2: The Investigation

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Phoenix, Maya, and Pearl go to Akademi High to start their investigation. The school was closed down for the investigation, so there were no students, only police and a few faculty members.

"Look, there's detective Gumshoe." Maya said.

The three of them walk over to the detective who greets them with a smile.

"Hey, guys, you're here to take a look around, aren't you?" Gumshoe asked.

"Yep, are there any students around? I was hoping to ask them some questions." Phoenix replied.

"Sorry, Pal, the school's closed. There's no students here. But I do think the girl who found the body is here." Gumshoe said.

"Where is she? Pearls and I will go talk to her while Nick checks out the crime scene." Maya asked.

"She's in the Occult club room." Gumshoe replied.

"Occult club?!" Phoenix, Maya, and Pearl said surprised.

"I know, right. This school has a lot of clubs." Gumshoe chuckled.

Gumshoe tells Maya and Pearl where the Occult club room is then he leads Phoenix to the crime scene.

"Woah, that's a lot of blood." Phoenix said walking into the cooking club room.

"Yeah, poor girl was stabbed ten times in the chest." Gumshoe told him.

"So...whoever did this either really hated the victim, or is completely sick in the head." Phoenix said.

"I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, the evidence against your client is pretty d*mning, you got yourself a real challenge here." Gumshoe said as Phoenix searched the crime scene.

"Who's prosecuting?" Phoenix asked the detective.

"Miss Von Karma. It would've been Edgeworth, but he's busy with some other cases." Gumshoe replied.

"S-speaking of Edgeworth....do you know why he's been much more grumpy than usual?" he asked nervously.

"Who cares why Edgeworth's grumpy. The arrogant jerk is always grumpy, so why state the obvious?" Phoenix answered bitterly.

The detective's jaw dropped open and his eyes widen. He didn't expect such a bitter reply from the usually kind lawyer.

"Wait...is there something going on with you two?" Gumshoe asked...cautiously.

"Let's just focus on the investigation, Detective!" Phoenix grumbled.

"Alright, something is definitely wrong. Ya know you can just talk about it, I'm sure you'll feel better once you do." Gumshoe said placing his hand on Phoenix's shoulder.

"There's nothing to talk about! There's an innocent girl in jail and a murderer out on the streets. That is what we should be focusing on, not our stupid personal lives. We have a job to do, so lets do it!" Phoenix snapped shrugging off Gumshoe's hand.

"Uhh...o-okay." Gumshoe replied...a little frightened by the defense attorney's out of character behavior.

Meanwhile, Maya and Pearl finally get to the Occult club room. In the center of the room, standing on a rug with a pentagram printed onto it, was a girl in gothic clothing.

"Oh, h-hi." the girl said in a soft shy voice.

"Hello, I'm Maya Fey, and this is my cousin, Pearl." Maya said waving and smiling.

"I'm Oka Ruto." Oka replied, looking at her feet.

"You're the one who found the body, right?" Maya asked.

Oka nods, her hair covering most of her face.

"Kokona's death has created a bad energy within the school. I'm performing a cleansing ritual to rid the school of this dark energy, so that it doesn't attract evil spirits and demons." Oka explained.

"Tell us about what you saw on the day of the murder." Pearl said.

"I was walking down the hall, past the cooking club room, when I felt a sudden sense of dread. I knew something terrible had happened in that room so I looked inside and that was when I found Kokona's brutally slain corpse." Oka told them.

"So, you didn't see anything else?" Maya asked her.

Oka shakes her head, "no". Then she notices Maya and Pearl's attire.

"You're spirit mediums, right?" Oka asked.

"Yes." Maya replied.

"I need you to help me perform a seance to communicate with Kokona's spirit. I need to get the truth from her." Oka said.

"You don't think Osana did this, do you?" Pearl asked.

"No. Someone with a much darker, much more evil soul did this. I can feel it." Oka answered.

"So...will you help me?" she asked.

"Well, we could try, but I'm not sure it'll work. She died yesterday and it was violently, so her spirit is very confused and frightened right now. It's hard to contact spirits who are in that state." Maya explained.

"Hey, Maya, Pearl, we gotta get going. Court's tomorrow, so we gotta prepare." Phoenix said entering the room.

"Woah, this place is kinda creepy." he added.

"Coming, Nick. Bye, Oka." Maya said.

"Goodbye." Oka replied.

On their way out of the school, Gumshoe bends down and starts whispering into Maya's ear.

"What's up with Wright? He got all...mean...when I asked him about Edgeworth." Gumshoe whispered.

"That's what we're trying to figure out." Maya whispered back.

Outside the school, Phoenix bumps into a dark haired boy.

"Sorry." Phoenix said.

"It's okay. Are you Phoenix Wright, the defense attorney?" the boy said.

"Yes, I am. Who are you?" Phoenix replied.

"Remember me, I'm Taro. I'm the one who called you to ask you to defend my friend, Osana." Taro said.

"Oh, right. I knew your voice sounded familiar. What are you doing here?" Phoenix asked him.

"I heard you were here so I wanted to come find you to thank you for taking the case." Taro answered.

"You're welcome. I'm always willing to defend those who have no one on their side." Phoenix said.

The defense team head back to their office to prepare for court tomorrow. Franziska is going to be the prosecutor, so they're going to have to give everything they've got to this case. Maya and Pearl have devised a secondary plan for tomorrow as well. Their plan is that Maya is going to be with Phoenix at his trial, while Pearl follows Edgeworth to his under the guise of "being curious about the prosecution side of things" so that they can get the information they needed to help the two solve whatever problem is going on between them.

A/N: I just wanna say that Oka is my favorite character in Yandere Simulator. I love her so much, she's definitely my wifu. I even have her as my homescreen wallpaper. ⬇

I guess you can say that I'm really attracted to goth/emo girls.

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