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So, this is my book of randomness. There is no intro because we're just diving in head first. I'm on that time of the month and my whole body feels bloated, and it sucks. I downloaded the Sims 4 Brookheights Beta Mod 0.3 something, and now The Sims 4 keeps crashing even though I installed everything right. I have writer's block for To Be Free and I started a new save. I was taking a long time because I was thinking ahead into Tales from The Ocean Family and I was working on books 2,3,4, etc. when I should be focusing on book 1, and now I can't think of what to write. I'm kind of lonely because of this quarantine and pissed that my grandparents aren't speaking to Mom because of some petty political disagreement and I'm even more pissed that they chose Trump over their own daughter. I don't ever wish death on anyone, and I certainly don't wish death on Trump, as that would make me no better than the monster, but a secret dark side of me hopes that either he'll die of old age soon or that he and Mike Pence will get arrested for their crimes and get stuck in jail for life, no parole. Sorry to get political. I try to keep an open mind to both sides and stay neutral, but I'm mostly liberal, but I don't hate Trump for that reason.

I have a personal vendetta against him because of the negative, racist things he's said about South Korea, however few that may be. Half-South Korean here, hello. I take things personally when you insult my ethnicity and heritage, and that's just my personality, so complain I'm too sensitive all you want and call me a baby for this while you're at it, but I guarantee you'd react the same way if he insulted your ethnicity and heritage, also I really don't care if you make fun of me. You can make fun of me all you want. However, if you make fun of my loved ones, you'll get a big and unpleasant surprise from me.

Anywho, I'm feeling a lot better than I was, I'm pretty happy even though it's fall, but I still miss Dad and I still struggle with intrusive thoughts because of everything that's going on. I wonder where Dad is now, and if he's happy, and if he's proud of me. If I ever got married, I wish he was here to walk me down the aisle.

I've started a new save in The Sims 4 for Tales from The Ocean Family because I wanted to fix some stuff with different characters. I've darkened Jade's skin and changed her eye color to brown, and made Allison darker as well, along with some other changes.

And I want to ramble more as I have so much to say, it's on the tip of my tongue, but it won't take form. I should probably get some sleep, goodnight.

Random book of Randomness (Mostly Jas Rambling when she should be asleep)Where stories live. Discover now