The contract with Zayn!

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                     "I feel that being a smartass is my duty. the pay sucks but the work is very rewarding!"
                               👆'Dynamite' by BTS! well, I like the song so don't mind you could enjoy too or                                                                          whatever! so, let's just hit Aiyana!💥
                                                                                              Dedicated to irizakeilla!❤


"he's a total ass Duncan, I can't live my whole life like this!" I complained while Duncan scanned my body ! what? am I naked or something? I looked back at my outfit! boy, I think I'm still wearing my shorts and a vest, so why in the Earth is he ogling my body?

"Dunc!" I called

" I was trying to analyze what you told me" he lied which made me hit him with a pillow which was resting on my laps

"c'mon" he laughed and I joined the laughter "do you know how to even smack someone?"

"no! until I show you how good I'm at that"

"really?" he raised his brow as well as I rolled my eyes .' a sigh' "well, I know Jamal! he's rude and whatever else though he's becoming so much of an asshole these days!"

"since you're supporting me, I'm gonna quit" he looked at me and stayed silent "how can I survive without even having a lunch or a break? I'm not a robot nor some kind of machine so I'll be paid anywhere for my hard work not from slavery" I explained 

"don't worry about lunch stuffs , it'll be ok, trust me"

"anyways you didn't tell me what you were discussing with him because he became much of a jackass when you left"

"nothing big Barbie! just some issues which needed to be solved" on the instant his phone rings

"yep" I couldn't hear what the person on the other line is saying nor would I recognize him "ok! I'm coming" he hanged up and looked at me " I've got an emergency cutie, we gonna talk later ok?" I nodded as he stood up and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. Duncan has became so familiar and I'm more glad because he isn't one of Jamal's hot buddies. I hate that work so much but I'm now hating it even more cause my alarm to work on some files that jerk gave me, started buzzing when Duncan and I were kissing and I'm not even sure of what could have happened if it hasn't been a bitch! have you ever heard a boss who even gives you ten files to work on over the weekend and has to be submitted Monday 8:00 am sharp?  God! he's so vexatious! I looked on my watch,7:49pm . I sighed as I laid on my bed. tomorrow is Monday! I'm already irritated! since that day when I cried in my office, I've learned how to deal with him. doing what he says with my mouth shut and show no annoyed expression because when I'm irritated, he's motivated to jerky me around! and he's really getting on my nerves ! I was pulled up in my trail of thoughts by the play of my favorite Ladygaga song. looking at the screen, I was like oh shit! I had told Gavin that I'm coming over and here I am laying stupidly on my bed.

"hey Gman" 

"hey Yanai! where in this city are you?"

"I'm .. I'm on my way"

"so can you stop, enter any shop and so I tell you what to bring for me?" he said challengingly and I know that I'm caught

"I'm sorry I'm still home but I'll be there in no more than ten minutes" another lie

"I'll always find it out if you're lying to me so, I know what to do with you when you're here"

"what will you do Gav, you know very well that I can kick your ass in a blink of an eye"

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