Monster (Attack on Titan oneshot.)

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     Okay. So, this merely based off something I did with a friend, like most things. It's not necessarily a ship, its just a oneshot thing. So, Hope ya enjoy, I guess.


   Two figures sat on the bed. One sat on the edge while one sat in the middle. Who excactly? Well, a female with short black hair, and matching orbitals(eyes), a rather short and bulky figure, and a red scarf nestled on her neck. Mikasa, this was. Her gaze focused on the ground, kicking her lower extremeties off the bed slighty. Eren, well. He had his upper limbs wrapped around his lower extremeties. Both were quite silent, having nothing to say or discuss.

   Minutes passed as the females orbitals stared at the clock that resided on the wall, listening to the constant ticks. still, nothing.

   Finally, after what felt like hours, Eren spoke. ''Y'know...I consider myself a monster.'' He spoke quietly, though. Mikasa heard this. Shaking her head in disagreement. ''You're not..'' Her tone was rather emotionless, you could say. Her gaze still on the clock. Minutes past and Eren didn't speak.
Mikasa turned her figure around, crossing her lower extremeties, she faced the male. Her gaze fell onto his, she was concerned, like always. ''..Eren..?''
No response, she expected this honestly.
''...What do you want..'' He spoke minutes later. She opened her maw, releasing a small sigh. Her digits slowly connecting together. ''What's wrong..?''
Eren tilted his head a little. "What do you mean? There isn't anything wrong..'' Mikasa shook her head in disagreement once more. "Obviously, there's something wrong. You're never this silent..just tell me.'' Eren released a groan. "Again, there isn't anything wrong. God, leave it alone.'' Mikasa didn't approve of this answer. She leaned forward. "I can see past your lies, and you called yourself a monster. Which you're not.'' Eren raised an eyebrow, now curious of her protesting. "How do you know this? Mikasa, for gods sake, I'm half titan! Pe--'' Eren was suddenly interupted. "So? Just because you're a titan doesn't mean you're a monster. I mean, you've done so many great things with your ability!'
  ''Like what? What the hell have I done?!'' Eren snapped, casuing the female to flinch. She was silent for a second. "You've helped take back Trost! You've taken down Annie, the female titan. Helped the scouts in so many ways..God, you've done so much.'' Mikasa stared into the others orbitals, her worry growing.

''Shut up....'' Eren scoffed, his fingers wrapping around his wrist, squeezing until they turned red. Mikasa was now really worried, reaching out and yanking his hands away from each other. Though, Eren tried to push her away, he failed. Mikasa's orbitals were slowly turning glossy, filling with a liquid substance. Eren just stared at her, feeling no guilt. He finally yanked his hands free. ''You're just like her...'' Mikasa tilted her head a little, doing her best to hold in the tears. ''J-just like who..?'' She questioned, being dumbfounded by his statement. Eren shook his head, moving to the edge of the bed, ready to push off and walk out the room. "'Just like who, Eren?'' She questioned again, beginning to get agitated, she grabbed his wrist and prevented him from going. Still no response, so she repeated the question.

''You're just like mom!" He shouted, his orbitals becoming glossy too, he wiped his eyes. ''Nagging, and nagging. Always worrying about me..'' Eren yanked his arm free and walked to the door. ''When will you just stop and admit I'm right..'' This ticked her off and pushed her final buttons. She pushed herself off the bed and marched over to him. Staring straight into his green orbitals. ''You are no monster! Why won't you just listen to me, Dammit!?'' Mikasa shouted, her nails digging into her own palms. ''If anything, I'm the monster! So stop talking bad about yourself.'' She breathed heavily, tears streaking her cheeks. He had no words, just staring down at her. ''We're the only family we have left, so start acting like you care. I can't do this alone and you know it..''
Eren would release a small sigh, shaking his head. He reached down and grabbed her wrist, stopping her from her actions. He still didn't speak, nor shed a tear. But, what he had said hit him. He knew she was right, but hated to admit such a thing. His pride was everything to him, well. Almost everything. Mikasa awaited her response, attempting to stop the flow of tears that treaded her cheeks. Eren reached his thumb up, wiping away said tears. ''Mikasa...I-...'' He didn't know how to form his response, a subtle yawn being released to stop him mid-sentence.

''I'm sorry.'' He told the female, meaning it actually. ''I admit you're right, that I'm no monster..I'm just...numb at this point. I mean..from all these years of hell we have experienced it's most likely natural..just..'' He stopped, trying to formulate his next words. Mikasa listened, her sobs had turned into small sniffles. ''You're not monster either, you're a caring person. You just don't show it as often...god. We're idiots aren't we.'' He chuckled a bit, though. Mikasa wasn't laughing, she didn't find that funny. Which he caught onto fairly quickly. "Not it. You have no sense of humor, do you?''
"I do, it's just non-existent now...I think. But you're right, we're just a couple of idiots.'' Eren showed a slight smile, embracing the other into a hug. Which she glady accepted and returned. "What now?'' She gazed up, releasing a small yawn from her slightly opened maw. "Well, we could sleep.'' Mikasa huffed a little and shook her head. "Sleeping is boring..'' Eren shrugged and raised the female up, walking over to the bed. He set her down, stretching a little, he walked over to the other bed. Sitting down, He yawned once more. This caused Mikasa to yawn again, in which they both chuckled a tiny bit. "Go to sleep..'' He suggested/told. Mikasa shook her head. "I don't want to.'' Eren would throw a pillow at her, causing her to fall on her back. "Ack--'' Eren chuckled. "Too bad.''

''Shut it before I get up and slap you.'' Mikasa crossed her upper limbs in disaproval. ''Whateverrrr.'' Eren playfully cooed. ''I will do it.'' Eren chuckled more. "Just shush and go to sleep, will ya.'' Mikasa rolled her orbitals. "Fine, Fine...But you better sleep too. And not just sit there and stare at me while I sleep. Okay?'' Mikasa rolled on her side, facing him. Eren nodded and laid on his back, resring his upper limbs behind his head. "Alright...goodnight.'' Mikasa nodded and shut her orbitals, slowly drifting off to sleep. Eren glanced at the sleeping one and smiled. Shutting his own orbitals, he soon too drifted off to sleep.

Alright, this didn't quite hit 1200+ words, but I tried. I hope you readers enjoyed this One-shot, and feel free to request more! Have a great day or not, wherever you are. See ya in the next one.

Disclaimer: This one-shot is based off something done with a friend, so it doesn't portray the characters correctly, just based off how they were in said act.

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