Annoying smile (Crink/undertale one-shot)

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  Hello reader, welcome to the second one-shot! This one features the ship crink, aka Cross x Ink sans. I dunno if this ship is popular, but I kinda like it, so. Here we are. Enjoy it, bruh.

   Ink resided in the doodlesphere, his frame currently hunched over. Constantly shifting orbitals staring at a blank sheet of paper. He knew this one all too well, X-tale. Or what was left, which was nothing. Cross being the only inhabitant left. Ink released a small sigh, placing the paper to the side. He stood, stretching out his limbs with a slight hum. He then turned around, seeing that his beloved 'broomy' was nowhere in sight. Strange, he thought.

''Broomy?'' Ink tilted his skull a little. ''I just had him, so where did he go..'' Yes, Broomy has a gender, funny right? Anyways, Ink scanned the space, his left orbital shifting to a question mark. He be confuzzled, big confuzzled. He crossed his upmost limbs, letting out an irritant huff. ''Well, I can't go anywhere without him. So that sucks..I was going to visit Blue today--'' He whined a little, disappointed that he couldn't see his friends. His form then flopped down, his legs crossing. He then stared up at the countless sheets of paper, which were the vast amount of universes within this multiverse. Ink then laid back, staring up once more. He'd stay like that for a few hours, quietly humming from the sheer sound of nothing, and boredom.

Suddenly, a red dot manifested within the doodlesphere. Ink noticed such, sitting up, his orbitals narrowed in confusion. "What the heck..'' Ink stood, approaching the expanding dot. Soon enough, it had formed an x shape, and out came a skeleton dressed in black and white clothing. It was Cross! Oh no. Ink backed away, his sockets narrowing. "What are you doing here...'' His tone had a small hiss of hatred to it. Cross chuckled at the others reaction. ''Just came for a friendly visit, Sweetheart.~'' He hummed, smirking with the intent of annoying Ink. Ink shook his skull, backing away more. ''Get out..and. I'm not your sweetheart..'' He reached for Broomy, remembering he wasn't. He grunted, which caused Cross to chuckle more. "Lookin' for this?'' He then held out the huge paintbrush.

Ink ran towards the paintbrush, in attempt to grab it. Of course, he was unsuccessful. Resulting in a immediate face plant. Ink groaned, sitting up. He stared up at Cross, an annoyed expression upon his features. "Give it back!'' Ink whined. Cross shook his skull at the pathetic plea. ''Nope.'' He then leaned on his manifested hack blade. Cross was just having the time of his life, while Ink wanted to strangle him. He huffed, puffing out his cheekbones. Cross smiled, ''Adorable..'' This resulted in a light rainbow shade tainting Inks cheekbones. Ink raised his scarf up, hiding the flustered features. Cross didn't allow this, crouching, he pulled down the males scarf. "C'mon, smileee..~'' Ink shoved him away, growling. "Why would I smile for you!''

Cross didn't mind being shoved back. "Well, you won't get your beloved paintbrush back then. Finders keepers..'' Ink stood, flinching his fist. Orbitals shifted to a explanation mark. He be angry rainbow. ''You stole it while I wasn't looking!'' He shouted, his anger being fueled by the second. ''Tsk Tsk. Anger problems, such a shame. Guess I'll have to snap him..'' Cross raised the paintbrush, a blaster manifested beside him, opening up it's maws and getting ready to fire.

''Wait! no, no!'' Ink reached out, being held back by a barrage of bones. Cross stopped the blaster, intrigued, the male arched an 'eyebrow'. ''Oh?'' Ink sighed a little. "Fine, Fine...'' Ink would smile, actually being a little amused. Though, Cross didn't find this enough. He approached, staring down at Ink. Ink be shorty, anyways. He then leaned down, staring into the others orbitals. Ink was rather confused, his cheekbones fading into a light rainbow hue. Noticing this, Cross chuckled. His own cheekbones turning a light lavender shade. ''Hm..what were to happen if I do this..'' Inks orbital shifted to a question mark, tilting his skull.

Cross leaned in, softly kissing the other on the 'lips'. Of course, Ink didn't know how to react. His orbitals completely disappeared. Cross stood back up, chuckling. Ink was still processing, if this was Error. Ink would have completely crashed. Cross backed away, grabbing his hack-blade, he cut open a portal. Dropping the paintbrush in the process. Soon enough, Ink came to. But, Cross was gone by then. He ran over to Broomy and hugged him. "Oh Broomy!'' Ink huffed. "Stupid cross..and that..annoying smile.''

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, I hope you guys liked this. Sorry it was too short, I legit had no motivation. Anyways, I'm still taking request. So feel free to leave them. Have a good day/night you guys.

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