3: First Trial

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It was the day of the trial and the defense team took a cab to the courthouse. Normally, they would ride with Edgeworth, but...well, ya know. When they entered the courthouse they run into Edgeworth and Gumshoe.

"Good morning, Gumshoe. Good morning, Edgeworth." Maya said.

"Morning!" Gumshoe replied cheerfully.

"Good morning, Maya and Pearl." Edgeworth said.

Then an awkward silence befalls the group, making Maya, Pearl, and Gumshoe very uncomfortable. 

"Hey, Mr. Edgie, are you prosecuting a trial today?" Pearl asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes." Edgeworth replied.

"Mind if I tag along?" Pearl asked him.

"Why?" Edgeworth asked.

"I was just wondering what things were like on the prosecution side." Pearl shrugged.

"So, come on!" she said grabbing Edgeworth's wrist and dragging him off.

"What was that all about?" Phoenix asked.

"Don't know. Ya know how unpredictable kids can be." Maya replied.

"Okay then." Phoenix sighed.

Phoenix and Maya meet with their client and her friend outside the courtroom the trial is taking place. 

"You don't have to stay, Taro. You can go home if you want to." Osana said.

"But I want to stay. Osana, we've been friends since kindergarten, I'm going to be there for you. You'd do the same if our positions were switched, wouldn't you?" Taro told her.

"Of course I would, you dummy." Osana mumbled blushing.

"Let's go in, the trial's about to start." Maya said.

Most of the people in the courtroom, who were watching the trial, were students of Akademi and were probably some of Kokona's friends. Across from where Phoenix stood was Prosecutor Franziska Von Karma. Her ice cold stare sent chills down his spine...like it always did. Then the judge walks in and takes his seat.

"Are the prosecution and defense ready?" asked the judge.

"The prosecution is ready, your honor." Franziska said with a confident smirk.

"The defense is also ready, your honor." Phoenix said.

"Good. Let the trial begin." the judge said before banging his gavel.

"I call upon my first witness, miss Musume Ronshaku. She may not have witnessed the actual incident, but she did witness the events that led to the murder." Franziska said.

The student that comes up to the stand isn't like any of the other students Phoenix had seen. This girl had expensive looking everything; from hair, to spray tan, to clothes and jewelry. Everything about this girl's appearance screamed "spoiled brat". 

"Witness, please state your name and occupation to the court." the judge told her.

"Hiiii, the name's Musume Ronshaku, and I'm the most popular girl in Akademi, the HBIC. For you losers who don't know what that means, it means Head B**ch In Charge." Musume said.

"Five minutes in and I already hate her." Maya whispered to Phoenix.

"Yeah, she's a b**ch alright. She thinks because her dad runs this big loan agency and is super rich, that she can treat others like garbage. And she is totally spoiled, her dad just gives her whatever she wants." Osana explained quietly to Maya and Phoenix.

"Miss Ronshaku, please explain to the court of the interactions you witnessed between the defendant and the victim." Franziska told her.

"Like, ohhhhh my gawd, listen up guys, cause I am about to spill. The. Tea!" Musume giggled.

"Okay, so first things first, you all need to know that Kokona wasn't all that innocent herself, the girl was a total sl*t." Musume began to explain.

Murmurs and gasps filled the room.

"I totally saw her in town several times going out on dates with older men for money. And when I confronted her about it she claimed that it was only "dinner dates", but that's total bullsh*t! I mean, with a rack like hers there had to be more to it." Musume continued to explain.

"HOLD IT!" Phoenix shouted.

"What does any of this have to do with the defendant?!" he asked.

"Well, if you would just shut the h*ll up and let me speak, I'll get to that!" Musume snapped at him.

"So, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted. One of the men Kokona was wh*reing around with was Osana's dad. So I'm guessing someone saw them at the fancy restaurant in town, took a picture, sent it to Osana, she got pissed and decided to kill Kokona." Musume explained...giving Phoenix the stink-eye.

"Is there any evidence supporting this claim?" Maya asked.

"Why, yes there is, Miss Fey. If the court would turn their attention to the screen, they'll see a text conversation between the defendant and an unknown number." Franziska replied.

Unknown Number: Hey, Osana, look who the school sl*t is with tonight. Is that...your dad?

Then there's a photo of Kokona having dinner with an older man with ginger-ish hair.


"As you can see, the defendant was clearly enraged by this information. She even said she was going to kill the victim. It's right there in black and white." Franziska said smugly.

"OBJECTION!" Phoenix called out.

"How can you tell if the defendant actually meant what she said? Perhaps she merely said that in a moment of anger and surprise. It's very common for people to say things they don't mean when they are upset and angry." he argued.

He pauses briefly, frowning sorrowfully with a hint of remorse, then shakes his head and gets back on track. Maya knew exactly what had ran through his mind during that brief pause, it had to have been about his and Edgeworth's fight.

"Besides, you can only see the back of the head of the man in the photo. So, there's no way to even tell if that man is truly the defendant's father." Phoenix said slamming his hands on the table.

"Be as that may, you still don't have any proof that the defendant didn't commit the murder." Franziska pointed out.

Phoenix grew quiet, she had a point, there was no proof that Osana didn't murder Kokona. Looking over at his client and seeing the fear and desperation in her eyes, he knew he had to think of something to prove her innocence...at least for a short while.

"Nick, look!" Maya whispered pointing to the corner of the photo.

"Whoever had taken the picture accidentally got their finger in the shot." she told him.

Taking a close look at the finger in the shot, the finger looked like a girl's and it looked expensively manicured. Maya tugs on Phoenix's shirt sleeve and gestures to Musume's hands, which had the same manicure as the finger in the photo. 

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