Chapter 3: Dinner and Some Money

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I didn't sleep very well; I kept waking up. When six am rolled around I got up and started getting ready for the day. I wasn't sure what to wear, Keith hadn't given me a uniform or anything. I just slipped on a pair of jeans and an old tshirt. After eating, brushing my teeth, feeding Mitten, and putting on a little make up; I headed downstairs to talk to Keith.

He looked really good, the kind of good that makes you feel plain and tired in comparison.

He looked me up and down, taking in my clothes,hair everything.

"Hi, um I wasn't sure about a uniform for today."

He nodded, "Follow me." He led me to a dimly lit closet and began to pull out an assortment of clothes. "Let's see, you're probably a small." He handed me a few dresses, grey, black, navy. And a mix of pants and shirts the same color scheme. "Anything of this is acceptable to wear on the job. As far as your wardrobe outside of work goes, you might want to get used to online shopping. Do you have a credit card?"

"No but I have a bank account. I can set one up as soon as I get switched to a bank here in town. If you can give me the number I'll call today."

He let me put the number in my phone and I proceeded to call my old bank, let them know of the switch. They told me they would forward my old information and have the bank here get me a credit card. When I hung up Keith was staring at me. I quickly darted my eyes away, "Where do I need to start today?"

"Rooms 106 and 1245 need to be cleaned once those guests leave. We aren't very busy right now, but next week we start getting lots of people on vacation. This town is on the map for being "haunted". Silly, I know, but it brings in lots of customers. You'll just have to deal with the crazy ones to the best of your ability."

I smiled and thanked him, then headed back to my room to change. This was an awfully big hotel for such an insignificant town. I couldn't understand where he found the money to keep it going.

I put on the grey dress, it was cute in a sort of old-fashioned way. I scrutinized my face in the mirror. Dark circles surrounded my eyes. I looked sickly, colorless, and doubted I would get any sun in this gloomy town. My stomach growled loudly. Since checkout wasn't until twelve, I decided to go grocery shopping. I wanted to explore this little "ghost town". I could make a morning of it.

I spotted Keith in the lobby, "Hey, I was wondering where to go for groceries."

He gave me directions to the only produce store in town, called Teal's. It was down the road about three minutes.

"Thank you," I smiled heading for the door.

"Wait dear," he called. "You can't possibly have much money for groceries right now."

I shifted nervously; it was true, I only had about twenty dollars in cash. Still, I couldn't take his money. "Oh no, I couldn't. It wouldn't be right."

"Macen can you cook?" His rapid change of subject caught me off guard.

"I suppose, I'm not too bad." I had done a lot of the cooking when I lived with Linda.

"Tell you what. You take the money, and buy some things for a meal tonight. You cook and we'll dine together; you can use the hotel kitchen. After all I want to get to know you better." He grinned.

The idea made my stomach flutter, could I really take his money? But he seemed so insistent, and I couldn't resist his charming smile, "I guess I could do that. What do you like?"

"I have a pretty broad palette, surprise me." He handed me a crisp fifty dollar bill.

I shyly accepted, pushing down the part of me that told me this was wrong. "Th-thank you," I muttered.

Outside a sliver of sun poked through the clouds. The scenery around the hotel gave it a kind of mossy look. I climbed into my car, starting the engine and the air conditioning. The humid summer air had turned it into a sauna. I pulled out quickly; almost hitting a sign in the process.

The town did have a scary movie feel, it kind of gave me a rush. Little family owned general stores and craft shops lined the streets. One shop claimed to have the best fortune-teller in the country. Linda would have loved this town; from the paranormal aspects to the old charm. I wished I could have brought her here.

I found Teal's easily and parked the car. Inside it was just like any normal grocery store. I easily found everything I needed, including some Oreos I had been craving. I had decided to make chicken-fried rice for dinner. On my way out I grabbed a bag of cat food for Mitten. The total ended up being forty five dollars. I really had needed Keith's money.


After cleaning hotel rooms, I found just enough time before dinner to read an entry in my mom's diary. The next one skipped a few days.

June 10, 1994

Angelo has been giving me all the signals, I just know he's flirting with me. He even asked me to dinner tonight at a little café in town. Can you believe it? Me! Angelo's great, but I do get lonely with no one to tell these things to. It's not like I made any permanent friends in school; not after Ariel left after sophomore year. Besides, I can't exactly tell Gran.
Dinner was so great, we spent three hours there, up until closing, just talking. After they kicked us out his car wouldn't start. We had to walk home; fine because it wasn't very far. When we were about a block away thunder cracked and it started pouring. We ran like crazy back to the hotel. When we got there I was yanking on the door, telling him to get his key out. Instead, he grabbed me and kissed me. His lips tasted cool and sweet, just like rainwater. So completely different from anyone I've ever kissed before. I can already tell I'm falling for him.

I was still thinking about the diary entry as I cooked dinner for Keith and I. I had never really considered that my mom could have lived a love story. It made me see her life differently.

Keith walked in just as the chicken was done cooking. "Shoo!" I laughed. "It's a surprise!"

When I brought out the dishes Keith began to laugh.

"What?!" I demanded.

"Nothing," he chuckled. "It's just, I've never had a girl make Chinese food on a first date. You have to admit that it's a little odd."

My eyes widened, "So this is a date?" My face became hot.

"Well of course, I would never ask such a beautiful girl to dinner and have it not be a date. Do I look like a moron?"

I couldn't help but laugh at his flattery, "Well you aren't so bad yourself."

"Don't joke, I'm like a god," he winked.

"Someone sure thinks highly of himself!"

"Can't help it, I've been like this since I was born. My mother used to tell me that I had an ego bigger than my head. And I had a big head!"

We were both laughing by now. Keith's laugh made my heart jump.

"So what about you princess, what's your story?"

"It's not the prettiest. My mom killed herself and I ended up in foster care." Just like that I ended up telling him all about my life with such ease. He had a way of making me feel safe, like I could put my guard down. I told him about my whole life, but left out the diary. I felt like that needed to be kept a secret. "So," I said drawing to an end, "that's why I'm here. To find out who my mother was. To finally feel like I knew her, because missing someone you never knew is the most confusing thing."

Keith took my hand, "It's always the ones we love, who cause us the most pain." And then he kissed me. Gently, but wonderfully.

Chapter 3!!!!! How's it coming? I really want this book to get popular. I feel like it's headed in a good direction.

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