Chapter One

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          I haven't seen my brother in twelve years. My mom took me and left my brother and dad when I was two and John B was three. I haven't even asked if I could see him, I knew my mom would say no. We moved to Colorado from Outer Banks. I don't really know why my mom left my dad and brother, or why she didn't take John B. But, at this point its not my main concern, I just need to find my brother.
          Middle of the night, I have a bag packed, I plan on staying as long as I can with him. If I even find him...I plan to catch a ride with the college students who are going to the Island of Outer Banks for a couple days for summer break.
          I sit in my room as the clock turns to one in the morning. I sigh as I look around and quietly walk out of my room into my mom's, watching as she sleeps peacefully, not even knowing her daughter is going to be gone when she wakes up. "I love you mom." I hold back the tears, I know this is may be a mistake, but my mom has rarely ever talked about my dad and John B, let alone offer to take me to see them.
          I make my way downstairs, sluggishly dragging my bag along behind me. I make it to the front door, I take a look around at our open floor planned house, I take a deep breath and walk out the front door. I make my way over to the neighbor's house, hearing all their laughs and snickers as they pack their car. The two boys that live in the house notice me as they are about to close the bed of their truck, "You ready to go?" the taller freckled, frat boy named Dylan asks. I sigh and look at both boys, "lets do this." They both laugh as they get into the driver and passenger seats, I throw my bag in the back seat with me and immediately put my headphones in and drift off to sleep.
          After suffering through many hours in this car with these frat boys, we finally have less than an hour till Outer Banks. I stare at the paper in my hand with the supposed address of where my dad and brother live. I'm not worried about my dad, but what if John B doesn't remember me? What if he just completely forgot that he has a sister? My head starts spinning through all the horrible things that could happen when I see him. I just stare down at the paper until I feel the car come to a stop. "We are dropping you off here, you can get changed in the bathrooms, we need to get to our hotel in ten minutes and we don't have time to drive around the island to look for your dad's place." Dylan says and looks back at me with an apologetic look. I sigh and grab my bag, "Thank you, It really means a lot." I smile and get out of the car, hearing them drive off.
          I look up at the restaurant, 'The Wreck', I read to myself and nod as I walk in. I keep my eyes on the ground while looking for the bathroom. Finally I find It and I rush in, throwing my bag on the ground of one of the stalls and change. I look like a complete outsider in my sweatshirt and sweatpants. I didn't get a good look of the girls I passed, but they all had such a beachy vibe to them. I change into a pair of light-washed shorts, a light purple cropped tank-top with a black and white flower designed button up t-shirt to go over. I decide to keep my orange colors vans on and I go out of the stall and stand in front of the mirror. I put on a little bit of makeup and let down my brown waves from the original messy bun my hair was in. Finishing everything off with adding a couple bracelets and necklaces.
          I stare at myself in the mirror, not even recognizing the girl I see. I bought new clothes every couple days a month before I was set to leave. I wanted to make sure I look like I belong here, not that it is going to matter, I still keep going back to the thought of what if Dad and John B don't recognize me. I sigh and throw my bag over my shoulder and walk out of the bathroom, keeping my head up with time. As I walk by the tables, I feel like people are staring at me. I gently start shaking and rush faster out of the restaurant.
          I start walking to the address I have on the paper. I feel like this is gonna be a long walk, I sigh. I keep walking and keep walking, till eventually I look up, and there it is. This house may not be much to look at, but it's who is hopefully inside. As I walk up to the porch, I notice an old volkswagen van. I nervously knock on the door, seeing a tall, dark-skinned boy appear a few moments after. I shyly smile at the boy as he opens the door, "Hi um, I'm GraceLynn." The boy nods, "I'm Pope. Uhh...can I help you with something?" He scratches at the back of his neck awkwardly. "I'm looking for John B Routledge? He maybe lives here?"
          Pope steps aside, gesturing for me to come inside, "um..just follow me..i guess." I walk inside seeing a blonde, messy haired boy laying on the couch bed right beside the door. That's not John B. Then I see a girl at the end of the couch holding a ukulele, so unless I missed something, that is defiantly not John B.  
          "Hey John B! This girl is looking for you." Pope steps out of the way so everyone sees me, then I see him. My big brother, John B, standing in the kitchen looking at me with his eyebrows raised.


AHHH! I hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! I know the beginning is a little stupid, but I promise I have such big plans for this book! I'm so excited to share it, even if it doesn't get reads, I'm still so happy I decided to write this fan fiction!

John B's Little Sister  // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now