Misty's Diagnosis

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Ash woke up early in the morning feeling a sense of longing. He knew what was missing from his life - it was Misty. He missed her terribly, and couldn't help but wonder what she was up to. He got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast. His mother, Delia, was already there.

"Good morning, Ash. Did you sleep well?" she asked.

Ash nodded absentmindedly, his mind still on Misty. "Mom, do you know where Misty is?" he asked.

Delia looked at him for a moment, then looked away. "Why do you ask?" she said, her voice faltering.

"I just miss her, that's all," Ash said.

Delia sighed. "Ash, there's something you need to know about Misty."

"What? What is it?" Ash asked, suddenly worried.

Delia hesitated for a moment before finally saying, "Misty has lung cancer. Level 4. It's incurable. She only has a few months to live."

Ash was stunned. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Misty, the fiery redhead who always had so much energy and enthusiasm, was sick. And not just sick, but terminally ill.

He didn't know what to do or say. He felt like his whole world had just been turned upside down. But he knew one thing - he had to see Misty.

He quickly got dressed and headed over to the Cerulean City Gym. When he got there, he saw Misty sitting by the edge of the pool, her leg in the water. She looked up and saw him, and he could see the surprise in her eyes.

"Ash! What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I came to see you, Mist," Ash said, using her nickname.

Misty's confusion quickly turned to happiness as she ran towards him and hugged him tightly. Ash hugged her back, feeling the warmth of her embrace and the tears on her cheeks.

He asked her how she was doing, but Misty tried to dodge the question. Ash could tell she was lying, so he gently took her hand and said, "Misty, I know. My mom told me about your condition."

Misty's eyes widened in surprise and she looked down, unable to meet Ash's gaze. "I didn't want you to find out like this," she said softly.

Ash lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. "Misty, you don't have to hide anything from me. I'm here for you, no matter what."

They sat by the pool, talking and reminiscing about their adventures together. When Rudy's name came up, Misty started crying. Ash asked her what happened, and Misty told him how Rudy had broken her heart by only wanting her for her body.

Ash's anger and sadness flared up. He couldn't believe someone would treat Misty that way. He hugged her tightly and told her, "Misty, you deserve so much better than that. You're amazing, and I love you for who you are, not just your body."

Misty looked up at him, tears streaming down her face. "Are you going to leave me too?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ash was taken aback. "Leave you? Why would you think that?"

Misty hesitated for a moment before saying, "Because everyone always leaves me. My dad, my sisters, even my friends. I'm just a burden to them."

Ash shook his head. "No, Misty. You're not a burden. You're a blessing. You make my life better just by being in it. And I think that's a beautiful idea, Misty," Ash said, smiling warmly. "Together we can achieve anything we set our minds to."

Misty felt a sense of hope rise within her chest, despite her dire prognosis. Maybe there was still something to look forward to in her limited time left.

"Thank you, Ash," she whispered, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you for being here for me."

Ash hugged her tightly, feeling her body shake with sobs. He didn't know how much time they had left together, but he was determined to make every moment count.

As they sat by the pool, Misty shared stories of her adventures and battles as a gym leader. Ash listened intently, admiring her strength and courage in the face of adversity.

"You're amazing, Misty," he said, taking her hand. "You've inspired me more than you know."

Misty blushed, feeling a flutter in her chest at his words. She knew deep down that Ash had always been special to her, but she had never been able to express it before. Now, with the knowledge of her limited time, it seemed foolish to keep it to herself any longer.

"Ash, there's something I need to tell you," Misty said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ash looked at her, sensing the weight of her words. "What is it, Misty?"

"I...I love you, Ash," she said, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I've always loved you, but I was too scared to tell you before."

Ash's heart skipped a beat at her confession. He had always felt a special connection with Misty, but had never thought she felt the same way. Now, with her diagnosis, it seemed even more urgent to acknowledge their feelings for each other.

"Misty, I love you too," Ash said, his voice filled with emotion. "I don't know what the future holds, but I want to spend as much time as possible with you. I want to make every moment count."

Misty smiled, feeling a sense of peace and contentment settle over her. She knew that her time with Ash was limited, but she was grateful for every moment they had together. With Ash by her side, she felt like she could face anything.

Ash takes a deep breath, looking straight into Misty's eyes. "Mist, will you join me as my partner to become the world champion?" he asks.

Misty looks at Ash in surprise, but her face lights up with a smile. "Yes, Ash," she says, "I will."

Ash lets out a sigh of relief, feeling the weight of the world lift off his shoulders. He takes Misty's hand and leads her out of the gym, ready to take on the world.

As they walk out, Ash turns to Misty and pulls her into a warm embrace. They share a tender moment, looking into each other's eyes before finally leaning in and kissing each other.

Together, they looked out at the sky, watching the stars. Despite the sadness and uncertainty of the future, they knew that they had each other. And in that moment, that was enough.

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