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         The car squeaks around the corner and I see a bunch of people standing around my yard. Huh. There also seems to be a banner held up by two poles. I glance at Mom in confusion, but she just looks straight ahead, trying not the smile.

"Iwaizumi. . ." I look back and he has a huge goofy smile planted on his face. "Did you plan something for me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," He says.

"Iwa-chan. You're a horrible liar, I can see people in my front yard."

Before he could lie again, Mom turns into the driveway.

I look outside and see Mattsun, Takahiro, Mela, Takeru, Mei, Yui, Mio, Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Ushijima, Tendou, and in the shadows. . .Kageyama.

Kageyama? Wait, what? Ushijima? Tendou? What are all these people from rival teams here?

Iwaizumi opens the door and helps me into my wheelchair. He moves me to the front of the car and everyone yells, "Welcome Home!"

Mela and Takeru wave around the banner, which says the same thing.

Mela drops the banner, almost hitting Takeru, and runs over to me. "Tooru! My baby brother, how are you feeling?" She grasps me into a tight hug.

"My lungs are yelling at me right now, so not okay," I laugh.

She pulls away and blushes, "Oh! I didn't mean to squeeze you, heh."

"I'm just kidding with you, I'm fine," I glance over at Takeru. "So you're just going to ignore me? Your poor hurt uncle who's in a wheelchair? How rude!"

He grimaces, trying to hide a smile, "Well, Momma kinda let the sign fall on me, so I'm trying to hold it up by myself."

"Oh, Takeru!" Mela rushes over and takes the two metal poles from him. "I think I left my head back in Thailand," She laughs and blushes again.

Takeru runs over and gives me a hug, almost but not quite as tight as Mela's. "I'm sorry we couldn't visit, Uncle Tooru. We weren't allowed."

"I know, I know, it's okay."

He pulls away and smiles at me with one missing tooth.

"Oi! You've lost a tooth! Finally!"

"Yeah! And the tooth fairy gave me a dollar! A dollar! I've never seen an American dollar-bill before!" He jumps up and down.

I look knowingly at Mela and she blushes. . .again.

"Well, aren't you two staying with us?"

He nods his head up and down so much it seems like it'll fly off.

"Then we can talk more later! I would love to catch up with you right here and now, but I wouldn't want to keep my other guests waiting," I gesture toward where everyone else was standing.

"Okay! I'm going inside cause there's snacks and I'm hungry!" He runs, grabs Mela's hand and drags her away. She looks at me sympathetically, but I just laugh.

Mattsun and Takahiro slowly walk over and they just stand there. Hands in pockets, and shoulders curved.

"So, you're back," Mattsun says.


"We're not stopping practices because of you."

"I kinda got that."

"Iwaizumi has been pouting every week since you're not there."

"Hey!" He steps in and slaps the back of his head.

"He's not wrong." Takahiro agrees.

"Oh really?" I snicker.

"Come on, guys! What did I ever do to you?"

"Well you won't have to pout anymore, you get all night with him tonight," Mattsun says and cracks a sly smile.

"Eh?!" Iwaizumi blushes and shoves Mattsun.

"Well he's home now, so you can hang out in private," Takahiro adds.

"Guys, guys. Calm down. Iwaizumi and I were just fine in the hospital."

"O-hoh now!"

"Shittykawa, are you saying things that aren't true?"

"Nothing they can't prove," I laugh.

"Wow, I-uh-need to take this in," Takahiro rubs his head. "I need snacks, Mattsun, coming?"

"Right behind you."

"Wow, just wow," Iwaisumi grasps his neck and blushes again.

"We need laughter though."

"I'm not disagreeing."

"Oh good."

"Hello there," I look behind Iwaizumi and Ushijima and Tendou bow. I notice Tendou's knee is wrapped.

"Oh hi."

"I am sorry you got into an accident."

"It's not your fault, just some dumb teens."

"But I won't be able to beat you in the prelims this year."

I sigh, "My teams going, I just can't be in the game."

"Oh so we will be able to crush you? Goodie, and you get to watch while they fall apart," Tendou says.

I grit my teeth.

"Why did you come here again?"

"We wanted to stop by just to wish you good luck in recovering," Ushijima says.

I swear, that guy has no emotions.

"Okay, well, thanks."

Tendou checks his phone, "We should get going, if we leave now, we might still catch the bus."

"Yes, good idea," Ushijima looks me square in the eye. "Recover fast so I can beat you and you only," He turns and leaves.

"I can't with those guys."

"What can I say, maybe you should have gone to Shiratorizawa," Iwaizumi says.

"Hey! I thought we were over that!"

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