The Ice Queen

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It was cold. The cold was hurting the flesh, slowing every move, making it hard to breathe. Every beat of the heart was slowed down. It felt as though time was standing still.

No changes would be allowed. No movement should be made. The snow laid on the grass heavily. It had come to pause all life, if not forever then surely for this season. The ice was so cold that it damaged the plants underneath.

"No more life. No more life... No more li-i-i-ife...", sang a soft, bright voice.

"I want no more life... here."

She stepped on the snow with bare feet. Her dress was thin. It was shimmering in the light of the snow.

"No more life... No more... Life... Here!" Her tone of voice changed into a commanding one, revealing desperation.

Her hair was moved by the wind as she turned around.

"No more life! No more Life!" she cried out, without losing any of her graciousness.

"Oh how I wish... just to feel the cold. Burn my skin with ice... and die."

Her skin was very light, almost as cold as the snow, it was partly covered by ice.

Her dress was almost fully covered by ice and snow. Some of the snow turned into cold water when it touched her skin and dropped onto the ground like tears.

She lifted one of her arms and stretched her fingers above the ground. Then she closed her hand, turning it into a fist. The hidden life under the snow was smashed.

A smile came upon her face.

"No more life! And no Change! No more Li-i-i-i-fe"

"I have loved you." A voice suddenly responded.

The ice queen turned around again, raising her hands to smash more of the hidden grass.

"Oh no, you don't!"

"I have loved you!"

"Get out of my mind!", she was almost screaming.

"I have loved you.", the voice echoed.

"NO!", she screamed

"I have loved you."

Clear piano music played as the voices sang their feelings. The ice queen screamed into the void.


"I have loved you."

Then the music changed, the brightness got darker.

"NOOOO! How could you? How could you hurt me then? How could you? How could you not care? How could you? How could you leave me here to die??"


After a while the ice queen figured she had won this argument and continued to sing:

"No more life. No more life. No more li-i-i-ife."

She looked around. She was still suspicious that the voice might come back.

"NO MORE LIFE!", she screamed.

"No more life.", She sang with a quieter and softer tone of voice. "No more life..."

Water dropped from her fingers.

"I have loved you."

"SHUT UP! I don't want you here. Who are you that you dare to come here? And how can you withstand the cold if you're not dead?", she asked deviously.

"I am the truth. The truth is cold. I've come to hunt you. Are you dead?"

"Dead inside.", she replied.

"No, You're alive.", the voice insisted.



The ice queen didn't trust that the silence would last as she started singing her song again.

"No more life... No more...", nervousness overcame her voice at last.

"Why the anger?"

"I'M NOT ANGRY!!!", she yelled.

"Can you lie?"

"No more life.", she repeated.

"Why the cold?"

"No more life.", the sing-sang never changed.

"Why the hurt so deep inside?", the voice asked sensitively.

"SHUT UP! And no more life."

She stepped forward through the snow.

"I have loved you.", The voice said.

"Who is speaking?", the ice queen began to accept that this conversation was happening.

"It's the truth.", it repeated.

"How dare you?"

"How dare I loved you?", the voice asked.

"How dare you leave me and forsake me in a place like this.", the brightness in her voice was shattering.

"You chose.", the voice reminded her.

"I chose.", she admitted quietly.

"It's not my fault."

"It's no one's fault.", the ice queen said, cold as her surroundings.

"No more life.", The voice said sadly, feeling like it might give up.

"It's good you understand. Now go.", The ice queen responded self-righteously.

"How dare you stay here and forsake you in a place like this?", the voice asked angrily.

"I have loved you.", The ice queen said.

"Who is speaking?", the voice responded.

"It's the truth.", the ice queen lowered her voice.

"The truth is cold.", the voice felt shattered.

"No more life.", the ice queen finished the song.

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