Just some love. (JotaKak/JJBAoneshot)

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I hate not updating for a while, uyghj. Please forgive me.


   Black locks of hair steadily bounced up and down as light shaded eyes gazed around. A low grunt emitted the tall male as his lower limbs trudged along the sidewalk. His companion, the red haired boy whom was chattering idly next to him, could care less if Jotaro had been paying attention or not. Though, Jotaro was listening, and found it quite annoying to say the least. Anything could agitate the male easily, per say. So this was normal. Finally, Kakyoin had stopped his talking, his violet eyes moving to face the taller male. "Hey, Hey, Hey." He spoke annoyingly, wearing a smirk upon his face. Jotaro rolled his eyes and deflected his gaze, digits fixing his tilted hat. "Good grief..'' He muttered out. Kakyoin huffed and continued to stare. "Jotaaarooo." He practically whined, which seemed to have gotten some of Jotaro's attention. "What..?" He spoke in a gruff voice. "Where are we heading? I haven't seen Avdol, Mr. Joestar, or Polnareff around at all. Are we lost?" He tapped a digit against his chin and pondered. Jotaro shook his head in recollection. "Remember, they went out to find a place to stay. The old man wanted us to look around for maybe a place to eat." Kakyoin then thought for a moment, remembering such. "Oh." 

    After the small conversation, they two boys when quiet. Jotaro stuffed his hands into his coats pockets and looked around once again. Mumbling something under his breath, ''It's oddly quiet..no users in sight yet." He looked over to the red haired boy, only to find him zoned out - staring at what seemed to be a small ice cream cart. Jotaro released a small sigh and tapped the boys shoulder. This caused him to jump from being startled, "Yes?" He tilted his head to face the one whom tapped him. "Do you want something?" Kakyoin was further confused. "What do you mean?'' Jotaro scoffed. "I saw you staring at that cart..'' Kakyoin tapped his hands together. ''Oh! Yeah, no. I'm fine. Plus, you're being nice- which is odd." Jotaro rolled his eyes and grabbed his wrist, now practically dragging Kakyoin. Kakyoin yelped and squirmed, ''Jotaro! What're you doing?" He then released the other male and grunted. "What flavor?" Kakyoin stared in disbelief. "Uhm..cherry-'' He gazed at the flavors, Jotaro nodded and picked his own flavor; being strawberry surprisingly. Once the two boys got their cones, they walked off. "Y'know..you didn't have to do that." Jotaro gave a shrug. "Eh, I wanted some too, so don't think much about it." Kakyoin nodded and ran a hand through his red hair. "Yeah, alright." 

  As they continued walking, they spotted a bench, in which they seated themselves upon. Finishing the last of his treat off, Jotaro tipped his hat down. He let out a yawn, shaking his head. Kakyoin looked over at him, in confusion rather. "Hm?" Jotaro raised a brow. "What is it?" Kakyoin would huff. ''Oh, nothing - you just seem tired, that's all." Jotaro would obligate. "No, I'm fine. Just bored, is all. This is taking too fuckin' long." Kakyoin nodded. "I agree, th-'' He was interrupted with a small yawn, which caused him to grumble. "You're the one who seems tired." Jotaro stated, staring at the red haired male. 

   "I am not." Kakyoin disagreed, shaking his head. His treat had been consumed, that is. Jotaro would roll his eyes, "You can rest if you want. I'll be staying up, to keep watch for users." Kakyoin blinked, considering this. He nodded with a sigh and leaned his head back. "Wake me up if something happens..'' He stated before shutting his eyes, sleep over coming him in a few short seconds. Jotaro quietly chuckled at the sight and went back to looking around. A few moments later, Jotaro felt a tap, assuming it was Kakyoin. He turned back to face him, having discovered his head had fallen on his shoulder. Jotaro took a second to process, before giving a light shrug, actually - he'd never admit this, but he sorta liked this. A small smirk then overcame him. "Heh..''

  A bit later, he heard voices, and rather loud ones. Looking up, Jotaro found Avdol and the others heading towards them. "Good grief.." He tipped his hat. "Oi, can you guys be quiet?" He gestured to the sleeping Kakyoin on his shoulder. Polnareff stared in disbelief. "Wha- You're allowing him to do that?! My my! He does have a soft spot." The foolish man laughed. Joseph would chuckle along, though Avdol silently gestured to be quiet. They nodded, Jotaro then would lean his head back, tipping his hat forward. All he needed was a little rest..and some love.


Woah there! Apologies if this was short, I was tired while writing this. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this! This was finally a happy, fluff chapter. I need to do more of those, so I don't make myself cry.

Disclaimer: The picture above does not belong to me.

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