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           I gasp, waking up. Looking around, I can see I'm in a new hospital room. The only change is the view out my window, instead of the parking lot, I see a courtyard blooming with flowers. Glancing to the floor, I see Iwaizumi laying on the ground, a white hospital pillow underneath his head. Mom is also here, sleeping upright in a chair.

I feel dizzy and my body hurts, which I haven't felt in awhile. My right cast probs at my head. Nope, my head isn't the problem. I check my arms. They're fine. . .except, there's blood stains all over them. I pull up my hospital gown again and see that my waist is wrapped in fresh gauze. I gently poke the place where my belly button should be, and I feel like a knife just stabbed me.


Iwaizumi jolts awake and spots me with his bloodshot eyes. He stands up and runs to my side.

"Oikawa, how are you feeling?"

"Tired, my stomach hurts. . .did I get surgery again last night or was that a dream?"

He falls to his knees with my fist cupped in his hands.

"That. . .wasn't a dream. You just got out of surgery two hours ago."

"How did you know to come to the hospital?"

"I had a feeling something bad was happening, so I wanted to check up on you. I was hoping that I was just paranoid, that you were going to be fast asleep. But, I guess I wasn't paranoid after all."

"Good thing you were," I laugh softly, more pain knocking on my stomach's door. "I'm guessing that I won't be able to go home today?"

"I don't think so," He looks up at me and tears are filling his eyes. "I almost lost you twice in a month. Twice! I don't know what I could do if you were gone, I really don't know," He sighs and unwraps his hands from my fist, wiping away the water from his eyes.

Before he stands up I take his hands in mine, lighting kissing the joined knuckles.

"Iwa-chan," That's all I can say, not knowing what else to do.

He stands up and scooches next to me on the bed. We both lean back, him placing his head on my shoulder, and me trying to wrap my casts around his stomach. We don't say anything, just letting our breaths mix. I allow myself to calm down again and close my eyes.

After a few minutes, I hear the door click. I open one eye and see my mom walking out into the hallway.

Thank you.

I close both eyes and breath in the rusty, cocoa scent of Iwaizumi's hair. Letting all the bad memories of last night wash away. We fall asleep like that.

Once I wake up again, it's already ten o'clock in the morning. Iwaizumi was still curled up next to me, and I guess while we were sleeping we moved closer to each other. I was staring straight into Iwaizumi's closed eyes. I could see his thick eyelashes wet with tears, and the crook of his nose had stains of salt on it. I could tell he had dreamed of something bad, I just don't know what. I don't think I want to know. I moved closer and rubbed my nose against his, snuggling closer, becoming smaller than he was.


I look up and see Iwaizumi awake. "Yes?"

"What time is it?"

"Somewhere around ten."


He sighs.

"Where did your mom go?"

I turn, fitting into Iwaizumi's curl. "She left before I fell asleep."

"Oh okay," He pauses. "Do you want to watch a movie or something?"


He gets up and grabs his bag.

"I only have my computer because I never took it out of my bag last night and I brought it with me, because well, I never really go anywhere without it."


He climbs back in and lays down where he was before, placing the computer screen in front of us. I press play on the mouse pad and put it into full screen.

The movie starts and Iwaizumi wraps his arm around me. I watch the aliens fly across the screen, screeching and laughing in a language that I can't understand. I sometimes wish they could take me with them. I don't know why, I just think it would be easier at times. 

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