Late night feelings (caejose oneshot/JJBA)

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  Hellloo readers! I apologize for not posting so soon. I've had no ideas. ;). Anyways, this contains the characters Caesar Zeppeli and Joseph Joestar, primarily. Enjoy my lovelies.


  Calm. That's all the brunette felt. His figure leaning against the balcony's edge. Messy hair flicked slightly with the oncoming breeze, causing the boy to shiver slighlty. He didn't know the time, but he for sure knew it was late, later than he should be awake. Aquamarine shaded orbitals glanced behind him at the large figure that rested in the best that opposed his. The blonde's figure rose up and down with each passing breath. Petals curved into a slight smile as he focused his gaze back onto the abyssal of stars.

   After what seemed like hours, only minutes had passed. The boy released a soft yawn, though. Suddenly he had heard a soft groan emit from the room, going stiff, he heard the bed shift as the blonde sat up. Rubbing hand piece over his eyes drowsily. "Mamma mia..Jojo. What are you doing at this ungodly hour..'' Silence, for a moment before the brunette spoke once. "I couldn't sleep...'' Legs swung over the bed, the blonde sleepily made his way to the balcony. Emerald shaded orbitals tiredly glanced at him. "Why..?'' Head piece turned, a sigh was released. "Nothing you need to worry about, Caesarino..'' Caesar groaned softly from the others nickname. ''Jojo, smettila di mentirmi, mia cara.'' The blonde spoke, though, Joseph hadn't the slightest clue what he had said. Shaking his head again. "It's fine, I swear..''

  Giving up the small argument, Caesar nodded. ''Alright..'' The two remained quiet for a bit. "Hey Caesar, have you ever wondered...about the future?'' This question struck the male out of the blue, shaking his head. "No, not really..,Have you?'' Joseph shook his head as well. "I'm surprised. A playboy as yourself, without a future? Shockiinngg..'' Caesar frowned is annoyance as he shoved the smaller male. (yes, Joseph is shorter in my version. >>)
Joseph released a soft squeak, his figure wobbling to the point it almost had fallen over. The blonde didn't allow this, quickly grabbing the others wrists and yanking him up. "Stai attento, idiota!" Again, Joseph didn't understand the Italian slur the boy had used. "Ugh, I said be careful, idiot..'' Joseph made an 'o' shape with his mouth, nodding.

  "Mmmm...Caesarino?'' Caesar's gaze stared at the other. "Yes, Jojo?'' After a second of thinking, mainly due to the lack of sleep, and his brain couldn't function. ''Do you looovveee anyoneee..?'' Once again, Joseph's question left the blonde shocked. His gaze adjacent to the others. He was lost in thought at the moment, causing the brunette to poke his cheek. "Earth to Caesarino.'' The boys head snapped for a second. "Hm? Oh, uh...yes-..I in-fact do.'' Joseph tilted his head, much like a puppies. Causing the blonde's cheeks to dust a pink shade, mumbling under his breath. "Weeelll...Whose the lucky laaddyy?''
  Caesar shook his head, chuckling gently. "It isn't a lady, Jojo..'' The boy cocked his head back, shocked himself. "W-what?!'' Caesar's slight smile disappeared. ''Imbecille, come osi..'' Joseph stood up straight, crossing his arms. "Who is it then?'' The already pink hue darkened at the question, fumbling with the collar of his shirt. His gaze adverted from the males, stuttering out a response. "W-well..uh.i..'' Impatient, the younger huffed. "Out with it!'' Caesar flinched before placing a digit over the younger's petals. "'ll wake master Lisa Lisa.'' He nodded and silently apologized, digits interlocking with each other. Silence had over come the two once again.

''So,, going to tell me?'' The brunette gazed back up at the blonde who was frantically trying to rid himself of that red hue, nodding slightly. "Only in hints though..'' Joseph grumbled, displeased with the answer, causing the older to chuckle. ''Così impaziente, così ... carino.'' A light pink shade contrasted the olive colored skin of the younger boy. "Well, out with it..''

  ''He..has..uh..Blue eyes. Yeah, very...gorgeous blue eyes.'' The Italian's cheeks turned a crimson shade at that. Joseph thought, he didn't know anyone that had those eyes. "I-...uh- don't know-'' A huff was given from the smaller, causing Caesar to chuckle. He then noticed Joseph's stature beginning to wobble. Placing an appendage around the boys waist, bringing him closer. Too tired to really care, the boys form fell against the other. "Mm..Tell me who it iisss before I pass out..'' He whined.

Caesar took a moment to reply, staring into those gorgeous, aquamarine orbitals. "Its's....It's you, Jojo..'' Taken aback, Joseph startled awake, stepping back. Cheeks dusted a even darker shade of pink. Caesar instantly regretting this. "W-wait..I'm sorry, Jojo..I-'' The words that were uttered next shook the blonde. ''Caesar, I love you too..'' Caesar gasped slightly, immediately embracing the smaller. Placing a hand piece on his chin, his thumb under the boys mouth, he forced him to look up. Bringing the smaller into a passionate kiss. After a second, the younger returned the action ever so lovingly. Joseph being the first to pull away, gently panted. Caesar smiled at the younger. The kiss seemingly resumed, the younger boys arms were so carelessly wrapped around the older's. While the older's hoisted the younger up and carried him to the bed. Placing him down, he pulled away. Seeing the tiredness in his eyes, he stroked the boys cheek. "Let's head back to bed, Jojo..'' Nodding, he laid on his side. Caesar then proceeded to lay behind the younger, arms pulling him closer from his torso. His face nestled into the younger's neck, humming softly.

  Soon, the two boys drifted off to sleep in each others embrace. And then the next morning, Lisa Lisa had walked in on them like this, silently shipping it.


So, you've made it this far! Good for you, my apologies if it was short and if there were any mistakes. It was nearly 1 am when writing this. Nonetheless, i hope you enjoy these two boys. I love them, and the ship. So, I'll be doing a few other Caejose. And a lot more JoJo ships. Have a good day or night.

Disclaimer: The picture above doesn't belong to me, it belongs to its respected owner.

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