Love so soon, but so late (GalliardxPieck-AttackOnTitan)

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Hello my lovelies! I'm so sorry for not writing for so long,, writing block is a big ol' pain, right? Anywho, this will be an cute little pairing I completely adore. They're perfect for each-other and no one can convince me otherwise. :> Anyways,, on with it! This contains partial spoilers? I think,, i mean if you don't know the characters and stuuuff,

The female pushed herself forward, currently in her titan form; the cart titan. The creature growled, seemingly tired, since it has spent months on end in this form. Though, finally this was about to be over as it reached from Paradis to Marley. Once there, the figures form had went limp and the raven haired girl popped from the nape. Sighing softly as hues blinked, irises dilating and adjusting to the brightness.

She so groggily made her way to the shared complex she called 'home.' Pushing the door open as she wobbled, walking on two feet had been hard again, no surprise there. Hues of grey turnt to face the female as a certain blonde stared at her,, ''Hello, Pieck.'' The male spoke softly, hand piece dropping the pencil he had been holding and waved. The female warmly returned the wave. Her figure so limply fell on the bed with a grunt. ''Tired?'' He asked, his figure fully facing her. She only nodded, but as he was about to say another thing. None other than the armored titan himself, aka Reiner, barged in. His features contorted into one of anger.

Porco growled and rolled his hues, a cold glare given to him. "What the hell, Braun?!'' Reiner rolled his hues and let out a growl in response. Porco, angered at the response, he stood and walked over to the other male. Collar was grabbed and ready to punch. Reiner scowled and growled again. Pieck was fed up with this bull-shit, her crutch was grabbed and quite literally y e e t e d at the two. Given a whine. "Stop acting like children!'' Porco released him willingly and walked back to his desk. Reiner turned around and walked out the room.

''What is up with you two, god..'' The female groaned slightly. Crawling to the edge of the bed, laying on her stomach. Hues observing him. He huffed slightly,, ''He's annoying as shit,, thats why.'' Pieck huffed as well. ''You two are always acting like children instead of grown-ass men..'' Porco inhaled sharply, growling at the females comment. ''Shut it, Pieck.'' Pieck shook her head piece and let out an amused giggle at the males obvious annoyance. ''No chance, Pock.'' He flinched, oh how he hated that name, turning back around, hand piece grabbed her cheeks and squished them. Bringing her face closer to his. ''Don't call me that, or I'll make you shut.''

Brow arched from the female as she yanked her head piece back. ''Again, no, Pock.'' Porco growled more and furiously pushed his lips against the females to shut her up. She let out a surprised squeak, a flame of red shaded her cheeks. Freezing, he pulled back and chuckled with a smirk. ''It seems like I've left the little Duck speechless. How lovely..'' He turned back around and continued his work. Pieck stayed silent for a little while longer, hues narrowed and contorted until she spoke.

''Did you mean that,,'' Porco took a second to process, ''Did you mean that kiss?'' Pieck pushed herself off the bed and stood beside him. ''Of course not, it was a joke..'' Pieck flinched, like her heart had been shattered from this. Giving him a nod, she went back to her bed and sat down. Now, she'd lay on her side, facing away from him. "..Pieck? Are you okay?'' The female hummed slightly, though Porco saw right through that. He stood and walked to the side of the bed to face her, crouching. What he saw had left him shocked. The tough, caring and compassionate female he knew as reduced to tears. He sighed softly and placed a hand piece on her cheek, a thumb rubbing it.

''Oh Pieck...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, but whatever did I do?'' The female scrunched up her nose and swatted away his hand. ''Get away, Galliard.'' He froze, Pieck had never used his last name. Whatever he did had really upset her. ''Wait-,, you like me, Pieck?'' The female nodded softly and turned the other way. Porco climbed in the bed behind her, upper limbs of his wrapped around his comrade, hugging her. ''P-pieck..i didn't know, I shouldn't have d--'' He was cut off by the female turning around, cupping his cheeks and kissing him softly. He took a second to process this. But, it was soon returned as he brought the female closer.

She then pushed him away and ushered away. ''W-we shouldn't be doing this..'' Porco tilted his head piece, ''Why not..'' Pieck had sniffled,, wiping her hues. ''We're- we just can't..and I don't even have much time and I don't want you to grieve over me,, I sealed my fate..'' Porco shook his head piece, a digit brushing away her tears. "Pieck..I don't care about any of that,,'' He pulled her close,, upper limbs tightly around her. Pieck returned the embrace and snuggled into the males chest.

"Thank you, Pock..'' He nodded and placed a gentle kiss to her forehead. ''Of course, ducky..'' This ruined the sweet mood, causing the female to surpres a snort and giggle. He lightly pouted. ''What? Is my joke and nickname not good enough--'' He turned his head piece away, scoffing. She giggled softly. ''Of course not, Pocky.'' He chuckled and placed both hand pieces on her cheeks, one then was removed and slowly slid down to meet her waist. Brow arched, and she was suddenly shoved onto the male as he flipped on his back. Hues of dark gold stared into hers.

Pieck stared back, very much confused. ''Pock, what are you doing..?'' Porco chuckled and pulled her down, another kiss was made, and of course she returned it. ''Make love with me, Duck.'' She jumped at that and shook her head piece. "P-Porco!''

Suddenly, the door opened and in walked Reiner again. He froze at the scene and gagged, both Pieck's and Porcos' head snapped to face him. ''Erm..looks like i came at the wrong time,, I'll just--'' He closed the door, and Pieck giggled. ''Pff..'' Porco huffed and crossed his upper limbs. ''Mood ruined..'' She leaned down and placed her forehead against his. ''I...I love you, Pock.'' He smiled and shut his hues. ''I love you too,, I want to spend every last minute with you my dear..''


Woah, Woah! You made it,, dont'cha just love the fluff? I'm great at that! I love this pairing, like said. bl2hebc1. so c u t e, anywho. See ya in the next one!

Disclaimer: None of the photos used are mine, they belong to their rightful owners.

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