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            After the movie, it was around twelve. I don't know where the doctors were, but I'm guessing that they knew I wasn't going home.



"I need to go to the bathroom."

"Uh, okay," He stands and holds out his hand.

I turn over and take it. He pulls me up carefully and then I lean on his shoulder. Iwaizumi guides me to the restroom, slowly. Once I get to the door, I turn the knob and grab onto the sink. Iwa-chan closes the door and says,

"I'll be out here if you need me."

I reach out and grab the metal bar near the toilet. I hold it firmly and try my best to go to the bathroom.

I flush the toilet and move over to the sink, placing my hand under the soap dispenser. I wash my fingers and slam my hand on the knob, almost falling over. Iwaizumi opens the door and catches me before I fall flat on my face.

"Thanks, Iwa-chan," I pull myself up, my arm trying to reach around his shoulder.

"I guess it's very hard trying to take a piss while in four casts, huh?"

"Haha, so funny," I laugh as we start to walk back.

Right before I get to my door I hear a high, squeaky voice calling a version of my name.


I whip my head around and I see Mei running down the hall with Mom behind her.

"Oh, hi!" I grip harder on Iwaizumi's shoulder.

She looks at Iwaizumi and he lets go of me, Mei grabbing me into a tight hug. I wince, her waist pushing into my stitches.

"Tooru! How are you? What happened?" She holds my shoulders and pushes me so we're face to face.

"Uh, fine. . .can we sit down?"

"Of course! Of course! Iwaizumi, can you get the door?"

He opens the door and steps back. Mei pushes me to my hospital bed, and I try my best to crawl back under the covers. She sits on the side of the bed with her purse on the ground.

"I'm sorry I haven't visited yet, I've just been so busy with cheer and school."

"That's okay."

"But your mom told me a little bit of what happened, so I thought you were coming home today. I was waiting at your house when your mom came home!"

"Oh, right. Well, I'm probably not going home for a while. I had an accident last night."

"Oh, Tooru! I feel so bad, I wish you could come back to school! Yuna, Koharu, Yui, and Mio are all very upset that you're not there!" She places a hand on my cast.

"I wish I could go back too."

"I've decided that I'm going to come here everyday after school until you are able to go home. That's what girlfriends do."

My eyes widen, "What? But, I can only have one guests each day, and my mom doesn't count, so Iwaizumi helps me out each day," I frantically glance at Iwaizumi, but he averts his eyes.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"Uh, no. . ."

"So he's just a friend and I'm your girlfriend which means I'm going to come everyday."

"But Iwaizumi knows what to do around here! He's been here since I got here!"

"I'll learn."

"Mei," I look over at Mom standing in the doorway, "Tooru's right, Iwaizumi can get around here. Better than I can actually. Since they're both boys, he can help Tooru with. .other things. I don't think it would be a great idea for you to come everyday. Of course you can visit as many times as you want, but Iwaizumi is Tooru's helper," She pauses, "In the name of my son's health, I'm going to ask for Iwaizumi to stay."

Mei and Iwaizumi both look shocked, I'm shocked.

I look from Iwaizumi to Mom, from Mom to Iwaizumi. What just happened?

"Tooru, I'm going to go get a coffee from the cafe across the street. I'll be back soon, okay?"

"Okay, Mom. Love you."

"Love you too," She waves and leaves.

"Well, that was unpleasant," Mei says.

I sigh.

"Oh! Look at the time, it's almost lunch! Do you wanna get something to eat in the cafeteria? Oh wait. . .I planned a lunch with the cheer squad today. . ."

"Go, I'm not very hungry. I'll text you later."

"Thank you, Toorie. I'll see you later," She stands up, looks over at Iwaizumi, and gives me a long kiss on the lips.

I pull back after a second, she 'hmphs' and stalks out.

"I forgot about her," I say, laughing a bit.

"So did I."

"Isn't she unpleasant?"

"Well, you're dating her!"

"I'm actually not, I went out on two dates with her and she started to follow me around and call herself 'My Girlfriend'."



"So, you're not hungry?"

"No, I'm starving, can we please eat!"

Iwaizumi laughs and pushes himself up, "It's actually really nice out, but it's cold too."

"When did you go outside?"

"During your surgery, I had to take a walk."

"Were you worried about me Iwa-chan? Huh? Huh?" I taunt him, laughing.

"Maybe I shouldn't have been, I wouldn't have had to deal with you anymore."

"Yay! My Iwa-chan's back!"

"Ugh, my Crappykawa's back."


He laughs and smiles at me.

"But, what I was meaning to say was that it's cold outside. So, you should change out of this hospital gown and get in some real clothes. Your mom left some with me, I have them in my backpack, hold on."

He leans down and rummages through his backpack. After a few seconds, he pulls out a shirt, sweatpants, and my volleyball jacket.

"Your mom also washed this, so it's clean now, after the, uh, accident."

"Cool. . .you know I can't dress by myself right?"

His already tanish skin grows a darker shade. "Um, yeah. Yes I do."

"Okay, Iwa-chan. No touchie-touchie's on places that are off limits! But I know it's going to be hard, I'm very irresistible."

He hits me over the head with my clothes. I glower at him and grab my pants. I swing my legs to the side of the bed.

"I think I can do it, let me just try to lean over," I double over and try to reach my ankles. Pain screams throughout my entire torso, making me cry out.

"Oikawa!" Iwaizumi kneels down and takes my sweats out of my hand. "Let me do it. If you try anymore, you'll pass out and I'll have to stay with you. Which means, no food."

"Why do you have to stay with me, huh?"

"Well, look what happened last time! You found a way to spill your guts out!" He stuffs one pant leg on my ankle and then follows with the other. He has a little trouble fitting the pant leg over my boot, but in the end, he gets it. He pulls it up half way up my calf and then stands up. "You can do the rest."

I don't have to lean over as much, so I quickly pull up my pants. I roll up the right pant leg, allowing the boot to show. I maneuver around, getting the hospital gown out from underneath me, and then I take it off. I grab my shirt and put it on, followed by my jacket. I see Iwaizumi staring.

"Iwa-chan, are you interested in something?"

He blinks and shakes his head, holding out his hand.

"Come on, let's go get some lunch."

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