Back to Kanto

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"And today in our show we have our new champion Ash Ketchum. First of all congratulations Mr. Ketchum for winning Alola league. How are you feeling right now??" Reporter asked.

"First of all, call me only Ash and it is a bit weird for me as you know that I am losing constantly every single championship from last 11 years but this one. I never supposed that I will win this, but this win filled me with new confidence. I am happy a lot but could not have achieved this without my Pokémon." Ash said.

"So Ash, what are you planning to do next?" Reporter asked.

"Well, I will go to Pokémon Center, leave my Pokémon there, then I will have a nice dinner, and then I will sleep." Ash said with a bit of laughter.

"That was unexpected." Reporter said with a bit of laughter.

"Like me or not?" Ash asked.

"Yeah, I like you... I was asking that what you will do after leaving Alola?" The reporter asked while trying to control her laughter.

"I will go back to Kanto and start winning every single league I have lost." Ash said in a serious tone.

"So you will start your journey again and win every single league...." The reporter was cut off by Ash.

"And defeat world champion Leon and then search for the ultimate unknown champion and defeat him too....." Ash said.

"World champion Leon is also searching for the Ultimate unknown champion. Well, good luck for the future Ash...." The reporter said.

"Thanks a lot for your warm wishes and luck...." Ash said while waving his hand and going towards Pokémon Center.

"Well, our new Alola champion is filled with confidence. Let us see what happens next. Stay tuned till the next update..." The reporter said.

"What's the time??" Ash mumbled while rubbing his eyes.

"F...fuck, it's 8:30 AM. I have my plane at 9:00 AM for Kanto... If I did not reach Kanto today, then Mom is gonna eat me up." Ash cursed himself.

"The flight for Kanto will board in 5 minutes." There was an announcement. Ash was relieved while sitting in his seat.

"I must sleep again. I was not able to sleep properly...." Ash thought.


Ash woke up and saw that he had landed in Cerulean City. Ash hurried up.

"After 2 years, I am back to Kanto. I cannot forget the smell of the air of Kanto..." Ash said.

He had an urge to run around and explore the familiar streets, but he had to hurry up as his flight was already delayed.

Ash quickly made his way to the railway station and boarded a train that would take him to his hometown, Pallet town. As he sat down on the train, he realized that he had forgotten something important.

"Hey, buddy, what are you thinking?" Ash asked.

"Pi Pika Chu (Nothing important)," Pikachu replied.

Ash knew something was off, but he shrugged it off and suggested they go back to their seat. They would be in Pallet in an hour.

As the train reached its destination, Ash and Pikachu hurried to Ash's house, but to their surprise, no one was there. Ash was confused, and he wondered where his mother and other family members were.

"Pika Pi Chu (Let's go to Oak's lab)," Pikachu suggested.

"Good idea," Ash agreed.

As they arrived at Professor Oak's lab, Ash was taken aback by the sight of the lab without electricity. He wondered what had happened and where everyone was.

Suddenly, the lights came on, and Ash was welcomed back by all of his friends, who had thrown him a surprise party. Ash was surprised and happy to see all of his friends, but he realized someone was missing, someone he couldn't remember. He tried hard to recall, but he couldn't.

"Welcome back, Ash!" everyone shouted in unison.

Ash hugged his mother, Professor Oak, Brock, Gary, Tracy, May, Drew, Paul, Serena, Clemont, Iris, Cilan, Max, and Bonnie. Ash was glad to see everyone in high spirits, and it seemed like they were all in relationships, except for him.

He felt a little left out, but he didn't want to spoil the mood of the party. He noticed that they were all having a great time and enjoying each other's company. Ash felt content and happy to see his friends in love and happy.

The night went on with dancing, eating, and reminiscing about old times. Everyone was having a good time, but Ash couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was still missing. He tried to remember who it was, but the name or the face wouldn't come to his mind.

As the night progressed, Ash was having a great time catching up with his old friends. They talked about their journeys, their experiences, and how much they had all grown since they last saw each other. They shared stories of their victories and defeats, their joys and sorrows, and the valuable lessons they learned along the way.

As the night wore on, the group started to dwindle down as people left to head back to their respective homes. Eventually, only a few people were left, including Ash, Pikachu, Gary, Leaf, May, Drew, and Serena. They decided to sit outside and enjoy the beautiful night sky.

"Isn't it crazy how far we've come?" May said, looking up at the stars.

"Yeah, I remember when we were all just starting out," Drew added. "It's amazing how much we've accomplished since then."

"Definitely," Leaf chimed in. "And we have Ash to thank for bringing us all together."

Ash smiled, feeling a warm sense of pride wash over him. He had always been grateful for his friends, but hearing them say how much he meant to them made him feel truly blessed.

As the night wore on, Ash started to feel a strange sense of nostalgia wash over him. He couldn't help but feel like he was missing someone, but he couldn't quite put his finger on who it was. He tried to shake the feeling off, but it lingered in the back of his mind.

As the party ended, Ash bid goodbye to his friends and headed back home. He was still bothered by the missing person, and he wondered if he had forgotten someone important. But as he lay down on his bed, he felt exhausted and quickly fell asleep, not realizing that he had left Pikachu behind at Professor Oak's lab.

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