Chapter 1: Her

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Namjoon was sitting in front of the mirror, his eyes closed as the stylist worked on putting the finishing touches to his hair for the Lotte Family Concert, pushing back his dark brown locks before spraying them in place. He bowed his head slightly in gratitude once she was finished, his eyes immediately returning to the door yet again while the woman moved onto taming Taehyung's messy dark tresses. 

He reached for his book, trying to distract himself with some light reading, but his eyes continued to glance over towards the dressing room entrance. A dimpled smile appeared on his face when he saw that his friend had finally make an appearance. He immediately stood up and waved, hoping to get her attention as she glanced around the room trying to find him amidst the sea of staff and other band members. 

He had invited her a couple of times before to their shows, but the timing was never right. This was going to be her first time seeing his group live, and he was beyond elated to finally have her here. 

Namjoon also figured this would be a good opportunity to introduce her to the rest of the guys. Even though she had met a few of the members already, there were still the others she hadn't been introduced to yet, the ones who kept pestering him about this "mystery friend" since the other boys who had met her refused to disclose information about the situation. 

When she finally spotted her gigantic friend, she immediately broke out into a smile, rushing towards him and nearly knocking him off balance with the force of her hug, which he awkwardly returned. 

Even though they had known each other for the past two years, Namjoon was still getting used to his affectionate friend. Affection was something he wasn't very good at showing in general, even towards his members. He was slowly starting to make little attempts though, pushing out of his comfort zone to show affection through small gestures towards the people he cared about the most, even if it was still a bit awkward. 

The small commotion the two caused drew the attention of quite a few members, their interests piqued as they curiously watched their leader's interaction with the surprise visitor. Some of the members immediately recognized the familiar face while others were trying to figure out how she knew Namjoon. 

Jungkook, who had been sitting next to Jin, glanced up from his phone, observing the young woman standing in front of their leader. I didn't know hyung had a girlfriend, he thought as he heard her laugh at something Namjoon said before playfully hitting his arm. Jungkook couldn't help but smile, slightly amused by the whole scene. 

He was surprised when Hoseok walked up to her as well, excited to see her as the young woman eagerly pulled him into a hug. Who was she? 

"Hyung, do you know that girl?" Jungkook asked, turning towards Jin. The elder was still watching the scene, trying to recall if he had ever seen her before when he finally responded. 

"Hmm, I don't think so... but maybe we should go introduce ourselves," he suggested, patting Jungkook's back before getting out of his seat, striding over towards the small group as the maknae shyly followed. 

"Oh! Let me introduce you to some of the other guys," Namjoon said, excited for the other members to finally meet her. "Jordan, this is Seokjin, the oldest in the group, and our youngest member, Jungkook," Namjoon introduced, gesturing towards the two new faces while the young woman held her hand out, offering a handshake to both men. 

"Nice to meet you," she replied. 

"So, are you Namjoonie's girlfriend?" Jin asked, earning a small jab to the stomach from Namjoon. Jordan let out a light chuckle before shaking her head. 

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