calm tone. "Yes, Mrs. Enoshima." Togami spoke with deep respect in his voice.
"They're over there, take as many as you please." She swung around a pen pointing it at a box with maps inside.
'Thank you Mrs. That is all." Togami took a few handing one to Maki and one to me, keeping two for Kaito and Kokichi. We exit the "headmaster's" office and converse for awhile. I open the map and look...Ehhh, the school itself is huge...but the campus...is unbelievable.
In middle of our conversation I hear a loud rumble coming from the other side of the stairs. "Ghe!?" I jolt.
"That's normal." Makoto laughs.
"Yep...The students here get a bit...crazy. To say the least." ...To say the least. That's concerning.
A few students tumble through the door. "Get back here!" Gh? I see a brown haired boy stubble to his feet running as a red headed girl chases him. "I told you not to be late, Hinata! You're supposed to be the reliable one here!" She raises her arm pointing at him. He's backed into a corner. "I-I'm sorry, Mahiru! I won't be late again, I swear!" The hell?
"It better not, Hinata!" The girl huffs shaking her hand as she points to him before walking away. I almost feel bad for him.
"Who is he? And why was that girl so strict with him?" I turn to Makoto questioning. "That is Hajime Hinata. The girl is Mahiru Koizumi. She's rather strict with all of the guys around here...Heh." Makoto nervously chuckles. "May I speak with him...?"
"Have at it. I'm just here to show you around, the more friends you guys make the merrier."
"Thanks, Makoto." I grin waving before I walk up to Hajime.
"H-Hello there." ...Tall-ish, Brown hair, brown eyes, ordinary looking...Hajime Hinata. Something seems so... interesting about him.
"Hey. I'm Hajime Hinata." He smiles straightening posture.
"Ah, Shuichi Saihara." I smile extending my hand.
"Nice to meet you, Saihara." He shakes my hand. His hands are oddly soft.
Gh, that sounds creepy.
"Likewise. And please, call me Shuichi." I grin.
"Alright, Shuichi." He grins in return.
"Are you the transfer student from the Academy for Gifted Juveniles?" He crooks his head some letting go of my hand. I set my hand to my side as he does the same. "Y-yeah. How'd you guess?" ...It's pretty obvious but I wanted to keep conversation.
"Well, I know practically everyone here. And you didn't seem so familiar, I also heard there would be new transfer students. So I put two-and-two together." He chuckles some. "A-ah. Right." I really should meet back up with the others. It's nearly time to leave. "Well, I should be going. A pleasure meeting you, Hajime." I smile relaxing my facial expression some. "The pleasure is all mine, Shuichi." He grins waving as I walk back over to the door where Makoto, Kokichi, Kaito and Maki await me. "So, what do you guys think?" Makoto glances to each of us.
"It's rather big in size...Which is overwhelming in itself. But, I think I'll enjoy it here." I smile some in his direction. The others nod in agreement. "Good! It shouldn't take too long to settle in. However, I think I should get going. Byakuya and I are supposed to meet at a restaurant later tonight, so I need to get prepared." Makoto chuckles. We all wave to Makoto as he walks away, and we head our separate ways ourselves.

I get home to see that mother isn't there yet again. Which is good...I take off my shoes walking up stairs to my room. I set them beside my door and hang my hat on my hat rack. I take the leftover food from my bag, which didn't need to be heated back up and eat it, it wasn't much but it suffices. I yawn changing into sleepware and curl into the warm, comforting blankets on my bed, thinking about the day and all the things to come. Today was a good day, only a few more days until I start at Hope's peak... Tomorrow I'll be getting my uniform. I sigh heavily and roll onto my side eventually falling asleep.

End of chapter two. This took awhile to write. The word count is much higher than the one before. Still not a lot however. The word count is: 1,742.

-𝑶𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆, 𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑩𝒍𝒖𝒆-Where stories live. Discover now