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           I'm going home! I'm finally going home. It sounds weird after many weeks of living in the hospital. Mom's outside at the reception filling out my discharge forms, while I try my best to get dressed. Since it's a Saturday, Iwaizumi is also here, he's just in the bathroom.

Once I finally get my sweatshirt on, Mom comes in with Dr. Kulima.

"Congratulations! You are ready to leave!" He holds his arms wide.

Mom smiles widely.

"But, I do have some rules for you to follow. One, you will be in a wheelchair for a while until your arms are out of casts and into braces, so it will kind of be like when you were here. By that I mean someone around the house will have to help you get up and down the stairs when you're not in the wheelchair."

"Mela and Takeru are staying with us for a while, so that will be helpful," Mom adds.

"Two, no school for another month or two. Next week you will be coming back here for physical therapy, so depending on how well you're doing, you might be able to go back sooner. You'll still be able to do the homework, since your friend Iwaizumi has agreed to help. Okay, next rule. Try to be outside as much as you can. It would be the best if you could spend at least an hour or two outside in your backyard, if you have one, just reading or whatever would be great. You've already spent too much time stuck in this room, so it's mandatory for you to get more vitamin D.

"There are some other small rules I have, but your mom will talk to you more about them when you get home, but I have one major rule I need you to follow. No volleyball until everything is fully healed and you can move properly. I do not want to see you back because your stitches opened up again. Volleyball is a great sport, and I know how much it means to you, but I can't have you risk your body before it heals. In all honesty, I was surprised that you lived the first time you got hurt. People's bodies usually don't survive after a fall like that, but you did and that's a miracle. So, doing that again would be a horrible idea. I will allow you to visit the games once you can maneuver the wheelchair better, just not play in it."

I look down, "Okay."

"But don't feel down! You're going home today!" He smiles.

"Excuse me. . ." The door opens and Iwaizumi walks through. "Sorry, that took long."

"No worries, Dr. Kulima was just finishing up telling us about what to do and what not to do," Mom says.

"Oh, okay."
"I can tell you are all restless to get home, so I'll be going now. But, thank you Oikawa for being a great patient," He smiles again and leaves one last time.

Mom wheels me out and Iwaizumi is at my side. We turn down the hall and into the main entrance, a bunch of nurses and a few doctors/surgeons stand there waving and cheering.

I start to glow.

Their voices all get jumbled, but I can make out my first and last name and a bunch of good luck. Mom smiles, waves, and wheels me into the parking lot, towards her car. Iwaizumi helps me stand up and Mom opens the passenger seat door. I rely on Iwaizumi's shoulders to get me there.

Once I get in the car, Iwaizumi climbs in the back and Mom folds my wheelchair into the trunk. She slides in next to me and starts the car.

"You ready to finally go home?" She asks.

"I think so. Will dad be there?"

Her head drops, "He's at work. I guess he had a huge business meeting today or something, but he'll be back around dinner. Sadly, I think it'll be just you, Takeru, Mela, and me tonight," She lightly taps my leg.

"Oh, okay. That's fine."

We're silent for the rest of the ride.

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