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One Month Later...

Edgeworth was in the living room, folding the laundry, when he came across that shirt...the shirt that reminds him too much of that day. The shirt used to hold pleasant memories, but now it just serves as a reminder of blood and tears. It reminds Edgeworth how much of a terrible boyfriend he was to Phoenix. He was now lost in a whirlwind of thoughts; thoughts of terrified screams, of a knife tearing through flesh, of blood splattering, of a breath and heartbeat slowly fading away. Now, Edgeworth silently cries, tears dripping off of his face and onto the piece of cloth in his hands. So lost in his emotional state, he doesn't notice someone walking up behind him.

"Miles?" someone said placing their hand on his shoulder.

Abruptly turning around, Edgeworth comes face to face with...his boyfriend, Phoenix Wright.

"Miles, hun, are you okay?" Phoenix asked worriedly.

The prosecutor quickly wipes the tears off his face then puts on a fake smile, pretending that everything is fine. 

"Yeah, darling, I'm alright. I'm just sitting here folding the laundry." Edgeworth said.

Phoenix sees the tear marks on Edgeworth's cheeks then sees the shirt in his hands. He takes the shirt from Edgeworth, goes into the kitchen and tosses it into the garbage can.

"Phoenix? Wha...why did you do that?" Edgeworth asked.

"Because, that shirt causes you too much pain to even look at, so I don't want it in this apartment." Phoenix replied sitting on the couch next to his boyfriend.

"You didn't have to do that." Edgeworth mumbled, continuing to fold the laundry.

"Yes, I did. Miles, I love you, I don't like seeing you upset." Phoenix said, helping with the laundry.

"It's alright, darling, I can fold the laundry myself. Besides, you should be resting, you're still recovering." Edgeworth said taking the article of clothing Phoenix had.

"Miles, the doctor said I could start moving around more." Phoenix sighed.

"She also said not to do strenuous activities." Edgeworth told him.

"Honey, I don't think sitting down and folding laundry counts as strenuous activity." Phoenix chuckled.

"*sigh* I suppose you're right. I'm sorry if I'm smothering you, it's just...the last few weeks haven't...been the easiest. Sometimes when I close my eyes...I can still see you in that hospital bed...hooked to all those machines." Edgeworth replied, tearing up again.

Phoenix cups Edgeworth's face and wipes those tears away with his thumbs.

"Hey, everything is okay now." Phoenix told him.

He grabs Edgeworth's hand and places it over his heart.

"I'm okay now." Phoenix said softly.

He kisses his boyfriend then presses their foreheads together.

"We're okay now." Phoenix said pressing another kiss to Edgeworth's lips.

Edgeworth hugs Phoenix and buries his face into the crook of his neck.

"I love you. I love you more than anything in this world." Edgeworth said, his voice muffled into Phoenix's neck.

"I love you too, Miles." Phoenix said wrapping his arms around Edgeworth.

After the laundry was done, the two spent the rest of the day cuddling on the couch watching tv. Neither one felt like cooking that night so they ordered a pizza. Later in the night, in bed, they just lay there in each other's arms. Phoenix pulls Edgeworth closer and starts to kiss him passionately. Edgeworth sighs blissfully into the kiss as Phoenix rolls on top of him.

"W-wait, Phoenix." Edgeworth groaned as Phoenix kissed up and down his neck.

"Why, honey, aren't I doing a good job?" Phoenix asked, breathing hotly against Edgeworth's throat.

"Yes, darling, you are, but we can't be doing this. No strenuous activities, doctor's orders, remember?" Edgeworth said gently pushing Phoenix off of him.

"Awwww, but...this isn't strenuous." Phoenix whined.

"Darling, sex is one of the most strenuous activities." Edgeworth said firmly.

Folding his arms across his chest, Phoenix pouts childishly.

"Don't be like that, Phoenix. Your recovery is top priority." Edgeworth said, rolling his eyes at his boyfriend's silliness.

"But, honey, I missed you, and I want you." Phoenix said snuggling up to Edgeworth.

"I want you too, but we can't risk it. So...no sex until the doctor says it's okay." Edgeworth told his boyfriend.

"*sigh*...Okay, honey." Phoenix giggled.

"Goodnight, Phoenix." Edgeworth said kissing Phoenix's head.

"Goodnight, Miles." Phoenix replied kissing Edgeworth's cheek.

Both of them slept peacefully in each other's embrace. When Phoenix first woke up in the hospital after the incident, him and Edgeworth apologized to each other for the fight they had. They promised each other to never let any argument, no matter what it is, get between them ever again. During his hospital stay, Edgeworth never left Phoenix's side. It was moments like this, holding each other gently, that the two realize that their love is stronger than any stupid argument...that it's stronger than some psychotic yandere with a knife.


A/N: The Ace Attorney games and the Yandere Simulator game are very great games that I love. So, this was very fun to do. I highly recommend watching the YouTube gamer, Kubscoutz, who plays both of these games. His videos are so good and very fun to watch. 

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