1: A Death at Akademi High

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At Wright and Co. Law Offices, Defense Attorney Phoenix Wright was sitting at his desk looking through his emails on his computer. His assistant, Maya Fey, and her cousin, Pearl, sat quietly on the couch reading a Steel Samurai comic book. For a few days now, things have been very awkward. It's been awkward because Phoenix and his boyfriend, Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth, have been having somewhat of a spat. Well, "spat" probably isn't the correct way to describe this situation. The two lawyers weren't even speaking to each other; and Phoenix was sleeping in his office. Whenever they would be in the same room, they would never make eye contact and would avoid speaking directly to each other. And whenever someone would ask what was up, either one would respond with, "He knows what he did." in a bitter, angry voice.

"If only we knew what they were fighting about. Then we could help them set things right." Maya sighed.

"Mr. Nick and Mr. Edgie aren't gonna break up, are they?" Pearl asked, pouting sadly.

"I hope not. They love each other, I know they do, so they can't let whatever this fight is about drive them apart. Sure, they're mad now, but if this fight ends up destroying their relationship, that anger will turn into sadness and hurt. I really don't want to see my friends sad and hurt." Maya replied.

"Then we gotta do something! We gotta make them talk it out!" Pearl said.

"You're right, Pearls, but first we need to know what they're fighting about. And we'll need both sides of the story, so I'll ask Nick for his, and you'll ask Edgeworth's for his." Maya told her cousin.

"That plan sounds perfect, Mystic Maya!" Pearl cheered.

"What are you two whispering about over there?" Phoenix asked them.

"Nothing!" both girls replied.

Maya grabs the remote and turns on the tv. On the tv was the news, and they were talking about a murder that occurred yesterday at a high school.

"Yesterday afternoon, Akademi High student, Kokona Haruka, was brutally murdered within the school." said the news lady.

"Oh no, that's horrible. That poor young girl." Maya commented.

"Number one suspect is fellow student and classmate, Osana Najimi." the news lady continued.

Shortly after Maya had changed the channel to something a little more cheerful, the phone rang.

"I got it." Maya said handing the tv remote to Pearl.

"Hello, Wright and Co. Law Offices, Maya Fey speaking. What is the nature of your call?" she greeted, answering the phone.

"Uh, h-hello, I'm Taro Yamada, and I really need Mr. Wright's help. My friend...Osana...she was accused and arrested for murder, b-but she didn't do it! She never murder anyone! Mr. Wright must defend her in court, please!" a young sounding boy replied.

"Hold on a moment." Maya told him.

She pulls the phone away from her ear and gets Phoenix's attention.

"Hey, Nick, there's a kid on the line saying he's a friend of that girl Osana Najimi. And he's requesting that you defend her." Maya said.

"Alright, let me speak to him." Phoenix replied.

The spirit medium hands the phone over to the defense attorney who speaks with Taro for a good ten minutes. When the conversation was over, Phoenix hangs up the phone and places it back onto the hook. Then he puts on his blaiser and grabs his briefcase.

"Come on, lets go talk to Osana Najimi." Phoenix said walking towards the door.

"So, you're taking the case?" Maya asked.

"Mhm." Phoenix nodded.

"Okay! Come on, Pearl." Maya said grabbing her cousin's hand.

The three of them head to the station and request to speak with the defendant. On the other side of that glass was a girl with very long ginger hair in pigtails.

"Who are you?" Osana asked grumpily.

"I'm Phoenix Wright, I'm your defense attorney." Phoenix replied.

"You're my lawyer?! Good! I was wondering when these idiots were gonna give me a lawyer! Look, I didn't do this, I'm not a murderer!" Osana said.

"Don't worry, Osana, I'll help you. Can you tell me what you were doing at the time of the murder?" Phoenix asked.

"I'll tell you exactly what I told those dumb cops! At the time Kokona was killed, I was sunbathing next to the school's pool. Then I took a shower in the girl's locker room; and after the shower, before I could even get dressed, I was being arrested for MURDER!" Osana explained.

Currently, the school girl was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants the police had provided her.

"Please help me, I don't want to go to jail! You gotta believe me, I had nothing to do with Kokona's death!" Osana begged.

"Have no fear! Phoenix Wright is one of the best defense attornies ever! If anyone can clear your name, it'll be him!" Maya assured her.

"By the way, your friend, Taro is the one who called us and told us to defend you." Pearl told Osana.

"R-really? He...did?" Osana asked, blushing.

Noticing the way Osana blushed, Pearl got excited.

"Oooh, is this Taro your boyfriend?" Pearl asked.

"What!? N-no! I...uh..." Osana replied flustered.

"But you like him, don't you? And if he's trying to save you like the handsome knight saves the damsel in distress, he must like you too! Oh, it's soooo romantic!" Pearl said with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Grrr, someone tell this brat to shut up!" Osana shouted, her face as red as a tomato.

"Pearls, stop embarrassing her." Maya told her sternly.

"Sorry." Pearl apologized.

Afterwards, Osana was taken back to her cell. On their way out of the station, Phoenix was telling Maya and Pearl that he had a strong feeling that Osana was innocent.

"So who do you think actually did it?" Maya asked him.

"I'm not sure, guess we'll have to figure that out when we start investigating." Phoenix answered.

Phoenix, Maya, and Pearl head to Akademi High so they could investigate the crime scene and ask the student some questions.

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