I love you, so never leave me. (AOToneshot/Springles)

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  JLYFUYFUYF- I CRY- I C R Y. If you haven't seen episode eight of aot's season 4, I suggest you watch it. But be prepared with tissues, seriously. Gah. M e at.. Anyways! I like these two, I love them. And the pairing is cute too, hue. So i present you with this wholesomeness. 


   Light brown eyes seemed to scan the area lazily. The female huffed softly as she rested her chin on her fist. Legs swayed as she sat on the edge of the wall, Wall Rose to be exact. Her gear rested beside her, she felt no need to wear it at the moment. A yawn was stifled back as she rubbed her eyelids with a single digits. "It's boring everywhere!'' Complaining, she threw her hands up, groaning as she flopped on her back. Eyelids shut. After a few minutes of silence, the sound of ODM gear was heard. Eyelids opened as she sat up. ''Wha-'' It was Connie, whom landed beside her. ''Wassup.'' He spoke with a smile.

  A hum of acknowledgement was given as she waved to her friend. ''Cha' up to, Sasha?'' He came to a sitting position beside her. She shrugged. ''Boreeedooommm..'' He chuckled, causing her to giggle a bit. Sitting up, Sasha stretched. ''Yoink.'' She would turn to face Connie and poke his cheek. ''Eh?" Connie returned the poke, and a few seconds later, it became a poking war between the two. Filled with chuckles and numerous giggles. They stopped soon, taking a breather. Connie lied on his back, his eyes settled on the sky above. Sasha followed his actions, chest heaving up and down. ''Mmm..peaceful, isn't it?'' He nodded to her statement and shut his eyes. Though, Sasha wasn't having it. ''No peace for yooouu!'' She shouted and rolled on him, causing him to wheeze loudly. ''gAh. SAShA, gEt oFf- You'Re SQuIshInG MEEE.'' He squawked, but to his dismay, she didn't comply. 

   Sasha sat up and smirked with playful intent. Connie wasn't having it though, he crossed his arms with a huff and just stared up at her. About to say something, but suddenly, Jean appeared beside the two. A look of annoyance on his features. ''Ugh, what're you two idiots doing up here? You're supposed to be back at the base.'' He grumbled, shaking his head. Sasha just shrugged and rolled off Connie. Whom sat up with a grunt. ''We're just having some fuuun.'' Sasha whined, staring up at the annoyed male. ''Fun, ew.'' Jean rolled his eyes and folded his arms. ''Get up and let's go, it's time for lunch.'' With the mention of lunch, Sasha bounced up with a drooling smile. She fumbled to attach her gear back on, Connie chuckled while watching her. Standing, he would stretch out his bones. ''Let's go, Jean-y boy.'' Connie snickered and zoomed away. Leaving a grumbling Jean, and a hungry Sasha to follow.

   As soon as they landed. Sasha began running to the mess hall. ''Wow.'' Connie stated, chuckling a bit more. Jean side-eyed Connie with a curious expression, but thought no more. He would begin to follow the girl, leaving Connie to his thoughts. Which were abruptly stopped as he heard yelling. ''O h n o.'' Connie rushed to the scene. It appeared to be Sasha wrangling Jean for the last potato, good god. Connie sighed and then would grab Sasha's arm, yanking on her. ''Sasha, let g o.'' She shook her head aggressively, Jean shrieked as she began to bite his fingers. ''SASHA, NO, DON"T BITE HIS FINGERS.'' Connie yanked harder, and thankfully pulled her away. ''Good god, women.''  

   Sasha went limp and pouted, while Jean just backed away, internally crying. Connie groaned. ''Let's go, back to your room.'' Sasha refused. ''No, I am not moving.'' Connie slapped his forehead. ''Don't make me pick you up, because I can and will.'' Sasha shook her head repeatedly. ''C'moooon, it's time to goooo...'' He tugged her arm. ''Nope.'' Connie would stop. ''Fine then, have fun without your meat.'' He quickly ran over to the table and snatched the remainder. She gasped and screeched. ''MY MEAT.'' Connie was now running full speed down the hall, taking a turn to the rooms. Sasha was right behind him, furious of his actions.

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