7: A Yandere Attacks

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Before anyone knew what was happening, Ayano leaps over the stand, tackling Phoenix to the ground and then starts to stab him repeatedly. The whole courtroom turned into chaos, everyone was screaming and panicking as they head desperately for the exits.

"PHOENIX!!" Edgeworth shouted horrified.

He jumps up from where he's sitting and rushes towards the horrific scene, with no regard for his own safety. The only thing that mattered to Edgeworth at this moment was getting that psycho chick away from his boyfriend.

"STOP IT! You're gonna kill him!" Franziska shouted cracking her whip several times at Ayano.

"That...hehehe...is the idea!" Ayano replied, ripping the knife roughly out of Phoenix's body and turning towards Franziska.

She runs towards the prosecutor, knife in hand, but stops dead in her tracks when she heard someone call out her name.

"Ayano! Please, stop this! Don't hurt anyone else!" Taro shouted at her.

By this time, Edgeworth had reached Phoenix's side and grabbed his hand holding it tightly.

"Oh my god. oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god." Edgeworth cried, seeing how many stab wounds littered Phoenix's chest and stomach...and the blood that pooled around his body.

"...M-Miles..." Phoenix choked out, his hand shaking in his boyfriend's grip.

"Shh, my darling, everything's going to be okay. J-just hang on." Edgeworth replied trying his hardest to remain calm for Phoenix's sake.

"Don't you get it, my love, everything I've done...was for you. It was all so that we can be together...forever. Before I met you, I didn't know what it was like to feel anything, I was numb to everything. And I after I met you, I finally understood what I had been missing out on my whole god d*mn life. I don't wanna go back to the unfeeling freak I was before...I rather die." Ayano told Taro as she slowly crept towards him.

All the bailiffs were too busy focusing on keeping the civilians safe and out of harms way to try and stop this...yandere. She backs Taro up against a wall and grabs his shirt, pinning him there. Osana tries to run to her friend's aid, but Gumshoe holds her back. 

"If I can't have you....no one will." Ayano said raising her knife.

"TARO, NOOOOOO!" Osana screamed.

Just before Ayano could stab Taro, two gunshots ring out in the courtroom. Then the knife falls to the floor with a clang, and Ayano follows immediately after. The girl had been shot...she was dead before she even hit the ground. Everyone looks to where the gunshots came from and saw a girl with long silver-white hair holding a steaming gun.

"I warned them that this girl was nothing but trouble. The headmaster and my father didn't listen. They didn't want a scandal, they didn't want the school's "reputation" to be ruined. And now look what their ignorance has wrought! A student has died, a courtroom is in chaos, and a lawyer is on death's door!" said the girl.

"Who's that?" Gumshoe asked.

"That's Megami Saiko, her father owns the school." Osana answered.


Gumshoe calls an ambulance while Maya, Mia, and Edgeworth surround Phoenix.

"Please don't leave me, my darling...please." Edgeworth sobbed, holding Phoenix's limp, barely breathing body close to his chest.

"Maya...Pearl can't hold onto me for much longer...she doesn't need to see this." Mia told her sister.

Maya takes Mia out into the hall, who immediately turns back into Pearl. Exhausted, the little girl collapses into her cousin's arms. 

"Mystic Maya...did we win the trial?" Pearl asked.

"Y-yeah..." Maya replied trying not to cry.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Pearl asked confused.

That's when a team of paramedics rush past them and into the courtroom, then they come back out with a bloody Phoenix wright strapped to a gurney. 

"M-Mystic Maya....w-what happened to Mr. Nick!?!" Pearl asked, starting to get scared.

The spirit medium couldn't hold it in anymore, she starts sobbing while clinging tightly to her cousin. Pearl's eyes widen when she sees the others exit the courtroom; Gumshoe and Franziska looked completely shaken up, and Edgeworth was covered in blood...Phoenix's blood. 

"What's going on!? Is...is Mr. Nick gonna die!?" Pearl asked crying.

"Come on, guys, lets head to the hospital. I'm sure Wright will be...just fine." Gumshoe said, trying to be as positive as he could manage.

 When Maya, Pearl, Gumshoe, Franziska, and Edgeworth got to the hospital, they all wait in the waiting room to hear about Phoenix's condition. Edgeworth sits, shaking like a leaf, with his head in his hands. Franziska quietly hands him a cup of water.

"Detective Gumshoe, go to Miles's apartment and get him a change of clothes. And take the child with you." Franziska said.

"You'll call if you hear anything about Wright, will you?" Gumshoe asked.

"Yes, now go." Franziska replied.

After Gumshoe and Pearl left Franziska sits next to Edgeworth and places her hand on his shoulder.

"This can't be happening. Phoenix can't die, he can't! Not now...not while..." Edgeworth cried.

"Edgeworth, I know you're very upset right now, but...please tell me what you and Nick had been fighting about." Maya said holding his hand.

"It's so stupid, oh god, it was so stupid. A few days ago, I came home from work quite tired and irritable, and Phoenix had just done the dishes, but I kept complaining that he didn't "do it correctly" and so he retaliated with childish insults. From there the argument just became an exchange of insults that got meaner and meaner, until Phoenix walked out. I'm such a fool, why did I let a small little argument get so out of hand? I should've apologized long ago, but I was too god d*mn stubborn, and now...Phoenix might die without knowing how much I love him." Edgeworth explained.

"Oh, Edgeworth, Nick knows you love him." Maya said giving the prosecutor a comforting hug.

"It seems to me that the fight was both of your fault, and that both of you were being stubborn fools. So, don't be so harsh on yourself." Franziska told him.

A half hour later, Gumshoe and Pearl return with some clothes for Edgeworth to change into.

"I thought these would be more comfortable than a suit." Gumshoe said handing Edgeworth a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

Fresh tears stream from Edgeworth's eyes when he saw which shirt Gumshoe had handed him. The t-shirt was Phoenix's...the one he usually wore when both of them had a day off and spent the day doing nothing but binge watching tv shows and cuddling on the couch. 

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