Chapter 2: The Cavern

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The hotel looked like the opening scene of a horror movie. I don't know if it was the dark, threatening clouds or the emptiness of the streets, but I was filled with unease. It seemed to loom above me, as if daring me to enter. Still, the rusty letters spelling out "The Cavern" told me it was the right place. I had gotten this far, and I wanted answers. Slowly I opened the door and stepped into the old building, Mitten clutched against my chest.

I had expected it to be dirty and dim inside, but instead it was meticulously neat. The ornate staircase and beautifully tiled floor gave it an old fashioned look. It left me with the feeling that I had somehow stepped back into time.

There was no one at the reception desk, but a young man sat at the piano playing a quiet melody. He was the definition of a beautiful man. Dark hair and pale skin. As I stepped closer I couldn't help but stare in awe at his long eyelashes.

He stopped his playing and turned to me with a smile; revealing the slightest hint of dimples. "What brings such a pretty lady and her cat into my hotel?"

I blushed, "This is your hotel? But you're so young."

"Age is but a number, experience is what's truly important. Now I never got an answer to my question."

I didn't think it was possible for my cheeks to get any redder. I was wrong. I almost told him about my mother, but stopped myself. He had a way of looking at you, making you want to spill all your secrets. But for now, I would keep my lips sealed. I tried a different approach, "I'm looking for work here, if any's available. Will my cat be a problem?" I kept my spine straight in an attempt to exude confidence.

"We could use another maid," he said thoughtfully. "The two I have are getting quite old, not to mention they don't speak English. I don't normally allow animals, but I'll make an exception. You would make about $350 a week."

I was a little shocked by this offer; it seemed like extreme luck. A little voice nagged at me, knowing that that was too easy. I pushed the doubt away. "I-I'll take it! Would you happen to know of any cheap places to live around here? "

He chuckled, "Don't be silly dear! You'll get a room here. It's much more convenient for the both of us. Come and I'll get you set up with a key."

I followed him quickly, "Thank you so much!"

"No need for thanks, why don't you get your luggage and bring it in." He waved me towards the door.

I hurried outside to my car. I had managed to stuff everything I owned into two large suitcases. I left the box of my mom's things in the car, but slipped her diary into one of the suitcase pockets.

Walking back inside, the man was holding a key out for me. "Dear, you never did tell me your name."

"Oh! How stupid of me! I'm Macen Hartford."

I may have imagined it, but I thought I saw his eyes flicker slightly. "A lovely name. I'm Keith Seltic." He said his name with such satisfaction, "Now go get settled in; you have work tomorrow and I'm sure it's been a long day."

I insisted on carrying my own bags up to my room. Keith showed me that there was in fact an elevator in the hotel, it was just hidden farther back. There were twelve floors and I was and the ninth, room 916.

The room was beautiful with an old-timey feel. The bedspread was fluffy and the pillows silky. Mitten curled up on one immediately. I stepped into the bathroom and examined my face in the circular mirror. My eyes were puffy and tired from lack of sleep. My normally olive skin looked drained; giving me a sickly appearance. My dark wavy hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail, and completely ratty. Keith had called me pretty, but I was pretty's jealous ugly sister.

A shower was definitely needed. I made the water so hot, it felt like it might burn my skin off. I couldn't stop my mind from wandering to Keith. He couldn't have been older than early twenties, but he talked like he was a forty year-old man from the fifties. It kind of made him dreamy in a weird way. How he had called me "lovely" instead of "hot". There was such an air of elegance surrounding him, drawing me in.

I brushed out the rats in my hair and pulled my favorite pair of sweats out of my suitcase. I ordered a pizza and ate more of it than I should. It had been a while since I'd had a proper meal. With nothing else to do, I started on the next page of my mom's diary.

June 4, 1994

I really like working at the hotel, and not just because of the hot manager. Though Angelo does play a big part. He compliments me a lot and is so charming. I pushed down my anger and wrote a letter to Gran. I don't think I can handle talking on the phone just yet. I told her I got a good job and that I'm happy. I didn't tell her where I am because I don't need her coming for a visit just yet. I thought about mentioning Angelo, but it's just silly. I doubt anything will come out of a stupid crush on my boss. Still, I can dream. I do miss Gran; just not to the point where I'll admit it to anyone. I didn't know you could be angry at someone and still miss them, but it's clearly possible.

I definitely understood the feeling. When I had wanted answers about my mom, Bev had finally told me that she killed herself. I was so angry at her for doing that and just leaving me here alone. Yet I still wished she was here everyday. I couldn't hate her, no matter how hard I tried. As for my father, there was no trace of him.

I turned the page and a picture fell out. It was mom standing next to an old woman I assumed was Gran. No one had ever mentioned Gran to me before, she must have died too. My mom looked a lot like me, but with longer straighter hair. She looked so happy in the picture and so did Gran. What could have caused her to kill herself and leave me with no one?

All these questions were becoming too overwhelming for me. My eyelids were becoming heavy and I felt a migraine coming on. I set the diary aside, turned off the lamp, and curled up next to Mitten. After all, I had work to do in the morning.

Second chapter, how's it coming along. Vote if you like it, and I'll try to update more often.

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